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What grade would you give Bioware today?


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"B" I'm not giving them an A mostly because they could have invited at least one more wave or maybe 2 more. They did good by not inviting everyone but they could of finished off the July pre orders. It just seems like there was alot of space left on the servers which means that not enough people were invited yesterday. Other then that, I think they handled it well.
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"B" I'm not giving them an A mostly because they could have invited at least one more wave or maybe 2 more. They did good by not inviting everyone but they could of finished off the July pre orders. It just seems like there was alot of space left on the servers which means that not enough people were invited yesterday. Other then that, I think they handled it well.



that isnt an issue for you because you are in... but those left out thats a FAIL right there..

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The thread is to give your opinion, grade. Everyone's opinion is their own and valid. You can give it an A if you like. But when you play BW defender and attack anyone with a different opinion, that reflects really badly on you. If you actually were a BW representative you would be making your company look really bad. I am sure they would agree that you should stop representing them, if that is what you think you are doing...


Did I, anywhere in my post, claim to be representing Bioware or claim to be affiliated with them in any way?


As you said, this thread is to give my opinion. That is what I'm doing. And the OP's post was riddled with inaccuracies, assumptions, and outright fabrications. Sorry I called him out for it. I'm not the only one who's done so, mind you.

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A+ for sure...They kept to their word and people who pre-ordered early like myself (July 21th a mere few hours after the game was able to be pre-ordered...) And I was there at 6 10 am...Not ONE server hick up either! Simply amazing launch so far...
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For me: A-




You were an idiot if you took off work without knowing whether you'd get in or not. Let me restate that: Idiot. Unless you bought the game the first couple days it was out, you were an idiot to waste vacation/off-shift time from a job to play a game when you were given absolutely no guarantee that would happen.


Repeat: absolutely no guarantee.




Please try to think a bit more. The first few days of pre-orders had as many (or more) orders than the entire month of November. Even considering that, it's stupid to think that they are going to front-load the distribution of EGA. Stupid. The whole point of EGA is to reduce the front-loading of game release.


If you don't understand how computers work or how to run an internet service works, then just remain silent.




See point above. If you don't know what you're talking about, please just keep your thoughts to yourself. If they keep hitting the servers with waves of new players, the engineers monitoring them will never get to see how the load is being handled, and won't have time to adjust and ensure that the fixes are working.


The correct way to do this (speaking as someone who actually supports a service with a half million customers) is to --and let me know if this sounds familiar-- is to roll out partial service in measured clumps watching for short term failures. If the service handles the load, you sit back and watch it for 24-48 hours to ensure there are no long-term problems. Then you add more load and repeat.


How many customers does your service support? How many deployments/upgrades have you done?




I don't see how this affects me. I'm all for Bioware fixing the exploit (assuming it exists), but considering that the only people interested in using it were the ones mindlessly grinding to lvl50, I can't seem to scrape together much caring. You might as well just let them manually set their level to 50. Who cares how they get there?




Yeah, the servers are lightly loaded. It's the first round of loading.


You really don't know how to support a service, do you?




First: that's an opinion. Second: from what I've seen, it's no worse than the one they had for the mass-beta, and considering the feedback, I'd say your opinion is in the minority.




Wait. I thought you were listing bad things.


Oh. You actually want a combat log? So you can run a huge statistical breakdown and either prove that you're so better than that guy over there, or turn a game into some professional obsession. Whatever. I have a job. I want a game to play. Sorry that Bioware isn't catering to your entitlement. Life must be really hard for you.




Considering everything that came before this, I'm not sure I'm sad.




Right. That totally convinced me that you're being reasonable and not being a childish, entitled, and immature whiner.


I'm gonna cheat and copy his answers. I actually want to give them an A+, but, well, I'm not going to get all the names I want, and that's BW's fault. :p (That was sarcasm; an A- is pretty darn good, with room for improvement.)

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IMO, their approach over the launch shows a commendable regard for the quality of the game experience for the people already in the game. Those on the outside are upset, but if you put your name down first, you get in first, it is as simple and clear-cut as that.


If that player-first approach continues through the life of the game, post-launch we will see a game where the changes made are driven by the in-game community and the usage metrics gained from the operation of the servers, not from the disaffected ranting of forum trolls who throw their toys out of the pram at the first sign of opposition.

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that isnt an issue for you because you are in... but those left out thats a FAIL right there..
I never got in today lol. I preordered on Sept 1. I doubt I'll even get in tomorrow. Still I would rather get in later than wait in hour long queue's, lag like hell while playing and then crash and have to wait again for hours in the queue. I approve of Bioware doing it the way they are. I just wish they would invite more each wave or do more waves each day. 7 - 8+ would be ideal. Edited by Sithstalkerr
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For such a great game its a shame they didn't put the time & care into EGA.

They know their preorder #'s & have a rough idea when people will get in the 7 day time frame.

I just feel like they dropped the ball & left people hanging unnecessarily.

They did the stress tests before & could have hit a home run with this EGA if they chose too.


Best Buy Chat session was a complete disgrace. Both technically & content wise.

This launch so far seems mediocre & 1/2 azz.


I'd give today a "D" overall.

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Never have i seen so many pissed off nerds


Of All the things i've seen online nothing has made me laugh quite as hard as some of the things i've seen people say today.


I'm actually really happy if people ragequit over something so dumb, as it only weeds out the bad community that we dont want anyway

Edited by kDeviL
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I would give them a solid C- based on today alone.


While I understand that they're not intentionally trying to upset their fan base and customers, they have not done nearly enough in communicating WHY they are doing what they are doing. So regardless, the end result is the same; a lot of upset customers that may hold it against the company and their game for some time.


In my personal experience when they changed/updated the website/forum my pre order code, though it was redeemed before, was now somehow lost. I've emailed their customer support with all the information requested in their FAQ on the topic earlier today. I have yet to receive a response. I was not expecting to get in today, though I am always hopeful that I will get in as soon as possible. I preordered as soon as it was available on Origin, but that meant not redeeming code until SEPT.


Anywho, hope you all have a fun and (hopefully) early start to your saga! It is a game after all, so try to have some fun with it. Regardless of when it happens ;)


- Matt

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Never have i seen so many pissed off nerds



QFT!! In a weeks time all these people crying about the EGA won't care because they will be playing! People are bored/pissed because they didn't get into EGA yet.

Give me a break, EGA wasn't even supposed to start till the 15th!!!


Bioware gets a A+ from me, even if I was waiting till Dec.19 to get into the EGA!


Grow up people!!! Star Wars fans shouldn't act like this!!!

Edited by MrLeee
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Bioware needs to say what I want them to say. I want what I want and I want it NOW. Weeaagh.


Its not what I want, its what the community who has not be answered wants. They want more concrete answers, not just lame simple answers like they want the servers not to crash.


Newsflash, Servers crashes all the time (on launch), a simple maintenance can fix em, and in time the server will be stable for a long time.


Edit: As a paying customers, we are entitled to be served pronto. I aint paying something that I do not like or want. When I pay for an MMO, as a customer I EXPECT to have a GOOD customer service, otherwise I as the customer will no longer pay for a MMO.

Edited by Szazi
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I would give them a C .... Its an MMO they should be trickling in people 24/7 especially since people play in multiple times zones. I say trickle not mass groups, because many may be at school or work and will all of a sudden see a server peak even though more people have not been let on. With so many pre-orders I don't blame them for staggering the pre-order people it allows them to monitor server stability. Although with EA and BW's resources c'mon they could have had much more staff working over time, maybe more servers ready to go etc?


LOL I recall wayyyyy back when playing EQ I think before Sony bought Verant one of the guys saying there was only 2 of them working in this server room in their boxers and undershirts at 100 degrees at like 4 am! Trying to get one of the expansions running or a server crash fixed or something! That is dedication! C'mon Technology and the amount of man power has greatly increased shape up EA!


P.S. an estimated list would have been nice? like july to aug day 1? etc so people can get a rough idea what day they will get in?

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You want answers from Bioware but posting on a public forum? Expect non-employees to answer.


In other mmo companies, the Community Manager is employed to answer questions on the forums. However, the one here thinks he works for Titter.

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A couple of my friends got in and they said it's basically a ghost town for most of the time. Looking at the server pops is very indicative to what's actually happening here. They're creating an "unbalanced environment", giving players a massive advantage in endgame, server progression, gearing up for PVP/PVE, griefing, and a clutch over the in game economy which is the worst of it. It's very unfair. And with talk about despite 2 additional days added to the "EGA" they may still only get 1 day is very disappointing. 1 day early access is a slap in the face basically.


Add in the "btw, no grace period after all", and there's no grade higher than a solid "F" that they can get. Many players don't trust BioWare at all now, and that's not good for the future health of the game.

Edited by Jrzez
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A zero level F.


And not because of the early access staggered release crap. Mainly it comes from the no grace lies and really horrid responses and issues with their customer service.


At this point right now, I would have to agree with this. I have been lied to a number of times from the customer support when trying to get account issues resolved. Taking 2 months to get my account pre-order in line, is just plain poor performance and highly frustrating.

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Would give.them a straight A+++


They have done exactly as they promised and wrote.


They said you may get up to 5 days early access depending on when you entered your Pre order code.

They even extended that with 2 extra days!!


They are letting ppl into the game according to their code date just as promised. The extra you deposited to pre order will be deducted when you pay the full price or refunded if you cancel.


And if you ordered within the last 7 days you should already have ur game copy....if you are waiting and still only have paid the early access so you have to wait until after release before ur copy arrives?? Well that is your own problem.


I fail to see any wrong doing from bioware since they are delivering exactly what they promised and has been written for a long long time.....

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Never have i seen so many pissed off nerds


Of All the things i've seen online nothing has made me laugh quite as hard as some of the things i've seen peoplel say today.


I'm actually really happy that people ragequit today, as it only weeds out the bad community that we dont want anyway


i agree i honestly could care less what day i get in as long as i do get in and all of the raging nerds who are still around later today and get invites today are going to thank BioWare for staggering because there wont be a million people to fight for kills on the starting worlds

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