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Bioware, You Want to Resuscitate This Game? Then Implement The Following.


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I've never played SWG in my entire life. A good game developer takes everything successful from other games and inducts it within their own game. Bioware doesn't seem to fully comprehend this.


I think they do...to a point. The main issue I think is that they do not have the "man" power to

truly add/change/fix everything as fast as they need/want.

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I'd say that ressucitation of something not dead would be a quite pointless endevour?


Clueless Doctor "Nurse Henry start mouth to mouth on the patient, and somebody get me some paddles, we'll ressucitate this patient"

Nurse with a clue "but doctor, the patient isn't dead"

Clueless Doctor "he will be when I'm done with him, then we can ressucitate him, again"

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You don't speak for me, OP. I agree with some of your points, disagree with most of them, and disagree entirely with the self-entitled, demanding, "Do it my way 'cause it's the only way the game can succeed" mentality. If it isn't your mentality, you need to reword your post so you don't sound like a third grader stamping their feet at their parents because they want dessert before dinner. The parents just send the kid to his room, then chuckle at how cute and ineffectual his rage was after he's wailed himself to sleep.


Thankyou Eldren, someone making sense....

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No thanks, the game is easy enough as it is. Learn your class and communicate with your tanks/team.


Yes please to the rest of your list.


This makes absolutely no sense. That's like purposefully-handicapping yourself for no apparent reason. There's no real quantifiable challenge in that. It's like preferring to run with your Achilles tendon severed because you feel running otherwise is too easy.



If you want a challenge, tell Bioware to develop more challenging content, not ruin perfectly justified features that are considered required for any serious MMO.

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I'd say that ressucitation of something not dead would be a quite pointless endevour?


Clueless Doctor "Nurse Henry start mouth to mouth on the patient, and somebody get me some paddles, we'll ressucitate this patient"

Nurse with a clue "but doctor, the patient isn't dead"

Clueless Doctor "he will be when I'm done with him, then we can ressucitate him, again"


You don't resuscitate someone who's dead. That's impossible, and has never (recorded) happened. You resuscitate someone who is NEARING death, venturing towards it as time passes by.

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You don't resuscitate someone who's dead. That's impossible, and has never (recorded) happened. You resuscitate someone who is NEARING death, venturing towards it as time passes by.


Someone who has drowned is dead and can be ressucitated if done early enough after, someone who's heart has stopped is dead and can be ressucitated if done soon enough after, I think you meant revitalize, which is another thing.


EDIT: Resuscitate can be used for someone uncuncious as well, but since the game is live and kicking......

Edited by WereMops
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First of all, Xugos, thank you for a well formatted and well defended list of community concerns. If the community had more people like you who were actually concerned with the success of the game, I might not be so worried about its future.


To those who are attacking him, I see two main camps. 1. The “fanboys” and 2. The blind rage WoW haters. The former is so unwilling to admit that their mmo is in dire need of change, that they would deny that fact until 6 months from now they basically have a barren single player game. The ladder, for whatever reason, has such distaste for WoW that they resist any change for improvement as a move towards making it a “clone”.


Now, while things like chat bubbles and a space overhaul are certainly not game breaking, other issues are. Currently, the single most threatening issue to the future of TOR is the combat system. The combat system is EVERYTHING. It is how one, on the most basic level, interacts with the game. If it is not polished to a shine, the game loses an incredible amount of feel and enjoyment. This issue alone is what is going to drive many (including myself) away from this game. Does this mean I want WoW? NO! If I did I wouldn’t have cancelled my sub and tried TOR. There are many things I love about this game which is why I want the best for it. However, if I don’t feel that I can’t properly interact with the game how can I fully enjoy what it has to offer? I can’t, and neither can a large portion of the 1mil+ subscribers who are playing right now.


Is it a new game? Yes. Does that mean it will get any slack from a mmo community that has been spoiled by a supremely polished Blizzard product… nope. So go on, defend the ugly by touting a couple of upcoming dungeons. It will be hard to enjoy them with a crippled combat system in a ghost town server. That’s exactly where TOR is heading if its fundamental elements are not repaired and it’s a shame.


As for the “resuscitate” comment, it wasn’t the best choice of word. Why? MMO’s don’t usually get a second shot in today’s market. These are preventative measures that need to happen swiftly to prevent the situation from getting to that point.

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Its a damn good quote!


I find it amusing that I have no answer. I don't think most people even know what a successful game is. To be successful it has to be WoW. If it isn't WoW it isn't successful. If this isn't the case someone can answer my question on what MMO other than WoW is currently successful. If they feel there is none other than WoW.. I'd say they're full of it.

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Someone who has drowned is dead and can be ressucitated if done early enough after, someone who's heart has stopped is dead and can be ressucitated if done soon enough after, I think you meant revitalize, which is another thing.


No, you are not employing the clinical definition of "dead." If ALL biological functions within your body stop, you are "dead." Until then, you're near-death or you're unconscious. If your heart stops, that's but one biological function. There's still a multitude to still cease working.


I mean what I say and I say what I mean.

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first of all, xugos, thank you for a well formatted and well defended list of community concerns. If the community had more people like you who were actually concerned with the success of the game, i might not be so worried about its future.









Edited by Xugos
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I thought they pronounced you dead when brain activity stopped, not your heart O.o


They pronounce you dead when ALL biological functions stop, but since that by extension means that all brain activity must stop, they pronounce you dead when all brain activity ceases.

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No, you are not employing the clinical definition of "dead." If ALL biological functions within your body stop, you are "dead." Until then, you're near-death or you're unconscious. If your heart stops, that's but one biological function. There's still a multitude to still cease working.


I mean what I say and I say what I mean.



What mmo other than WoW is successful and isn't dead? I keep asking but I haven't had an answer yet.

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I find it amusing that I have no answer. I don't think most people even know what a successful game is. To be successful it has to be WoW. If it isn't WoW it isn't successful. If this isn't the case someone can answer my question on what MMO other than WoW is currently successful. If they feel there is none other than WoW.. I'd say they're full of it.


It doesn't matter.


We want SWTOR to be better than WoW which is why we are so adamant to change its flaws.


Some other MMOs do ok, sure, but we want something bigger.

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What mmo other than WoW is successful and isn't dead? I keep asking but I haven't had an answer yet.


In reality, no MMO is literally dead, but quite a few are on the brink or are dead in market terms (meaning they have no optimism for increased profits.)


So, really, the only two MMOs that are currently living are WoW and SW:TOR. SW:TOR's future is in peril, however.

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This makes absolutely no sense. That's like purposefully-handicapping yourself for no apparent reason. There's no real quantifiable challenge in that. It's like preferring to run with your Achilles tendon severed because you feel running otherwise is too easy.



If you want a challenge, tell Bioware to develop more challenging content, not ruin perfectly justified features that are considered required for any serious MMO.


Do you hear yourself? you want BW to develop harder content because you want to use macros & third party mods to make game play easier? /FACEPALM


Either L2P and stop sounding like a scrub or go back to wow.........on their forums you may have credibility, here you have none.

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Do you hear yourself? you want BW to develop harder content because you want to use macros & third party mods to make game play easier? /FACEPALM


Either L2P and stop sounding like a scrub or go back to wow.........on their forums you may have credibility, here you have none.


The logic within my post just glided over your head.



Nothing I can say will enlighten you, so I won't bother. I'm sorry you feel the way that you do. I'm also sorry that I've threatened you (somehow) enough to cause you to use ad-hominem attacks for no apparent reason.



Have a great day. :cool:

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Do you hear yourself? you want BW to develop harder content because you want to use macros & third party mods to make game play easier? /FACEPALM


Either L2P and stop sounding like a scrub or go back to wow.........on their forums you may have credibility, here you have none.


Everything Xugos said literally went right through your noggin.


What he stated was there is no reason that PvE should be harder due to design flaws rather than just simply being difficult.


NOBODY wants to play a game where it's hard due to the fact that your abilities are not functioning properly, threat cannot be monitored other than by just a hunch, and targeting is awful.


Better yet, do you hear YOURSELF.


We want difficult gameplay where you don't feel cheated by the functionality of the game.

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Everything on that list is spot on.


tick tock Bioware, time is running out.


Thanks. :)



Remember to provide feedback so that the OP can remain as updated and as representative of general community consensus as possible. The OP is intended to be a reflection of the "General Will," (noun.)

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Do you hear yourself? you want BW to develop harder content because you want to use macros & third party mods to make game play easier? /FACEPALM


Either L2P and stop sounding like a scrub or go back to wow.........on their forums you may have credibility, here you have none.


Macros and third party mods make the game more streamlined and enjoyable while simultaneously allowing the player to be more efficient, thus requiring more difficult content. You are arguing to keep a sub par and frustrating system with easy content to compensate. YOU are the one who needs to listen to yourself.

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It doesn't matter.


We want SWTOR to be better than WoW which is why we are so adamant to change its flaws.


Some other MMOs do ok, sure, but we want something bigger.


Oh, as do I. I don't mind people saying "I want this or that." or "This isn't good enough it needs this!" that doesn't bother me at all. It's "This, this, and this game has failed." and then later they list more games. Sure there's many mmo's that have failed in my eyes but I certainly don't think all of them has.


As for Xugos. EvE seems to be rather profitable and successful. Many even admit to this but even the people who claim EvE is successful are click to claim that Rift/Aion are dying despite the fact that both games have a bigger population (Rift may not but Aion's population has stabilized as much as I can't stand that game.) in actuality Aion has a huge population. Just not a huge North American or European population. I heard it's extremely successful in Korea/China.


Not that this has any baring on SWTOR. According to Bioware for SWTOR to be a success it needs to hold over 500,000 players. I do think it will retain that many subs at worse. I don't think that's a problem. I do believe as you've stated it has potential to hold far more than that. I also do agree with most things on your list. I never called it a flawless game. I just feel the "This is dying" and "This is dead" to be exaggerations.

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