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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bioware, You Want to Resuscitate This Game? Then Implement The Following.


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You may be correct, but I think they have at least until the end of the free 30 day period to resuscitate this game.


Are you serious? Really? "Resuscitate"?


When I logged in tonight, 25% of the servers were Standard load, 50% were Very Heavy, and the other 25% were Heavy.


This game has been live for the general populace for 13 days- THIRTEEN DAYS!!!!! -and the servers are so busy there are queues, and you're talking about resuscitation?


Just how impatient and illogical are people nowadays???

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Are you serious? Really? "Resuscitate"?


When I logged in tonight, 25% of the servers were Standard load, 50% were Very Heavy, and the other 25% were Heavy.


This game has been live for the general populace for 13 days- THIRTEEN DAYS!!!!! -and the servers are so busy there are queues, and you're talking about resuscitation?


Just how impatient and illogical are people nowadays???





All of the MMOs that were released within the WoW era in which we find ourselves today had their subscriptions plummet ~30 days AFTER RELEASE. We're at day 9 right now, and judging by the dissatisfaction rampant throughout the player base, the trend can be applied to SW:TOR.

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I am amazed that there can be this many MMO devs that arent working, every post on this forum is posted by people with amazing insight on how how to make mmos.


Why dont you guys got your own 11mil sub mmos, since you all know exactly how its done?

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*Tank* Resuscitate Quick!

*Healer* Cant! 4-5 Second Ability Delay :(


Although i do agree with your Target of Target statement, thats a must..

Chat bubbles.. Shall we just import wow?

Rest is debatable.


Although for those saying the game has had 1 million subs so far. So?

Thats basically the "Try-outs" for this game, it wont stay that way.


Finally the Comment about Bioware been more "Interactive" with its community, yes totally agree, get them on the forums for a live debate.

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Although for those saying the game has had 1 million subs so far. So?

Thats basically the "Try-outs" for this game, it wont stay that way.


Thanks for employing logic. I can not emphasize the contents of the quote enough due to humanly limits.

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All of the MMOs that were released within the WoW era in which we find ourselves today had their subscriptions plummet ~30 days AFTER RELEASE. We're at day 9 right now, and judging by the dissatisfaction rampant throughout the player base, the trend can be applied to SW:TOR.


Noooooo no no no; the dissatisfaction is rampant throughout the PVP PLAYERBASE (which I don't really care about). The PVE players are in utter nirvana right now, and they're the ones that pay the lion's share of the bills for Bioware. Get it right.

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Noooooo no no no; the dissatisfaction is rampant throughout the PVP PLAYERBASE (which I don't really care about). The PVE players are in utter nirvana right now, and they're the ones that pay the lion's share of the bills for Bioware. Get it right.


So you further prove your lack of foresight. A GREAT portion of this player-base is of players who expected heavy PvP content as well. If they leave, Bioware will suffer, and the PvEers will suffer subsequently.

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Too funny, seeing all the names like the OP who were endlessly bashing the game for months and months on the forums before launch still bought the game. :D


Decided to grant it the benefit of the doubt. Thus far, that decision is appearing to become unwise. We'll see.

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All of the MMOs that were released within the WoW era in which we find ourselves today had their subscriptions plummet ~30 days AFTER RELEASE. We're at day 9 right now, and judging by the dissatisfaction rampant throughout the player base, the trend can be applied to SW:TOR.


So, people are crying on the forums and you think that means the game will fail? Shall I go take a pic of the wow forums for you? You don't get it do you? Most people don't read the forums. The vocal minority spends countless hours crying on here, and you think it indicates a sizable sample size. It doesn't. 1%. Maybe.


If you don't like it, you can unsubscribe. But you wont do that will you? Because then you cant play the free mini-game "forum QQ." You are just like all the people who spent years telling wow "this is outrageous" and "this game is doomed." It is a pattern, and you are not capable of seeing it. Stop bawling in the forums and either play the game, or quit.

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I "Mostly" Support that list ...


The thing is that most of the stuff on that list are OPTIONAL and Quality of Life aspects to the game that people can live without, but are not COMPLETELY necessary ...


For example ... Macros/Add-ons ... We've been spoilt with WoW because there's SO much Add-on and macro support... However would the game be as popular today if they'd never allowed macros/add-ons? I think so. It's the content in the game that makes it successful ... Not Add-ons and Macros... Like I think 'SOME' aspects of the UI are poxy as all hell ... I will live with it and play the game because the CONTENT is Good.



However IMO your Space Combat point is way off base... There's absolutely no need for them to change it at all... They said it was going to be just a mini-game and it was going to be a rail shooter, and that's what we got ... It looks good.. The controls for it feel fine ... The missions (depending on your ship part levels) have a good level of difficulty.... I'm not saying it's a bucketload of fun that will keep ppl entertained for hours and hours and hours on end ... But it's a nice distraction and I think any way of "Supposedly Improving it" would just end up making it worse.

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So, people are crying on the forums and you think that means the game will fail? Shall I go take a pic of the wow forums for you? You don't get it do you? Most people don't read the forums. The vocal minority spends countless hours crying on here, and you think it indicates a sizable sample size. It doesn't. 1%. Maybe.


If you don't like it, you can unsubscribe. But you wont do that will you? Because then you cant play the free mini-game "forum QQ." You are just like all the people who spent years telling wow "this is outrageous" and "this game is doomed." It is a pattern, and you are not capable of seeing it. Stop bawling in the forums and either play the game, or quit.


Viewing multiple sections of the WoW forums momentarily, including the General section; no Armageddon posts in sight. I can not say the same for SW:TOR forums.



"You can avoid reality, but you can't avoid the consequences of reality." - Some forum sig.



The consequences are dire in this case.

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Viewing multiple sections of the WoW forums momentarily, including the General section; no Armageddon posts in sight. I can not say the same for SW:TOR forums.



"You can avoid reality, but you can't avoid the consequences of reality." - Some forum sig.



The consequences are dire in this case.


I was around for Vanilla WoW, the forums started out just like this, same posts more or less about the same issues, although i seem to remember not as 'many' issues as this.


Im also not a big fan of the developer silence thats started looming, shame we haven't been updated with progress on possible fix's and impliments to the game :( Sigh

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Acquire foresight. Everyone, including the Rift/Aion/Warhammer Online players loved the game initially. You have to view the game objectively and comparatively to what else is on the market momentarily. As it stands, the game needs the aforementioned fixes, and the community needs to have the audacity to support those fixes and swallow their pride momentarily for the sake of the game.


I think someone got a dictionary for christmas ...


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Another OP puts his time and effort into a well put list of things that would improve the game. The communtiy still has alot of people who want to see this game be more succesful than the devs do.

They know they are not going to have a big player base and they dont care. They milked an awful lot of people out of their money. They are going to create a multi million dollar peice of garbage. And be proud of it. This game is going to be one of the biggest failures in entertanment, and they know it. We will get lots of glossy tidbits from devs on how great it is going to be. So much easier to be a blowhard in publically released information than produce and good game with integrity and sustainability.

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Im also not a big fan of the developer silence thats started looming, shame we haven't been updated with progress on possible fix's and impliments to the game :( Sigh


To be fair, if you were a developer, how would you respond to a ranting thread like this?

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Communication is a big must. - For us not able to play the game since last patch, due to who knows what - its frustrating to have them make a sticky for us to give them intel, 4 days past with no news or updates or encouragement since.


I honestly believe Im seeing one of the greatest games Ive played in recent years shoot itself to death by behaving as though mmo players require the same kind of csr as rpgs or fps games. And its mindboggling to me that noone was hired to educate the creators of the game about the social behaviouristics within mmo communities and what they require to function cohesively.


Honestly, although Im sure most of you dont agree, I think the game is slowly but surely building up a bad rep on the underlaying wires throughout the gaming communities, due to fps issues, lag issues, graphic issues, disconnect issues etc - and all the while the only examples of customer support we ever see documented are from OUTSOURCED POORLY ENGLISH SPEAKING staff who dont even seem to know what you mean if you say; Im stuck in a heroic FP - or, Im a BH and my darkside choice at the end of chapter 3 has caused me to miss an Illum breadcrumb. - When the reply is to reload your UI... or when you as the customer are unsure of wether you just spoke to a GM or a goldfarmer - its a DEAD SURE sign that some priorities have gone completely wrong within the structures around the game.


Rather than support the game those structures/administration if you will is slowly but surely eroding the faith we had about swtor being a solid high quality product.


I hate to think the devs and creators are aware of what horrors go on in the csr forum, and at the same time I shudder to think that they are so far detached that they wouldnt know.


In any case, someone out there is already collecting gems from csr to give to Penny Arcade, and thats just such an embaressment.


Personally I can live with them being a little slow about endgame content, or being able to emote while on a vehicle.


I would like to see the most basic bugs fixed: Let people see guild chat and group chat, so that they can actually feel like they are playing an mmo.


Please fix the launcher. There are so many people in the csr forum reporting that they cant patch past english assets - I'm not one of them, but it bothers me that they are just ignored, because it makes me doubt that you care at all about fixing what is surely gamebreaking issues.


Communicate to those who suffer the error 9000 disconnects - they are thousands, and encourage them to stick with you. OR tell them straight out if you are unable to solve the issues. They have been waiting since december 21rst. Stephen Reid you personally commented about the issue back then but have been silent since. Shame on you.


Some classes - bounty hunter fx is unable to properly finish their class quest, with whatever choice they feel like, if they dont want to screw up their Illum progression. They reported this before christmas, and its not even in the patch notes for this week. - You sold us a game where you specifically highlighted the personal storyarch as a crowning piece of your work. Now you are letting this bug sit for - well more than two weeks if its not attended to in your next patch. - Im not a bounty hunter, but I can see how it easily could have affected my class, and gone unattended just as easily. Its simply not adequate to leave it where it is. - If you cannot fix it, then you have to communicate that!


For each of these issues, the lack of communication beyond the initial yellow reply, usually to with whatever you think is at the users end causing it, is just not enough, and its shamefull that you let it sit there, because that is not deserving of the millions that went into making the game to begin with. You have tossed your product to the winds it seems, and hoping it will do alright. It boggles the mind.


You dont seem to understand what mmo players require from costumer service.

Mmo games if successfull carry on for years. Because we believe our time, - the only actually resource we spend on the game worth mentioning pays off. It only pays off if we can trust the game. If we can trust you will not leave game breaking issues hanging in the wind.


You are destroying the most basic requirement that mmo gamers need in order to justify the currency- our time investment - we spend on the game. If you dont act quickly and grasp this very basic fact about mmo's you will not have a success on your hands for very long.

Edited by Nilenya
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I think someone got a dictionary for christmas ...






I'm not sure why, but every time I make a post, at least ONE person says something along the lines of what you said. Why? Do I really talk differently?




Edited by Xugos
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To be fair, if you were a developer, how would you respond to a ranting thread like this?


Answer Questions, Reassure the Community, Say that we're looking into the Bugs, Working on Enhancements... Its not hard.


Contact is the key? Dont just shut us out & have forum moderators move posts around and copy and paste the same crap into peoples post redirecting them to a post with over 40 thousand replys that will never get read...

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Another OP puts his time and effort into a well put list of things that would improve the game. The communtiy still has alot of people who want to see this game be more succesful than the devs do.

They know they are not going to have a big player base and they dont care. They milked an awful lot of people out of their money. They are going to create a multi million dollar peice of garbage. And be proud of it. This game is going to be one of the biggest failures in entertanment, and they know it. We will get lots of glossy tidbits from devs on how great it is going to be. So much easier to be a blowhard in publically released information than produce and good game with integrity and sustainability.


If true, that is worrying and disappointing. A great game needs dedicated developers. I'll grant Bioware the benefit of the doubt, however, and say that they are just slightly naive and inexperienced when it comes to MMOs and customer relations/PR.

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Viewing multiple sections of the WoW forums momentarily, including the General section; no Armageddon posts in sight. I can not say the same for SW:TOR forums.



"You can avoid reality, but you can't avoid the consequences of reality." - Some forum sig.



The consequences are dire in this case.


You missed the announcement of every patch, xpac, and content update ever then. Give this game a month or two, and all the doomsayer posts should be gone from here as well. The vocal minority means nothing, since everyone else is too busy having fun in the game.

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