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Everything posted by Motb

  1. Until now, eerything reminds me of AoC... the way they were telling their masterplans for fixing issues in the game, and at the same time telling how good the game was on different sites. They actually got ALOT of subscrubers the first month or two, but in the end people realised it was a scam. They just wanted to get as much money as possible on false advertiisement/promises. I sincerely hope BW isnt walking down the same path, but I have been fooled before, so Im keeping my wallet close to me until I see the fixes for real.
  2. /facepalm I am jsut sick of the talk. I want the fixes not fairy tales about them.
  3. There is the game forum for communication with the players, and to be honest, I dont find a lack of communication on the forums. These interviews arent for the players already in game, they are for the ones still in doubt of buying the game. Instead of fixing the game and holding on to the current playersbase, BW tries to pull in more players that will undoubtly feel cheated and anyways leave. End result is not bigger subscriber numbers but more unsatisfied customers. And no I cant see the future, Im just making an asumption based on experience with other mmos.
  4. I thought as you do, and now I am so bored of playing republic, that Im seriously considering not to resub at all. The world is SOOOO empty on Republic side its not even funny. It has killed the game for me, my brother and our friend. I have also noticed half the guild aint logging in anymore, so I guess they agree. Im anxious to see what BioWare does about it if anything.
  5. Do they ever spend time on actually fixing the game instead of just going to interviews telling how awesome the game is going to be after patch 1.XX? Seriously, all we see are interviews with differemt sites and its always about how awesome the game is, how only 5% disagrees with the awesomeness and how it is shaping up to be the most awesome thing to happen to the world since Barney Stinson
  6. as said above its Star Wars, so LIGHTSABERS
  7. I really dont get it where people get this from... Do you suffer from amnesia or just blatantly lying? WoW continents are BY FAR bigger then SWTOR zones... BY FAR. Tattoine for example is the size of Hellfire Peninsula and Zangarmarsh at best!
  8. No it is not, Instead it is: Tattoine->spaceport ---> lift->blackscreen->hanger-->ship->blacscreen->galaxymap->blackscreen->ligthspeed->exit ship---->loadingscreen---->hangar->lift->blackscreen->spaceport->Alderaan That is if you are lucky to have a spaceport on the planet, without spaceport you have to add another loadingscreen and another blackscreen and some running
  9. That wouldnt be how it would work... From Planet to planet it could be easily done with: Go to the star port, get on your ship, fly to the other planets spaceport, exit ship, exit spaceport and BAM = Alderaan! Just to be clear, this should preferably be done without loading screens, but even a loading screen when you fly from spaceport to spaceport is fine, it could maybe show a lightspeed video as it does now, and if you spacebar through it you can see the usual loading screen.
  10. As a person said earlier TOR is by far more immersive alot due to the conversation as its story telling method, but the loading screens just ruin that immersion really fast. I also forgot to state the fact that you can't reach every point you can see in the scenery, also something I liked in WoW. I realise its a real tough one to pull in a Star Wars MMO or any space MMO, but if perhaps the planets were downsized to maybe the size of Outland, but it would be continuous all the way, it might have worked. OFC some people would then ***** about planets not being real sized and what not, but who cares, I would much rather have every place in the scenery being reachable giving me a REAL WORLD feeling instead of painted background. And if it meant less planets, than its fine by me (maybe 3-4 at launch), I'm all for paying every 6 month for an expansion with 1-2 planets in each. ' And as stated above, Im not saying WoW is better, it just had this feature nailed right, and I would have loved SWTOR to do the same, but still I find SWTOR has improved immensely on many features, but this one just kills the immersion for me personally.
  11. SEAMLESS ZONE TRANSITION! I really dont get why Blizzard is able to do this, yet all the other companies can't. I will start with saying that I'm no developer, so I don't know the intricacies of coding such a feature, but I really think it is one of the reasons why WoW is so succesful compared to other mmos. Even Blizzard has stated that Cataclysm not being a whole continent, but instead spread out zones (some of which you had to zone into) was a bad idea. I really find that each time I see a loading screen I'm sucked away from the world immersion and back infront of my pc. I'm reminded each time that it is not a living and breathing universe but a video game on my screen. I have a feeling that if SWTOR had seamless transition between worlds or even less worlds but bigger zones (like different continents in WoW) it would do a much better job at keeping me interested, and to be honest I did much more running in WoW but in SWTOR it feels more tedious, which I attribute to the zoning you ahve to do. I love the cutscenes and conversation, that is a really good feature every future mmo has to copy, but the loading screens just kill the immersion for me each time. I don't think I will resub for next month, but I'm going to keep a close watch on SWTOR progression and perhaps be back in march as I have really high hopes for this game. The only reason I *itch and moan about the game is because I want it to succeed, I really want it to be my next "home" but atm I can't help but feel a bit disappointed.
  12. Perhaps you are right in that the study base is very small compared to the quantity of games, but as I stated earlier, why should the users be more inclined to play one mmo instead of another?
  13. I havent used xfire myself for AGES, but it has been a pretty good indicator of the state of a game. And I don't think there is a reason to believe that the users of xfire are more inclined to play one game rather then the other when it comes down to mmo's, so it should be a pretty good representation of the reality of the state of the mmo's playerbase.
  14. It was the same situation for WAR, AoC and now TOR perhaps: So each of those past games had the 4th position on the xfire charts and slowly decended to a MUCH lower place. WAR=288 AoC=87 TOR=?? Now TOR is already on a 5th place, Im betting it will go down to a 10th place by the end of the free month, if not lower, and Im guessing a 20th place or something in the future.
  15. I agree with OP, have played AoC and WAR from start, and lots of scary similarities between the games. The non responsiveness of abilities, the bad customer support, the bad design of the game, questions unandswered. And ultimately I have the same feeling: First everything is amazing and better then WoW, then 1 week later its good, it ahs its plusses and negatives, but it is still new and interesting, 2 weeks later: Its getting broing, you look up and see only the flaws as the good things have just lost their "newiness", their excitement value. To be perfectly honest the only reason I log on each day is because of the IP, I listen to the audiobooks atm (The Old Republic: Fallen Alliance) and it makes me want to join the fray, but after an hour or two it is jsut boring and a grind even with the cutscenes. Im mostly sad because I had my hopes on SWTOR, and I dragged my friends away from WoW...
  16. Thanks for the advice going to look them up. Whats the name of those comics?
  17. Im bumping it so maybe someone sees it and helps. I havent read any star wars books, only seen movies and series
  18. Can anyone recommend some star wars books to read about the old republic, something about the background of the game? I have 8 hours to kill, so would appreciate something to do. Doesnt matter if its ebooks or not, seems this downtimes gonna be a weekly affair Thanks in advance to any response
  19. Forgot to say that I did something similar in WoW buying all cloths and leather and holding the price double of the usual by buying out the new stuff and placing my own at a doulbe rate for a couple of days... got lots of gold doing that... dont feel ashamed as it was a very small fraction of the AH contents
  20. WoW had the same problem like in the beginning, when a EU guild bought all the items on the AH and held the price sky high for ALL the auctions at all times... Blizzard banned them aswell. To be fair it all depends on the amount of bought and sold items, but at 50 items per user cant see this as a problem.
  21. Also have FPS issues, the wierdest thing is, it jumps up and down from 70-80 fps it drops to 20-30, then 30-40. 60-70, then back again... it is just frustrating... And it doesnt in any way correalate to where I am at, the same spot in the world gives me completely different FPS... And tehre is a tendency for FPS to be on the high end in the start, and suddenly fall to 20-30 after 5 mins. Settings dont matter on my machine, all from High settings and 1920x1080 res to low settings and 1366x768 res give me the same result, so Im betting it is the game. Fix this asap, and stop those small useless patches, give us the big ones instead that fix these game breaking issues!
  22. A week ago I would definately say yes, but as I have levelled further and made some alts, I am no longer sure. If BW surprises with a major patch that fixes FPS issues many have, it would maybe tip the scales for me, but atm too many things bother me, and the honeymoon period is over for me. When making alts it dawned on me, that 10-50 is the same path almost. Class quests are awesome, but the sidequests are as in other mmos, fillers, and they are going to be the same, so essentially you will be walking the same path each time you level. Also Im developing claustrophobia from the closed in enviroments. I would want the planets to be opened zones, and not zones with 3-4 entrances/exits. And all those instances... No world pvp... Anyways, swtor is ok, but Im prolly playin swtor until diablo 3 hits the shelfs. Had high hopes for the game though
  23. WOW!!!! I REAAAALLY want that game! Whatever game uses that engine in the future will have my money, it just looks really great, and what I expected from SWTOR
  24. I completely agree with the useless abilities... really hope they remove some, or merge some.
  25. dude... making posts about the downfall of swtor is just lame... If you dont like the game, feel free to write why, and what could be fixed, but just flaming the game doesn't serve a purpose so ofcourse your thread got closed And no, Im not a fanboy, I know there are lots of stuff to fix in swtor, but I can see past its deficiencies and hope for the best in the future
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