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Bioware, You Want to Resuscitate This Game? Then Implement The Following.


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Agree with OP, but not in an angry way, but there are points that need serious work. My main concern is that this game has no longevity and minimal customisation for my character.. I want to hit 50 quick then start to build my legacy, stand out in a crowd, and have access to the community... I feel like I'm boxed in to a Story I dont want to follow, then when I hit cap I must start from scratch, or stand in Republic fleet waiting for someone to talk to, but I'll struggle to see where they are because of a lack of chat bubbles.


I understand that feeling.


I was disappointed when I logged in for the first time and tried to create a character.


There are just simply too few options but these are by no means game breaking to the core audience. They are, however, game breaking to heavy roleplayers.


Again, add this into the 30 other things that annoy people - they start to add up.

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Obviously you don't understand how to consider other people.


Just because people do not hop on the forums does not mean they aren't afflicted by the same issues.


SWTOR has to compete with WoW whether you like it or not. When they play this game and there are no macros, mods, usable UI, etc. They leave.


And don't give me the SWTOR IS NEW, give them time.


Sorry, but that age is over - you release a polished game with promise or fail.


Also, the fact he can critically attack this game and put up with people like you, which I might add, are a LOT; those blind followers that constantly lash out against him.


He loves this game and wants more out of it and he knows whats around the corner.


Warhammer is all I have to say.


i would like you to look at this timeline of updates from wow


if you look from november 23rd and onward it took them a little under a month to release one dungeon and 2 months later to open the game up in europe


now look at swtor


the game had Early game access that let people play for up to 5 days early (i didnt i only got like 3) And launched in the North america and in europe and within what i think 3 days 4 days after launch they are announcing that they are adding a new flashpoint and expanding one ops mission. the only weird thing about launch was the fact that more people wanted days off for EGA so that they could be somewhat established in the game and thats why from what i noticed there was not a extremely high queue on the servers. and if you bothered to read dev posts they are already working on your custom UI good sir.


and now lets look at your comment about competing with wow

LOL Orly? lets see within the past year the game has lost enough of its player base that they have made it free to play up to level 20 but the game is so damn easy that can be done in maybe 2 days? probably one if your a hardcore gamer.


and about warhammer.....what about it? i mean seriously.

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I like the game. I made sure I came into the game without expecting another game. If you, Mr OP love WoW, hey, more power to ya. Please dont try keep saying that Bioware MUST make this WoW with light sabers. Thank you.


THIS OMG THIS HERE ----^ ~high fives the poster~

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i would like you to look at this timeline of updates from wow


if you look from november 23rd and onward it took them a little under a month to release one dungeon and 2 months later to open the game up in europe


now look at swtor


the game had Early game access that let people play for up to 5 days early (i didnt i only got like 3) And launched in the North america and in europe and within what i think 3 days 4 days after launch they are announcing that they are adding a new flashpoint and expanding one ops mission. the only weird thing about launch was the fact that more people wanted days off for EGA so that they could be somewhat established in the game and thats why from what i noticed there was not a extremely high queue on the servers. and if you bothered to read dev posts they are already working on your custom UI good sir.


and now lets look at your comment about competing with wow

LOL Orly? lets see within the past year the game has lost enough of its player base that they have made it free to play up to level 20 but the game is so damn easy that can be done in maybe 2 days? probably one if your a hardcore gamer.


and about warhammer.....what about it? i mean seriously.


This is what Warhammer did. People cried for fixes and Mythic kept releasing more junk we didn't care for and it amplified the existing bugs and problems as well as creating more.


Yes, WoW had a slow start - cool. But it didn't have this whopping 10 million polished sub base sitting next to it attracting players.


This is what MMO creators don't understand. You cannot release a broken game.


WoW made it free up to level 20...that allows you to sample the game and to get more people to play and it works!

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I like the game. I made sure I came into the game without expecting another game. If you, Mr OP love WoW, hey, more power to ya. Please dont try keep saying that Bioware MUST make this WoW with light sabers. Thank you.


I did the same and was amazed that the engine itself along with the concept can succeed GREATLY.


Then I kept playing and realized the flaws that hold it back and that BioWare is almost there.


This is why I'm adamant to get my point across.


And yes, I want WoW in space. Now I must demand Darth Arthas and Jedi Master Thrall or this game will have 0 subs by next week.

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This is what Warhammer did. People cried for fixes and Mythic kept releasing more junk we didn't care for and it amplified the existing bugs and problems as well as creating more.


Yes, WoW had a slow start - cool. But it didn't have this whopping 10 million polished sub base sitting next to it attracting players.


This is what MMO creators don't understand. You cannot release a broken game.


WoW made it free up to level 20...that allows you to sample the game and to get more people to play and it works!


Finally someone making sense in this thread.

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Had no idea the game needed to be resuscitated and was failing so bad especially when I see more and more people on everyday. Who would've thunk it, more players = bad and failing.


But seriously, I just do not understand, Swtor has been out for 21 days, 21 DAYS, and every single feature and amount of content from every MMO in MMO history combined has not been added to the game yet, this is just absurd, its been 21 days get with it BW! /end sarcasm



Things will be fixed and stuff will be added just give it time, and if you don't have the patience and do not like the game then go to that other place, I hear pandas that do kung fu and pokemon will be waiting for you soon, and leave us be with our Wookiees and Sand People.

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Some valid points, some not so much.....by that is what I feel. No one is going to agree 100%. It is a new game. I know its been said time and time again, but its the truth. Nothing is ever the way you want it when you get it. TOR will not be perfect for everyone, some it will, others it never will be. There will always be complainers and supporters. Its the way it is. It is what it is. We are healing opinions from both sides. The haters and the lovers. This game has been anticipated for a long time. BW wanted to get it released as soon as possible with as few bugs as they could. Are there problems? Sure. I ran into a canyon last night on Tat where all the Sand People were evading. Did I piss moan and complain? No, I found other ones to kill. Is it unplayable? No. Is it irritating all of the time? No. Maybe some of the time, but you get past it and keep playing. If you ever find yourself to a point where you CANT PLAY BECAUSE YOU HATE THE GAME SO MUCH, then you should cancel your sub. We who post on and read the forums are a very small percentage of the TOR population. No one is going to know if people are going to quit because this doesnt get fixed or that doesnt get added. We as players dont even know accuratly how many subs there are.....and we prolly shouldnt know.


Im sorry that you cannot return the game to Walmart or where ever you got it.


Making suggestions is one thing that I totally support, but bashing someone because you dont like how they made a product you bought? Food? Yea, I'd ***** too, but its a video game. Cut your losses and go play something you enjoy.


It takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile. So, with that thought process, it takes more muscles to piss moan and complain, than it does to say, "I like it, but here is what I dont like and why".


Just my opinion.....i'm sure it will be trolled, bashed, and set on fire, so have at it.

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Because the OP knows exactly what everyone in this game wants... right?


Seriously, shut your yap and play the game. Or don't. I don't care. They have the first content patch next month already. Why don't we just wait and see what happens before we start the hyperbole and melodrama?


It always makes me lol when people decide they are talking for everyone else.

Also the list the OP made is just trivial stuff and nothing that needs to be added.

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WoW made it free up to level 20...that allows you to sample the game and to get more people to play and it works!


last time i checked usually when an MMO thats pay to play starts going under they make some sort of free trial to try and restore their player base. not sure if you played dungeons and dragons online or Lotro or age of conan but thats why they are free to play now. they want to try and bring their player base back that they chased off from whiners wanting it to be like wow which is going down the same road they are going down. by making the game free they are really just stitching half of a massive wound to their still profusely bleeding community.

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Some valid points, some not so much.....by that is what I feel. No one is going to agree 100%. It is a new game. I know its been said time and time again, but its the truth. Nothing is ever the way you want it when you get it. TOR will not be perfect for everyone, some it will, others it never will be. There will always be complainers and supporters. Its the way it is. It is what it is. We are healing opinions from both sides. The haters and the lovers. This game has been anticipated for a long time. BW wanted to get it released as soon as possible with as few bugs as they could. Are there problems? Sure. I ran into a canyon last night on Tat where all the Sand People were evading. Did I piss moan and complain? No, I found other ones to kill. Is it unplayable? No. Is it irritating all of the time? No. Maybe some of the time, but you get past it and keep playing. If you ever find yourself to a point where you CANT PLAY BECAUSE YOU HATE THE GAME SO MUCH, then you should cancel your sub. We who post on and read the forums are a very small percentage of the TOR population. No one is going to know if people are going to quit because this doesnt get fixed or that doesnt get added. We as players dont even know accuratly how many subs there are.....and we prolly shouldnt know.


Im sorry that you cannot return the game to Walmart or where ever you got it.


Making suggestions is one thing that I totally support, but bashing someone because you dont like how they made a product you bought? Food? Yea, I'd ***** too, but its a video game. Cut your losses and go play something you enjoy.


It takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile. So, with that thought process, it takes more muscles to piss moan and complain, than it does to say, "I like it, but here is what I dont like and why".


Just my opinion.....i'm sure it will be trolled, bashed, and set on fire, so have at it.


We aren't really complaining about small bugs and evading monsters. These are bugs that plague any game.


What we concern ourselves with are far more important. Core features.


You cannot build a house on a poor foundation and this is what SWTOR is doing. Before they even got the foundation right, they started creating the game.


We aren't throwing hissy fits, we are providing reasonable ideas because we know what is in store for this game.

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We aren't really complaining about small bugs and evading monsters. These are bugs that plague any game.


What we concern ourselves with are far more important. Core features.


You cannot build a house on a poor foundation and this is what SWTOR is doing. Before they even got the foundation right, they started creating the game.


We aren't throwing hissy fits, we are providing reasonable ideas because we know what is in store for this game.


1. You're the OP posting on your alts, pretending your group is bigger than it really is. That's all you're doing.


2. You're going to need to explain how not having WoW arenas is a core feature that this game is lacking, because I'm pretty sure the OP/you is the only person who understands that.

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Acquire foresight. Everyone, including the Rift/Aion/Warhammer Online players loved the game initially. You have to view the game objectively and comparatively to what else is on the market momentarily. As it stands, the game needs the aforementioned fixes, and the community needs to have the audacity to support those fixes and swallow their pride momentarily for the sake of the game.


One key thing you are missing with those three games. They added nothing game changing to the MMO world. Pretty much "WoW clones" with a few different features. They always ended up with people saying why play this new messy MMO when I can go back to polished WoW? And just so you know WoW was a pretty big mess when it was released, so technically it should of "missed" it's chance in that 30 day window, as you describe. SWTOR adds something totally new to MMOs. Story. It has more staying power than the games you mention, so wait and see. Can we PLEASE tone down the exaggeration and doom-saying? It makes your arguments and suggestions look like absolute garbage and takes away from them.


IF YOU DON'T FIX/IMPLEMENT ____, THIS GAME IS DEAD!!!! Can you not see how incredibly stupid and short sighted that sounds?

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last time i checked usually when an MMO thats pay to play starts going under they make some sort of free trial to try and restore their player base. not sure if you played dungeons and dragons online or Lotro or age of conan but thats why they are free to play now. they want to try and bring their player base back that they chased off from whiners wanting it to be like wow which is going down the same road they are going down. by making the game free they are really just stitching half of a massive wound to their still profusely bleeding community.


No see, free leveling to 20 then saying buy everything to continue is different than Mythic's endless free trail, NEVER STOP PLAYING!


That's the difference because WoW knows that if you just sample their product you will pay and play the game.


That's also like saying because they throw out commercials they are getting desperate. It's just a marketing strategy.

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It always makes me lol when people decide they are talking for everyone else.

Also the list the OP made is just trivial stuff and nothing that needs to be added.


We aren't talking for everyone else necessarily.


We are talking from experiences that led to failure in other MMOs.


You need a strong foundation before creating the game and we don't have one.

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1. You're the OP posting on your alts, pretending your group is bigger than it really is. That's all you're doing.


2. You're going to need to explain how not having WoW arenas is a core feature that this game is lacking, because I'm pretty sure the OP/you is the only person who understands that.


Throw out conspiracies all you want. I am me.


Your hatred for OP is frightening I must say.


WoW arenas aren't needed for this game but they'd probably be pretty cool once SWTOR gets bigger.


What I want are core features that are polished and that have been proven to work. Just a strong foundation to build on, that's all.


That is enough promise to make people consider coming back down the road.


The list Xugos placed didn't cover all the core material I want, but a lot of it was good.

Edited by Treyzorz
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Hopefully their account lockouts will include loss of poster privileges in the forums too.


I don't believe we've done anything worthy of getting locked out.


I haven't actually been able to physically DO anything to people because I can never see them in the worlds. Only place I've been able to socialize is in the Imperial Fleet.

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