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Bioware, You Want to Resuscitate This Game? Then Implement The Following.


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What and a heavy story, cover shooter, unique crafting, Next gen Starwars MMO isn't?


And that's to name a few things.


Nope. That appeals to main-stream MMO players, not niche market players. EvE is COMPLETELY different from WoW. SW:TOR is not at all, and nor is Rift or Warhammer.

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What a a heavy story, cover shooter, unique crafting, Next gen Starwars MMO isn't?


And that's to name a few things.


No I think all of us arguing for improvements, generally like all of those things (I know I do). The problem is that there are cracks in the foundation that are going to drive away subscribers and result in a less populated, less active, lower quality game experience. MMO's are first and foremost a community based experience... if there's no community or an unfortunately small one, there's less experience to be had.

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Because wewant 20 story high chat bubbles in game. Please get a grip people. That is a swtor thing a game that was 15 years older than it's time. This is 2012 chat bubbles are done.


Perhaps chat bubbles wouldn't be such an issue if I could move my chat box to the bottom left.


I mean I can, but it will just overlap the rest of the clunky UI.


In all my years of gaming, the chat box has always been in the bottom left and because I can't put it there neatly and properly. I feel as though my communications are cut off.


Is this sole issue that bad? No. Combine that and 40 others and yes, it can sometimes be the little things.


And as you said, this is 2012. I'd of hoped to see customizable UI.

Edited by Treyzorz
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Because wewant 20 story high chat bubbles in game. Please get a grip people. That is a swtor thing a game that was 15 years older than it's time. This is 2012 chat bubbles are done.


eh. while I never use chat bubbles myself and ALWAYS disable them, some people love them. and unlike features like, say automated lfg system, someone else using chat bubbles has zero effect on my own playing experience, so I have no problem with them as an option.

I doubt lack of chat bubbles will kill the game, but I see zero problem with implementing them. and if it increases someone else's enjoyment in game? all the better

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Didnt read all the replies in this thread, but i did read all of OP.


I agree 100%.


Im not going to ragequit because this game has none of the above, but i would like to lovingly encourage BW to seriously look at the list.


Nor will I, at least not immediately. But if they do get around to fixing it, I would like there to be a community to play with. And once the MMO community forms an opinion of a game, changing it is a very difficult task.

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Hyperbole aside, I pretty much agree with this list. Some I would consider more important than others though. out of that list these are the ones that I think would have the most positive affect in the shortest amount of time.



1. Combat Log. I actually could not believe it when i discovered this did not exist. There are some things that you expect to be standard in a genre a combat log in an mmo is one of those things.


2. LFG support. see number one. I mean, how hard could it be to at least give us a dedicated LFG channel? I didn't necessarily expect a queue system on launch, but at least give us the basic tools to be able to do it ourselves.


3. The Auction House system needs a lot of work. currently the functionality makes it a pain.


4. Camera options, again this should be a no-brainer.


5. UI customization. If you don't want to go as hardcore as WoW, thats fine, but at least let me move stuff around and rescale stuff.


6. Macro support. see number one


7. Server Forums. an MMO is all about fostering a healthy community, this is hard to do if server forums don't exist.


8. PVP overhaul. Its too easy t o get gear, throwing characters 10 - 50 into one big bracket is a hilarious oversight. PvP gear is way, way to easy to get.


9. Bug fixes



10. quit it with the instancing everything. If You created these big, wonderful areas for us to live in and it feel dead. I don't really expect to see this happen quickly, but part of the appeal of playing an MMO is the feeling you are taking part in a big huge universe., right now its a big huge empty universe.


I love the game. I am having a blast playing it, but with these fixes and additions, it could be so, so much better.

Edited by Huhn
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Nope. That appeals to main-stream MMO players, not niche market players. EvE is COMPLETELY different from WoW. SW:TOR is not at all, and nor is Rift or Warhammer.


Wasn't comparing it to WoW was comparing it to EvE.


EvE is different yes but your argument and that of a few others is because its so radically different both in game play and audience it is immune to comparison.


That's not true or fair.


A game doesn't need to beat WoW to stay afloat it just needs to compete and pay its bills with enough left over to expand.


You making the argument that it needs to be a WoW killed and guess what? That will never happen. WoW will kill WoW, this game just needs to do what it set out to do not try to be the better version of something else.


It is a new take on MMO's in a well loved universe so yes it is a niche of its own. Fans of both Bioware, Kotor and star-wars unite here.


Also I noticed an odd trend on the forum. almost everyone who whines here joined the site 2011. I sense all these new comers are young and impatient.


I been waiting for this game since 2005! I been here every step of the way. Watching waiting, hoping. I can wait a bit longer.

Edited by Avrose
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To the OP, it's fine to have opinions of what to change in a game. Naming 25 odd things to change varying from totally irrelevant to the games survival, to game-breaking bugs, really doesn't add weight to what you are trying to put forward.


Half of the things you mention I just laugh at cause it's irrelevant (currently), a bunch is critical to the game and some I think you are just delusional about. Also adding obvious incorrect information doesn't really mean I care more about what you have to say...


If you want to put forward things that need changing for this games "survival" (lol) then you should have known what to bring up and what to ignore for the time being. Venting about every tiny thing you think is missing/wrong makes the big issues dissappear in the white noise.

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The OP's list isn't actually too bad, there's some stuff I'd like to see on that list be implemented into the game.


But it seems the wrong choice of words always turns a thread sour. Really should have used another word other than "resuscitate".

Edited by Jaku
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I would like to just point out that some of the things the OP mentioned are things we actualy like. I'll ignore the premise that 2 weeks after launch the game is doomed and needs an overhaul... Pvp to easy to get? It takes 7-8 successful (busts with a lousy team will get u almost nothing) which are around 2hours of gameplay, same as the combined quests of a zone, to get a tangible reward at the end is very reasonable, especially if it's lvl appropriate and will become obsolete quickly. Ur probably a fan of the wow pvp system (not a a bash of wowers, ive been there too) where where u need to play 100+ matches for a mediocre gear, and 500-1000 for the best gear. That approach will mean the pvp gear will only be accessible to those who treat pvp as a career and do nothing but, thus severely penalizing players like me and many others who pvp only for "fun". I remember in wow I saw the prices of the pvp gear and said to myself: "I'll just keep my point and when I'm max lvl I'll have enough". Well I reached max lvl and guess what? When I reached max I wasn't even half way there... I do have a gripe with pvp giving too much xp reward: 8-12k for a 10min match for my lvl20ish JG. Means 2-4 matches for lvl. I was diss appointed to see that after 6 matches I completely outlvled taris...
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Stopped reading at the word "resuscitate."


1,000,000 at the first week of launch and still climbing. You QQ'ers are getting desperate if you even need to use the word "resuscitate" to describe what this game needs.


Is it perfect? No. No game has or ever will be perfect at launch. Or, you know, in general. The QQ'ers are a plague of locusts that descend upon every brand new RPG, cry and moan for a few months or so and spell doom for any game no matter how good or booming it is, and then descend upon the next MMO that comes and repeat the process.


No game is perfect. No game will ever be perfect. No company needs to make a game that is tailor made to exactly what you want and then get it right on the first try. It's unrealistic, reeks of self-entitlement, and displays a horrendous level of egotism.

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Originally Posted by Zones

How does this word apply to this game?


Proverb. Of course this game isn't literally alive in the connotation of biological functions.


Proverb isn't a type of word, it's a type of phrase. Resuscitate is a verb.


Rage on folks. ;)

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OP is right about every point. Concerning LFG - make it actually create party, so everybody would go for their business anywhere (read any planet) they like, but when the party is found, it is formed (with confirmation, of course) and then people can actually talk about what to do next. This will bring socialization and LFG, easy enough.
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Target of Target is already in the game.. Kudos for noticing.. :cool:


No, I am referring to having a portrait adjacent to the portrait of your target that automatically switches to whatever your target is targeting. That is not within the game.

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Since the word is a component of a phrase, proverb is applicable.




A short pithy saying in general use, stating a general truth or piece of advice.



Hardly applicable.

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