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Another Insult to the EU


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EU maintenance time is perfect for me as i have obligations during the day, and as many have stated most people play in the late afternoon and evening once they finish with work, school and other stuff they need to attend to.


This. 'Normal' people work during the day. The Europeans crying over maintenance times should get a job instead and stop leeching my money.

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oh nice, the "get a job" defence.


Well, it's a pretty good defence.


If you have a job, you sure don't care about the maintenance and thus will not complain on the subject.


If you don't have a job, well, the person paying your subscription (ie, your mom) surely wouldn't be so happy to know you're so offended by the idea of only being able to play a videogame 6.5 days a week.


See it this way: if you don't have a job, Bioware's still making the interest of their paying customers :D .

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Well, it's a pretty good defence.


If you have a job, you sure don't care about the maintenance and thus will not complain on the subject.


If you don't have a job, well, the person paying your subscription (ie, your mom) surely wouldn't be so happy to know you're so offended by the idea of only being able to play a videogame 6.5 days a week.


See it this way: if you don't have a job, Bioware's still making the interest of their paying customers :D .


To be fair, there are plenty of people who work evening or swing shifts who consider 12-4pm part of their "evening."


That said, as per my previous post, those people are in the vast minority, and the maintenance time is done during off-peak hours to impact as few people as possible. Sorry if this is you, but that's how it goes sometimes.

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And if your day off happens to be Tuesday you would be pi**ed too.


Its amazing how bad companies that run MMO's really are , seriously all the business drop outs must end up in this employment market, its the only market you can f*ck up time after time and have people defend you

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You know most people are working until 4-or-5pm? I know I don't finish until 4:30pm most days (I finish half-an-hour early on Fridays). Game servers being down during the day are less likely to bother people who want to play when they get home in the evening.
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  • 4 weeks later...

1. Why is it that the maintenance and all the other downtime period happen during European mid-day (which is a long way from off-peak hours)? Each week, each end of the month the European players have to "suck it up" and stay cool about the fact that even though they pay more for a service, they receive less than the Americans.


2. Has any Bioware employee ever heard of Time Zones?


3. Do you realize that most of Europe are GMT+1 and GMT+2, and not GMT?


4. I do realize that it's really trendy to say: "well, just get out for a couple of hours" but most European players would really like to just sleep while you "maintenance" the servers (and the forums of course - what a shocker) or put an "emergency - fix some fonts" patch, just like the American players do. So where is this discriminatory and offensive behavior towards your European customers come from?


5. Why are the forums shut down each time there's some scheduled (or not) downtime?


6. Where is the fabled "highest Quality of Service" you promised, advertised and marketed?


7. How does this "highest Quality of Service" that you so much strive for gets achieved when:

a) the European servers are in the worst possible location in Europe (bar Iceland maybe) from a Quality of Service point of view

b) the European players, while paying substantially more for this service, receive less then their American counterparts.

c) the Bioware employees, even the British one(s), seem to fall into the, obviously mistaken perception, of American ignorance and stupidity by not realizing that saying "the downtime will happen in the early hours of..." when the service/product is sold all over the world (note: all over the world != Bioware's definition of worldwide).


8. What does the "highest Quality of Service" translated into for the Russian players, who were from the start giving the lowest service (by refusing them the CE edition, by choosing the location of servers in Ireland etc.) since every maintenance and any other downtime cuts right into their peak time (Russia is mostly GMT+3, GMT+4)?

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Oh shut up European customers. You know you're second class communist scum. We all are! This game is made by a group of people in Texas. Seriously, then you wonder why they won't cater to European customers? You do know Texas right? It's a place where civilization still lags 75 years behind or so, only with the technology of today. These people are still in their nationalist phase. BioWare obviously as well, as they're still American centric pigs, homophobe and communicating in a way that largely resembled how Fordistic companies dealt with their customers 75 years ago. Edited by Aerevan
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1. Why is it that the maintenance and all the other downtime period happen during European mid-day (which is a long way from off-peak hours)?


This has been answered about a bazillion times, but it's because that's the window when the least number of people are playing. It is the off-peak hours.


Skipping right along...


5. Why are the forums shut down each time there's some scheduled (or not) downtime?


Are they? Then I must be dreaming this.

Edited by Pink_Saber
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This has been answered about a bazillion times, but it's because that's the window when the least number of people are playing. It is the off-peak hours.


Skipping right along...




Are they? Then I must be dreaming this.


using itallic on the "is" does not make it so.


"This has been answered about a bazillion times, but it's because that's the window when the least number of Americans are playing. It is the off-peak hours for US and such" - fixed


americans sleep, europeans... wel, what the hell, they really need to socialize or get a some fresh air, after all that's why we pay the subscription for SWTOR - to be able to get some fresh air from time to time...


as for the second part - yes, shocker - today they didn't take the forums down for so long.


Skipping right along - out of ignorance?

Edited by Urdnaxela
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I am from Germany, we get maintenance till 12 or 1pm.

I had free time since the game released in this slot, because my university lectures started way later on tuesdays.

Maintenance is a necessary thing and they chose a time where relatively not really a lot of people are playing. Just because you got hit by it is really tragic, but come on..…..


Grow up, be an adult and go buy another game for the time. Or, I know this is far fetched, do something constructive while SWTOR is offline.


I don' t, but thats not the point. YOU COULD!

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Grow up, be an adult and go buy another game for the time. Or, I know this is far fetched, do something constructive while SWTOR is offline.


True, but i'd rather not be paying BW/EA for this time of "constructiveness". I pay them to deliver a service, and i expect them to do so.

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But... but.... we want our patches at the same time as the Americans .... Wheeeeeeee /cry



But... but... we don't want our servers down at the same time as the Americans.... Wheeeeee. /cry



Seriously, get over yourself... I live in Belgium and well, though I don't work and I don't have alot to do. ... I'll find something to keep my bussy.


I'm seriously getting sick of my Fellow Europeans (not that I ever wanted a Europe, but hey) wanting their cake and eating it too.

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But... but.... we want our patches at the same time as the Americans .... Wheeeeeeee /cry



But... but... we don't want our servers down at the same time as the Americans.... Wheeeeee. /cry



Seriously, get over yourself... I live in Belgium and well, though I don't work and I don't have alot to do. ... I'll find something to keep my bussy.


I'm seriously getting sick of my Fellow Europeans (not that I ever wanted a Europe, but hey) wanting their cake and eating it too.


Oh well... i'm sorry to ask for some service quality that's on par with the one delivered to the Americans whom pay less than me for it.


P.S. Belgium you say? Some of you (Belgium people) don't even want a Belgium - or so i've heard...

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Peak times are in the evenings, after people get off work/school until they go to bed. That is ~5PM to 1AM. The servers are down from 2-8AM Central Time, so that is 10AM-4PM for you, ie when most people are in school or at work. The people most impacted are West Coast or Oceanic players because the servers go down in the late evenings for them, midnight for West Coast of US and 9 or 10 PM for some oceanic players.


It is a global game. They picked the time when most of their players are either asleep (US) or at school/work (Europe). Their metrics support this.


Scheduled maintenance during off-peak hours is a slap in the face to no one except the over-entitled unemployed.


I can confirm that I'll not be at home today before 5 PM CET. So the timing of the maintanance is fine to me. I don't see any insults against me, the Europian Union or the Expanded Universe.


Maybe I'll get some now?


True, but i'd rather not be paying BW/EA for this time of "constructiveness". I pay them to deliver a service, and i expect them to do so.

Did you get a special 24/7 service contract with Bioware? If so, you may have legal options.


Why does every game have people like this? Or rather, why do people think like this?


Common sense really, really isn't. Or maybe it's just not what people think it is.

Edited by MustrumRidcully
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But... but.... we want our patches at the same time as the Americans .... Wheeeeeeee /cry



But... but... we don't want our servers down at the same time as the Americans.... Wheeeeee. /cry



Seriously, get over yourself... I live in Belgium and well, though I don't work and I don't have alot to do. ... I'll find something to keep my bussy.


I'm seriously getting sick of my Fellow Europeans (not that I ever wanted a Europe, but hey) wanting their cake and eating it too.


As a Dutchman that didn't and doesn't want a united european communist state either...I agree.

Yes I have some free time now, yes the servers are down and no I can't play because of it, but so what? There's more to life than one single game and these maintenance periods ultimately result in a better functioning game.

It's both getting tiresome and funny at the same time how our fellow "Europeans" (man how I hate that classification these days thanks to the EU) keep throwing fits every single time there is a maintenance going on...

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Seriously, get over yourself... I live in Belgium and well, though I don't work and I don't have alot to do. ... I'll find something to keep my bussy.


Thats's the problem, you don't have anything to do and probably the same for people saying you don't need to play 24/7. But when you do have other things in life to do and downtime appears on the few hours of play you have per day it gets annoying when it appears on daytime. And people have the right to speak their mind when they pay for the service.

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I could honostly not care any less if USA got their patch a day earlier, WoW anyone???


It's just poor service quality, its not how THEY want to make the world spin if they are dependant on their paying customers to keep the game alive, if EU walks away from this game they got a much bigger problem. It's quite normal for big companies to have 24hour business and I think Bioware has that aswell, so why not make the nightshift do maintenance for Europe a day later?


In our country we say: Customer is King!

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Oh well... i'm sorry to ask for some service quality that's on par with the one delivered to the Americans whom pay less than me for it.


P.S. Belgium you say? Some of you (Belgium people) don't even want a Belgium - or so i've heard...

Well it's the working people against those that don't work :rolleyes:

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Thats's the problem, you don't have anything to do and probably the same for people saying you don't need to play 24/7. But when you do have other things in life to do and downtime appears on the few hours of play you have per day it gets annoying when it appears on daytime. And people have the right to speak their mind when they pay for the service.


Of course you have a right to speak your mind about it, just remember the only effect is that you feel a little better because you have vent your frustration. I don't blame you, go ahead, but don't expect to see any results from it because this is already outside of peak hours (usually). They have to set it at one time or another an no matter which hours they pick there will always be people in the same situation as you are now.

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