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*A jaded sense of fun - Sign if ure going to keep playing after Jan. 21


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I recognize that the game is not perfect - but it is the best launch of a MMO that I've seen, and I've been through several. The servers are stable, the graphics are smooth on most systems, the scope of the game is amazing. It's also the first MMO I've been able to get my wife hooked on - I'm here to stay for a while.

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I like the game but there are still days to go, i guess ill subscribe for one month more. Ill play as far as the game is still fun but not longer than that. Atm its fun. Rolled from a 38 vanguard to 20 Jug and im getting hyped again :)
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Still subed for thr forseeable future. I was one of those crazy peopel that never unsubed from Coh until they went f2p.


I love this game, though I do need to ease back a bit. My wife and son would like to see me.

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A week ago I would definately say yes, but as I have levelled further and made some alts, I am no longer sure.


If BW surprises with a major patch that fixes FPS issues many have, it would maybe tip the scales for me, but atm too many things bother me, and the honeymoon period is over for me.


When making alts it dawned on me, that 10-50 is the same path almost. Class quests are awesome, but the sidequests are as in other mmos, fillers, and they are going to be the same, so essentially you will be walking the same path each time you level.


Also Im developing claustrophobia from the closed in enviroments. I would want the planets to be opened zones, and not zones with 3-4 entrances/exits. And all those instances... No world pvp...


Anyways, swtor is ok, but Im prolly playin swtor until diablo 3 hits the shelfs.


Had high hopes for the game though

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Despite any and all issues I have, I have so far loved playing this game and look forward to finding out what will be contained in the much hinted at "major patch" that's coming eventually. I'm definitely staying, as I still have hope that it will become even better. If it doesn't, I'll get loud in a civil fashion, but not outright ragequit.
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Me and my friends aren't fooled by those "nay" sayers and we allready play and enjoy the game very much. We even subbed for half a year in advance.


I've played countless MMO's from all those major ones like WoW and many Asian ones but SWTOR is really something fresh and new and not a carbon copy.


It also has so much detail they put their love in. Just seing the creatures move is really impressive.


Tatooine is one of my favorite planets and it looks and feels like in the movies. It's really a gigantic planet.


This is my/our (speaking for me and my friends) MMO for a very long time :D

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I subscribed for 6 months, and I will take my time going through the storylines for each class.


What I like most about the game is the ability to solo with your companions. While I'm not averse to team play, by not forcing players to 'find a party' allows a lot more freedom, especially for those who are time-challenged like myself. Most of the disgruntled posters seems to believe 'endgame raid' is the goal of all MMORPG. They failed to recognize that the 'endgame' content is only accessible to a small percentage of players. Even on WoW, it's less than 10%, and that is after 8 years!!


This is not to say the game is perfect. The UI needs some changes (and more quick slots), the auction house/GTN has a terrible interface, party chat sometimes refuse to work, etc. Nevertheless, they are not 'game breaking' bugs. Some of the other MMORPG destroyed themselves trying to please the hardcore 'raiders'. Let's hope SWTOR doesn't fall into the same trap.

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I got 2 months sub'd in, if by then Bioware hasn't shown it's serious about swtor I'm jumping ship to everquest 2 in wait for the next newcomer on the MMO field.


Things I expect to be either corrected or at least announced in a more serious manner than "coming soon/sometime/maybe"


- A buff to the obviously underpowered Knights/Warriors (needed since beta, ridiculous)

- A (real) LFD finder tool

- Armor coloring (what the hell)

- Weapon preview (ctrl-click)

- Fixed Cover system (broken class mechanic on release... woopdedoo)

- Add-on and UI costumization support <------

- A better Auction House sorting system



All these should have been in before release and if they're not in or announced in patch notes by the 3rd month (easilly feasable when you have a dedicated team) I predict Swtor will become another one of those 400k player games nobody bothers talking about.

Edited by dargor-
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I got 2 months sub'd in, if by then Bioware hasn't shown it's serious about swtor I'm jumping ship to everquest 2 in wait for the next newcomer on the MMO field.


Things I expect to be either corrected or at least announced in a more serious manner than "coming soon/sometime/maybe"


- A buff to the obviously underpowered Knights/Warriors (needed since beta, ridiculous)

- A (real) LFD finder tool

- Armor coloring (what the hell)

- Weapon preview (ctrl-click)

- Fixed Cover system (broken class mechanic on release... woopdedoo)

- Add-on and UI costumization support <------



All these should have been in before release and if they're not in or announced in patch notes by the 3rd month (easilly feasable when you have a dedicated team) I predict Swtor will become another one of those 400k player games nobody bothers talking about.

i agree 100% with everything you have to say...

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I wasn't dumb enough to expect it to be perfect right away. From what I've experienced so far, I can safely say this game has TONS of potential. We'll see how things go from here, but for a brand new MMO from a company that's never made an MMO before, it's pretty great.
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I'm in for the long run


I'd probably not expect an abundance of people to sign since statisticly the "normal" forum population for MMO's only constitutes about ~10% of the players and most of us that are happy and patiently awaiting for Bioware to enhance the game further in their own way, we're most probably busy playing and enjoying the game and don't bother with the general forum much, we mostly use the class forums and such, there's usually a much more civilized and pleasent atmosphere there.

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