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Another Insult to the EU


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Why do you guys have such a problem with the idea that EU server maintenance should be done at EU nighttime? Why is this such a problem?


I just quote myself:

I can kinda see a point in having different maintanance times for European and US servers, but, this isn't necessarily easy to do:

In TOR, you can have characters on multiple servers and you are not limited by your location which server you pick. As a matter of fact, my chars so far are all on an American Server.

Now the question is: What would happen if there were different times for maintanance for the different region?

How does the game updater know whether it should load the most recent update already or not? He can't trust my location. He may check what characters my account has and if they are all on only European or only American servers, there may be an answer - but otherwise, I'd be restricted from playing some of my characters for basically twice the time I would be now.

Then, there may be aspects on their own server infrastructure that may make this difficult, For example, the system may expect all servers to have the same version and there may be behind-the-scenes load-balancing between servers (The servers we see in game may not always line up to with physical machines).

And of course, they would suddenly need to spend about twice the time they do now on maintanance. Which may require additional personnel.


Nothing may be unsurmountable, but sometimes it's just easier to accept that a few people won't be as happy as they could be due to maintanance.


So, there are problems with the approach. It may be possible, but it may also require more work than it's worth.

And, just to note, one inconsistency: EU Nighttime will also not help every shift-worker, either.

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It surprise me that maintenance is for both EU and USA servers while servers for the EU and USA are separated. Can't they just split their maintenance for EU and USA times and don't give some people short end of the stick? On the other hand, if servers are in the Ireland... Maybe they can't do separated maintenance for UE and USA?
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So EU servers are down until 4pm GMT tomorrow, while for North America the servers are down while most are asleep, I really don't care, if it is an American Company, I couldn't care if America invited, computer gaming, electricity, the Internet, computers, life, man the planet earth or even the galaxy, I live in Europe, our servers are in Ireland why not take them down to suit Europe.


BioWare Sort out the stupid EU maintenance times.


Personally with an attitude like that...it's no wonder they only care about the North Americans...

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Why are you on here if you can't contribute properly? Why is it during the day instead of overnight on EU servers, say 2am-6am? There is no good reason.


If you dont understand why your idea is just not even possible then maybe you shouldnt be on here. Time zones, work ours and rotas come into play. The devs have lives/familys too, they dont just sit in an office all day with a bed next to them praying for YOU to give them the perfect work time when it suits you..


"News flash ppl, we need to get the patch out 2moz at 1am because dave is off work.....OK BOSS"


......i rest my case

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Wow, what a compelling case peaceandpassion, you wouldn't think they were trying to run a customer orientated business would you? I very much doubt that is their attitude. Can you imagine people having to work nights? What a horrific existence that would be?
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Wow, what a compelling case peaceandpassion, you wouldn't think they were trying to run a customer orientated business would you? I very much doubt that is their attitude. Can you imagine people having to work nights? What a horrific existence that would be?

Okay, what is your solution to the problems I bring up?


And know this. If your solution means that I'll have to deal with both the EU and the US downtime, I am gonna whine on the forums.


Mustrum "Okay, I wouldn't, because what's one day a week?" Ridcully

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