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Bioware, You Want to Resuscitate This Game? Then Implement The Following.


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I don't see myself playing this game for a long time. The story is good enough to have me play through it once or twice, but after that the mechanics and features are borderline annoying to play.


Sucks for you too, considering how long you've been registered on the forums :(

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Actually, MoP is to attract more Americans. You know... American KIDS.


Same reason they are implementing pet battles.


The game will cater to children. And millions of Americans in their 20s that never freakin' grew up and think it's hilarious to act like children while living in mommy's basement.


heh well i think they are gonna fail at that. to be honest i dont even keep up with wow very much anymore, but i do know china is their largest market, and america is falling fast.

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Yea spend years on a game and now instantly fix everything I don't like about it.




Gimme a break. You pay to play BIOWARE's game not your game. Either play or un-sub.


The customer is 99% of the time, never right.

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- Address content-related player concerns. Let us know what the horizon is bringing, and by this I mean, RELEASE MORE OPERATIONS/WARZONES and RATED WARZONES and give us an estimated time of arrival that is not too far off.







Did you the game directors post on the home page on what thay have planned for the future ? I guess not.



On the subject of combat logs the only that want are those who to run "Dee Pee Ess" meters and flex their e-peens at their "Dee Pee Ess". They aren't needed as you can see the game you do through the spells you use.

Edited by EzoEo
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Yea spend years on a game and now instantly fix everything I don't like about it.




Gimme a break. You pay to play BIOWARE's game not your game. Either play or un-sub.


The customer is 99% of the time, never right.


The problem is, most of the community IS going to un-sub following their 30-day trial.

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Agree with the OP. I think that an instance overhaul is definitely needed, first and foremost. It doesn't have to automatically port you to an instance like WoW, but there should at least be some sort of queue mechanic where you can at least group up without having to spam chat for hours on end.


Also, it would be helpful if there were some sort of beaming/warping/summoning mechanic just like in every. other. MMO. If I'm on Nar Shadaa and I wanna do an instance on Taris, I should be able to queue up for the specific instance and then when the group is ready, if there are enough people there should be some sort of beaming/warping/summoning place that can get me there much more quickly than running all the way back to my ship, undocking, then having to dock back up on a different planet.


Simplification doesn't necessarily always mean dumbing down, especially when it could enhance gameplay significantly. People are just skipping instances because it's a pain in the *** to simply get there.


That said, I realize it's only been a couple of weeks, and I already prefer the vanilla version of SWTOR than every other MMO out there today, aside from Eve.

Edited by Astenion
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I personally agree pretty much with the OP, but the thing is that it dosen't need to be resucatinonblabla(not english didn't bother to look up the word but knows whar it means). The list he made is just having stuff in it that should be implemented over patches and patches. And for all of thoose who says it would be a WoW skin you are soooo wrong. I wont bother to list all the hundreds or maybe thousands of reasons why this game isn't a WoW skin but having stuff like dummies, chat bubbles, focus target, macros. Just makes the game better. Yeah I know it's just some days old but coming up with ideas for the game to have later isn't a crime guys. I mean macros, focus target, addons, chat bubbles, target to target thoose aren't the reasons you quit WoW? Exactly. Stop whining because some dude comes up with theese ideas wich are quite genious(Yes I know he isn't the mastermind of theese ideas in general.) But again Mr.OP I highly reccomend you to remove that resucatinablalbla thingy and just say that you would want this to be implemented into the future, I know you told pepole to sort of ignore it but they ovbiously can't. :confused:
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I "Mostly" Support that list ...


The thing is that most of the stuff on that list are OPTIONAL and Quality of Life aspects to the game that people can live without, but are not COMPLETELY necessary ...


For example ... Macros/Add-ons ... We've been spoilt with WoW because there's SO much Add-on and macro support... However would the game be as popular today if they'd never allowed macros/add-ons? I think so. It's the content in the game that makes it successful ... Not Add-ons and Macros... Like I think 'SOME' aspects of the UI are poxy as all hell ... I will live with it and play the game because the CONTENT is Good.



However IMO your Space Combat point is way off base... There's absolutely no need for them to change it at all... They said it was going to be just a mini-game and it was going to be a rail shooter, and that's what we got ... It looks good.. The controls for it feel fine ... The missions (depending on your ship part levels) have a good level of difficulty.... I'm not saying it's a bucketload of fun that will keep ppl entertained for hours and hours and hours on end ... But it's a nice distraction and I think any way of "Supposedly Improving it" would just end up making it worse.



i agree with you, but i would love to see a battlefront style space combat be implemented at some point, not high priority, but could you imagine a warzone like that... even a mission like that where u had to get into a huge star ship and had to take out its sheilds and engine from the in side would be epic.

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I've never seen so much blatantly illogical trolling in one single place. Double kudos to people responding with even more outlandish "ideas".


Here's the problem with your so-called list. Most of it is vague, lots of it has no real applique to the way the game is played, and too much of it is just whining. I hear over and over again that the beta testers complained about this stuff and weren't listened too, and yet not a single thing on your list is game breaking. Huh.




What is this, Hello Kitty Online? You lead off your list of "things needed to keep the game from dying with chat bubbles?


I understand the sort of upset that leads to this kind of histrionic ranting, but look over the forums. There are hundreds of posts like this, demanding various things. Bioware never has, and never will, take features feedback from forums. Period. They may deign to respond here and there or implement a nerf , but there is no one going over your list and thinking "Hmm , better hop on that".


Most of your list is crap that will be addressed in the first 3 to 5 months. People will say "WoW had it blah blah launch should have had it" and yet we all know EA wanted it out by Christmas so things got left and now have to be added back in. Deal with it.


Stripped of that, your list is whining about things *you* like not needed features.


Pretty much this. TOR needs some fixes. All MMO's do. I'm happy and mature enough to know I can wait for these minor points to be addressed. Bug fixes are more urgent imo...chat bubbles? Backburner please!

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I know absolutely nobody IRL that is planning on doing that. The people who are going to post on the forums about it over and over again. That, in no way, makes them a majority.


Really, cause I know at least eight. And these are the hardcore MMO-nerds that play every one that comes out. They don't go on forums, they speak with their wallets. And they are already done with this game.

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I know absolutely nobody IRL that is planning on doing that. The people who are going to post on the forums about it over and over again. That, in no way, makes them a majority.


What is the color of the sky in your world? It's blue over here in ours. I'll bet yours is something really cool.

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Note: This is simply a list of issues that we all recognize exist. We all want the best for SW:TOR which is why we bought it in the first place, and if Bioware wants send a signal that it is dedicated to this game, then it would be wise to begin communicating and recognizing issues.


Edit: I am now understanding that some people disagree with the premise that this thread begins with: that the game is in need of "resuscitation." Please ignore that point momentarily if you disagree.


Well, for those of who may know me (because they despise me) from my rampant pre-launch criticisms of this game, including ones derived from beta experience, it's happening. Most of the beta testers' concerns were not addressed, and that leaves us with the current state of the game.


SW:TOR is a game with great potential. That being said, MMOs only get one shot, and this is SW:TOR's. Bioware MUST implement the following (a consolidated list of fixes that I have heard demanded by numerous people within the community) before the free 30 days game-time period ends.




- Chat bubbles (with the option to disable for those of us who are introverted within the community, myself included.)

- Add a combat log. I will say this again. ADD A COMBAT LOG. IT IS A *MUST!* A combat log is needed for damage/healing/tank mitigation parses. If you are serious about having guilds progress in non-mediocre PvE content, these are essential.

- ADD TARGET OF TARGET into the game. Over-haul the UI in general.

- Fix bugs in general, but most importantly the ones pertaining to the mail system (where an item can be lost forever if the bug occurs.)


- Add a fail safe (purchase confirmation) to item purchases and skill learns. Many people have lost commendations/credits for accidentally misclicking while using a high-sensitivity/DPI mouse and purchasing the wrong item.

- Overhaul the auction house system (GTN.) Add a search option, remove the 50 item limit on your auctions, and add bid/buyout functionality that isn't feudalistic and outdated.



- Implement a threat parse so that tanks can actually gage how much threat they have on targets. Right now, they are in the dark and they have a disproportionally stressful job. I can personally testify that I don't know a single person, nor do I think such a person exists or is common, that appreciates the current system of things pertaining to threat.

- An LFG system over-haul. I'm not saying it should be automated and teleport you to the location of whatever it is you're doing like WoW does, but there needs to be increased support for this. Perhaps introducing a channel with some extra features dedicated to creating groups would do it.

- Improve your servers so that you do not have to create two separate instances for a mere 50 people in a SINGLE sub-zone. That is just asinine and removes the social/community atmosphere from the game. I bought an MMORPG, not a single-player Mass Effect RPG.

- Fix accessibility to PvP gear. As it stands, many are reporting it is MUCH TOO EASY to acquire.

- Allow people to queue for SPECIFIC WARZONES.


- A customizable UI with third party add-on support. All healers (experienced healers) that I know cringe at the lack of a customizable UI. Click-to-heal made healing fun. Bioware MUST implement this.

- >>>>>>>Ensure mouse-over heal support.<<<<<<<

- A fix to optimization issues. Great machines are not running this game so great.

- A fix to delay issues that are not related to latency. People have "50 ms" latency and have a 3-4 second delay on select abilities.

- Better customer support. Hire MORE people, HAND THEM a company policy book, and GET them helping people out. No excuse for not having enough people when you knew how much traffic there would be on launch day.

- Buy a better swtor.com server. No reason why your WEBSITE should have queues when practically every MMO, including ones that have been less or more successful, did not have queues at launch, nevermind post-launch.

- Increase the number of players allowed on a server. Don't hide subscription numbers by artificially inflating server size. Reportedly, only 2000-2500 players are allowed per server, which is horrible. Bump that number up significantly, even if it is done gradually, or you're in trouble. The game world is already pretty empty in some places as is.

- Re-instate the appearance unifier, even if temporarily. No reason why a battle-hardened Trooper should look literally like a clown with a rain-bow themed assortment of ballistic armor plates.

- Have community managers COMMUNICATE to the player base that Bioware understands our issues and is working diligently on fixing them. As of now, it appears as though y'all are pretending NOTHING is wrong. Wake up.

- Dissolve the universal PvP bracket. Put in SPECIALIZED PvP brackets instead. A 1-49 bracket and then a 50 bracket would be a great start, but preferrably, just do a 1-30, 30-49, and then a 50 bracket. If the player base grows further (big if here), then dissect the brackets further and specialize them to an even greater extent. A level 50 has much more utility and more abilities in its arsenal than a level 15. Even if they have the same stats, that is UNFAIR because the level 50 has a vested advantage. That's why there should always be brackets, albeit with the boost system retained.

- Work towards providing the PvP community with something with more longevity and something that fosters community. That something is an arena system with arena maps. This would go a LONG way for the PvP community.

- Address content-related player concerns. Let us know what the horizon is bringing, and by this I mean, RELEASE MORE OPERATIONS/WARZONES and RATED WARZONES and give us an estimated time of arrival that is not too far off.

- A space overhaul. Not sure if the Hero engine can handle it, but space combat is just abysmal after the first few flying sortees. Something closer to SWG space but IMPROVED because this is 2011 and not 2004 would be required.




Let me know if I missed something. The aforementioned were the most common issues presented to myself by other members of this community.



If you support this list or want to petition me to add something to it, please say so.


TL;DR: pick a random spot on the list and read it. See if you agree.



That's the list. It's your choice to make this game or break it, Bioware.

Ball's in your court.

It's a check, but will it be a check-mate?


Let me help with saying:






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Whoa this list is actually pretty good, I only disagree with a couple of points. But 95% of the other stuff would be amazing to have.


Bump cause I love this game.


Could you maybe explain what points he makes that you do not like?

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Note: This is simply a list of issues that we all recognize exist. We all want the best for SW:TOR which is why we bought it in the first place, and if Bioware wants send a signal that it is dedicated to this game, then it would be wise to begin communicating and recognizing issues.


Edit: I am now understanding that some people disagree with the premise that this thread begins with: that the game is in need of "resuscitation." Please ignore that point momentarily if you disagree.


Well, for those of who may know me (because they despise me) from my rampant pre-launch criticisms of this game, including ones derived from beta experience, it's happening. Most of the beta testers' concerns were not addressed, and that leaves us with the current state of the game.


SW:TOR is a game with great potential. That being said, MMOs only get one shot, and this is SW:TOR's. Bioware MUST implement the following (a consolidated list of fixes that I have heard demanded by numerous people within the community) before the free 30 days game-time period ends.




- Chat bubbles (with the option to disable for those of us who are introverted within the community, myself included.)

- Add a combat log. I will say this again. ADD A COMBAT LOG. IT IS A *MUST!* A combat log is needed for damage/healing/tank mitigation parses. If you are serious about having guilds progress in non-mediocre PvE content, these are essential.

- ADD TARGET OF TARGET into the game. Over-haul the UI in general.

- Fix bugs in general, but most importantly the ones pertaining to the mail system (where an item can be lost forever if the bug occurs.)


- Add a fail safe (purchase confirmation) to item purchases and skill learns. Many people have lost commendations/credits for accidentally misclicking while using a high-sensitivity/DPI mouse and purchasing the wrong item.

- Overhaul the auction house system (GTN.) Add a search option, remove the 50 item limit on your auctions, and add bid/buyout functionality that isn't feudalistic and outdated.



- Implement a threat parse so that tanks can actually gage how much threat they have on targets. Right now, they are in the dark and they have a disproportionally stressful job. I can personally testify that I don't know a single person, nor do I think such a person exists or is common, that appreciates the current system of things pertaining to threat.

- An LFG system over-haul. I'm not saying it should be automated and teleport you to the location of whatever it is you're doing like WoW does, but there needs to be increased support for this. Perhaps introducing a channel with some extra features dedicated to creating groups would do it.

- Improve your servers so that you do not have to create two separate instances for a mere 50 people in a SINGLE sub-zone. That is just asinine and removes the social/community atmosphere from the game. I bought an MMORPG, not a single-player Mass Effect RPG.

- Fix accessibility to PvP gear. As it stands, many are reporting it is MUCH TOO EASY to acquire.

- Allow people to queue for SPECIFIC WARZONES.


- A customizable UI with third party add-on support. All healers (experienced healers) that I know cringe at the lack of a customizable UI. Click-to-heal made healing fun. Bioware MUST implement this.

- >>>>>>>Ensure mouse-over heal support.<<<<<<<

- A fix to optimization issues. Great machines are not running this game so great.

- A fix to delay issues that are not related to latency. People have "50 ms" latency and have a 3-4 second delay on select abilities.

- Better customer support. Hire MORE people, HAND THEM a company policy book, and GET them helping people out. No excuse for not having enough people when you knew how much traffic there would be on launch day.

- Buy a better swtor.com server. No reason why your WEBSITE should have queues when practically every MMO, including ones that have been less or more successful, did not have queues at launch, nevermind post-launch.

- Increase the number of players allowed on a server. Don't hide subscription numbers by artificially inflating server size. Reportedly, only 2000-2500 players are allowed per server, which is horrible. Bump that number up significantly, even if it is done gradually, or you're in trouble. The game world is already pretty empty in some places as is.

- Re-instate the appearance unifier, even if temporarily. No reason why a battle-hardened Trooper should look literally like a clown with a rain-bow themed assortment of ballistic armor plates.

- Have community managers COMMUNICATE to the player base that Bioware understands our issues and is working diligently on fixing them. As of now, it appears as though y'all are pretending NOTHING is wrong. Wake up.

- Dissolve the universal PvP bracket. Put in SPECIALIZED PvP brackets instead. A 1-49 bracket and then a 50 bracket would be a great start, but preferrably, just do a 1-30, 30-49, and then a 50 bracket. If the player base grows further (big if here), then dissect the brackets further and specialize them to an even greater extent. A level 50 has much more utility and more abilities in its arsenal than a level 15. Even if they have the same stats, that is UNFAIR because the level 50 has a vested advantage. That's why there should always be brackets, albeit with the boost system retained.

- Work towards providing the PvP community with something with more longevity and something that fosters community. That something is an arena system with arena maps. This would go a LONG way for the PvP community.

- Address content-related player concerns. Let us know what the horizon is bringing, and by this I mean, RELEASE MORE OPERATIONS/WARZONES and RATED WARZONES and give us an estimated time of arrival that is not too far off.

- A space overhaul. Not sure if the Hero engine can handle it, but space combat is just abysmal after the first few flying sortees. Something closer to SWG space but IMPROVED because this is 2011 and not 2004 would be required.




Let me know if I missed something. The aforementioned were the most common issues presented to myself by other members of this community.



If you support this list or want to petition me to add something to it, please say so.


TL;DR: pick a random spot on the list and read it. See if you agree.



That's the list. It's your choice to make this game or break it, Bioware.

Ball's in your court.

It's a check, but will it be a check-mate?


When people are talking about changes, I mostly tell them to either shut the hell up or go back to WoW. But I certainly approve of this.


Many of these changes are needed if this game is to survive.

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What's with the transport skill at level 25 costing 40k credits to learn?? I have a level 20 char and have nowhere near that sort of money. If that skill is going to cost that much then can you please increase the quest rewards?

im afraid that could be your failing not the games. when my sorc. hit 25 i had over 65k. after buying skills, speeder skill and the speeder i had about 14k left. i did NO additional grinding or credit farming, i just did each mission i was asked to. what i didnt do was waste money buying gear or bag slots etc..i just bought skills as i levelled.


unless the sorc class missions provide stupid amounts of money over other classes which i doubt i dont think its the games fault you dont have the cash.


(incidentally i didnt sell anything on the GM either. levelling my skills as normal, gathering mats, making items and reverse engineering them again so no extra cash there.)



Keep addons in WoW were they belong. Addons are a HUGE part of what ruined WoW, when they can literally play the game for you and tell every brain dead derp out there how and when to move it's absurd. Keep addons in WoW and let them rot with WoW.


i wish people wouldnt comment on things that have no idea about.


addons provide information already available in the combat log or allow you to alter your visible ui to your specifications. no more no less. they just do it in an easy to read way. they cannot move your char or automatically cast spells for you!!


the only automated thing i can actually think of is the mail ones that allow you to pickup all attachments in one click. hardly a game breaker ;)


they are primarily just a medium for displaying information.


same thing with macros..


macros in wow allow you to cast different spells/abilities depending on various conditions (enemy/friendly/whether alt, ctrl or shift is pressed etc.


they CANNOT be run automatically, perform more than one skill per key press (unless the 1st skill doesnt envoke the global c/d) or anythign that would 'literally play the game for you'.


the nearest option to your absurd statement is castsequence but if you had 5 spells in sequence you'd still have to press the button 5 times to cast them. things arent that black and white, only idiots would put their rotation on a castsequence and they would be at a serious disadvantage to someone who chose what spells they cast at what time.


macros basically allow you to consolidate skills into one button based on certain conditions. it allows for a tider and more efficient UI.


e.g. my druid in wow. if im targeting a friendly player and hit my 2-5 buttons i cast a heal, if im targeting an enemy and press them i cast offensive spells. nukes/dots. changing form changes the bar to my form abilities i still have to press each one individually and still choose what one i use but it means i take up a fraction of the UI space and i have easy access to the spells via numbered keybinds rather than having to click or assign more keys using up keyboard space.


hardly playing the game for me ;)


a fine example of melodrama to try to prove a point. one small flaw, your example cant exist.

Edited by supZ
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