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Same Sex Romances


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I know BioWare has indicated this will be patched into the game in the future, but my question is why it wasn't patched in at release. I don't think it's a grand conspiracy on BioWare's part to hold down alternative lifestyles, it might have a lot more to do with having to record additional dialogue and animate additional cutscenes, but the fact remaining is this: my Marauder is female. I want to romance Jaesa. I'm doing everything I can to keep her rep high with me. Any time I've talked with Quinn I've assiduously avoided any flirt conversational options.


Has anyone heard anything from BioWare about when this is going to be patched in? Likewise, how is it going to work with existing companions? I'm pleased they saw the light in Dragon Age 2 and the upcoming Mass Effect 3 in allowing each companion to be a potential romance option regardless of gender.


I'm just curious why this wasn't done with Star Wars: The Old Republic, and why nothing has been said about it since the game has gone live.

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no one knows.


yeah. no firm date announced that I know of. I want to romance Kira!


Regarding romancing, I initially thought it was player envoked, but on my smuggler the other day, Corso started hitting on me when we got back to the ship. I kind of like it that he took the initiative. I'm still going to make him my love slave though, so he better tone down the aggressive romancing a bit. :D

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I'm cool with female + female romance. :p



By the way, an official response was given and when they lock this thread, they'll give you the quote.





Originally Posted by StephenReid

Official statement follows:

Due to the design constraints of a fully voiced MMO of this scale and size, many choices had to be made as to the launch and post-launch feature set. Same gender romances with companion characters in Star Wars: The Old Republic will be a post-launch feature. Because The Old Republic is an MMO, the game will live on through content expansions which allow us to include content and features that could not be included at launch, including the addition of more companion characters who will have additional romance options.

Edited by Kourage
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Was there any homosexual characters in the movies? Because if there is not then that is something Bioware would be adding into the Star Wars universe, and they might not be able to do that without Lucas's approval.


They already have to set the game so far in the past none of it makes any sense. They might just not have the control to implement it.

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Unfortunately, I don't think it's likely until a major content patch. It's not something that's likely to be patched in with bug fixes. I'm with you though. I can't imagine romancing any of the male companions I've gotten on any of my characters so far. Some of the females seem like much more desirable options.
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Was there any homosexual characters in the movies? Because if there is not then that is something Bioware would be adding into the Star Wars universe, and they might not be able to do that without Lucas's approval.


They already have to set the game so far in the past none of it makes any sense. They might just not have the control to implement it.


They already did so with KOTOR. Cathar (name escapes me) was lesbian.

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As a heterosexual male, I too am waiting for SS romance so I can create a female character, have her be into chicks, and not feel weird about it. Currently all my characters are male due to the requirement that all my characters must be straight.


But man, the day SS romance is implemented, I'm making me a body type 3 blonde who is going to be all about the ladies.

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I know BioWare has indicated this will be patched into the game in the future, but my question is why it wasn't patched in at release. I don't think it's a grand conspiracy on BioWare's part to hold down alternative lifestyles, it might have a lot more to do with having to record additional dialogue and animate additional cutscenes, but the fact remaining is this: my Marauder is female. I want to romance Jaesa. I'm doing everything I can to keep her rep high with me. Any time I've talked with Quinn I've assiduously avoided any flirt conversational options.


Has anyone heard anything from BioWare about when this is going to be patched in? Likewise, how is it going to work with existing companions? I'm pleased they saw the light in Dragon Age 2 and the upcoming Mass Effect 3 in allowing each companion to be a potential romance option regardless of gender.


I'm just curious why this wasn't done with Star Wars: The Old Republic, and why nothing has been said about it since the game has gone live.


You do realize that a large percentage of the straight men on the game will play female chars and want to romance the ladies. That is more than likely why they put it off.

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