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So you wanted PvP, and you're still Imperial?


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I made a bounty hunter soaly because my IRL friends were rolling up IMPs... Was gonna b a shadow but refuse to roll the assasin for the sheer number of them. Its rediculous...



For all the people questioning RL morals... Its a GAME... what does it mean when I am Lightside V on my BH and Darkside on my SW... If I play my charecter as an evil ****** it does NOT make me an evil ****** IRL... Kinda wierd people would even think that way.

Edited by Sjwhite
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Are you saying being on the side of good is boring?


How about in real life: are you on the side of good, or do you want to make the world a worse place for lots of people?


Eh. Say Wah?


I work in this thing called 'real life' conflict zones abating civil wars among other things preventing civilian death by preventing situational deterioration towards war.


And here.


I play 'Darkside' because it's not real life and the story choices are somehow more engaging as the anti-hero -- SWTOR is challenging in that regard. I don't need to feel like the 'good guy' in a frigging video game. Through the game choices I've built up a sense of my character and sometimes if the story feels right I take some hits to the 'Lightside' because it feels in context of the character I've built up.


I always thought Boba Fett and Darth Vader were much cooler than Luke Skywalker. Empire was the best of the original trilogy and so on. It doesn't mean I aspire to be a Dictator...

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Yeah, really. I wonder about people who want to role play evil in these games. I wonder what they are like in real life, how they view others, what they aspire to.


In real life, I have been a city firefighter. I enjoyed saving people, making their lives better. I imagine lots of police enjoy protecting people from bad guys who want to hurt them.


Of course, I play a good guy in the game. It mirrors what I enjoy in life.


So, I wonder about people who choose to be evil in a game, and what the appeal is for them, and how it mirrors their real-life values or not.


It's a game. You play a game to become something you obviously cannot in real life.


Why do people shoot a gun in FPS? I would never do that in real life, not against any living being at least.


I hate using this line, but I will say it again in bold, just for you: It's a video game

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Couldn't stand the Imperial storyline myself. Only tried it in beta and not in high levels, but what I saw was enough.


There can only be ONE true "evil" and that is Druchii.

Sith try way too hard.


There's a holocall cutscene on Quesh where even your character get enough of it:

"Shut up and let the grown ups talk!"

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Couldn't stand the Imperial storyline myself. Only tried it in beta and not in high levels, but what I saw was enough.


There can only be ONE true "evil" and that is Druchii.

Sith try way too hard.


There's a holocall cutscene on Quesh where even your character get enough of it:

"Shut up and let the grown ups talk!"


Fair play to that. I always liked the view let people play their own game when it comes well -- any type of video game.

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I could of gone either way on the faction. My buddies wanted to be Imperial. I'm pretty satisfied though because Huttball is my absolute favorite Warzone and it's the one that pops up the most. I think they should make a Huttball league ladder. That would be great.
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In the 60s and 70s boys wanted to be Superman or some other good guy saving the world from evil.


Now you find the majority of young males in these MMOs (PvP anyway) want to be evil characters fragging innocent people in video games.



What changed? Was it Gansta rap and the ghetto ethic?

Edited by Laserstrike
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I am level 33 and so far unimpressed with the consular story line. Mind you when a person keeps hearing that a class's storyline is good while another's is bad, it's probably true. Still I could not have chosen to play sith since I did my evil deeds in the past (UD warlock). That playstyle no longer appeals to me. I pretty much retired to fight for the good :cool:. Now as a consular I just kite all of the generic dime-a-dozen jugs/mauraders and pebble them to the face. Edited by AltusImperator
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I'm so torn. The Republic on my server is beyond fail. I'm trying to find a better server for Republic pvp (I don't want to faceroll, but I don't want derping ball carriers going the WRONG WAY in EVERY Huttball). I **** you not it happens once a game. Every. Game. And honestly except for Tharan (love you and Holiday bro), the consular story is just...meh. Maybe it'll get better now that I'm in Act 2 idk.


Anywho, this made me decide to roll and Imp. I love the stories a lot better. Problem is? I want the stereotypical hooded Jedi/Sith. The feather hat is seriously not doing it for me. I can't do it. Anyone know of a server where the Republic aren't seriously, hopelessly, honest to God mother *********** terrible @ PvP?

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Yeah, really. I wonder about people who want to role play evil in these games. I wonder what they are like in real life, how they view others, what they aspire to.


In real life, I have been a city firefighter. I enjoyed saving people, making their lives better. I imagine lots of police enjoy protecting people from bad guys who want to hurt them.


Of course, I play a good guy in the game. It mirrors what I enjoy in life.


So, I wonder about people who choose to be evil in a game, and what the appeal is for them, and how it mirrors their real-life values or not.



I don't really RP, but I just can't bring myself to make dark choices, and even do some quests...

like on DK where you're to poison 100s of slaves, the evil choice is to put just enough poison in their water to make them experience agonizing pain for a prolonged period before they die, and the light choice is to just mass murder them with enough poison so they die quickly. WTH kind of choice is that? I picked 3rd option, refuse quest.


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I would been happy to roll republic if everything about the faction wasn't unappealing. A couple of my guildies even rolled republic for the last beta build, we wanted to hang ourselves.


- The level-up quest line is like: imagine yourself as a whiny little pushover wussy, take 10 ambian, drink a bottle of NyQuil, then try to read War and Peace in one sitting.


- All of the characters look homeless.


- The endgame gear is lol (look at that awesome wedding dress you get as a male sorc!)


No thanks.



LOL!!! I could not have articulated this better! Republic look and feel for questing, gear, the whole sha-bang is just plain L-A-M-E. If it was 1/2 as fun as empire, I'd be all over it. Instead, you'd have to pay me to play republic. Blech!

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I play Empire because my gf and my irl friends decided to go Imperial. I personally am not a big fan of the Sith or BH story lines from what I've seen so far and while I do like the Agent storyline/class I think the Smuggler has superior aesthetics and animations.


I can barely stand most of the dialogue. 90% of the NPCs you talk to are either pretentious egotistical dark robe wearing d-bags or nazis. After having to put up with fracking Darth Zhorrid I was hoping that the Double Agent story line would actually let me swap factions with my Agent.

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In the 60s and 70s boys wanted to be Superman or some other good guy saving the world from evil.


Now you find the majority of young males in these MMOs (PvP anyway) want to be evil characters fragging innocent people in video games.



What changed? Was it Gansta rap and the ghetto ethic?


It probably comes from the oversaturation of good guys in a lot of RPGs especially in the NES/SNES/PS1 era. I wouldn't think it would be as relevant now with it being pretty common for MMOs(WoW, CoH, WAR, SW:tOR) to have "good guys" vs "bad guys"(or in the case of Rift religious guys vs science guys) or for a lot of computer RPGs to have a sliding scale of morality.


I've played enough D&D with immature d-bags who just want to act like idiots to have a disdain for playing the bad guys myself.

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I would been happy to roll republic if everything about the faction wasn't unappealing. A couple of my guildies even rolled republic for the last beta build, we wanted to hang ourselves.


- The level-up quest line is like: imagine yourself as a whiny little pushover wussy, take 10 ambian, drink a bottle of NyQuil, then try to read War and Peace in one sitting.


- All of the characters look homeless.


- The endgame gear is lol (look at that awesome wedding dress you get as a male sorc!)


No thanks.


Hey, I like my wedding dress ^^

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See you in another month when your whining about no one in the Warzones/Ilum ;)

Republic has been great. The smuggler story is no where near what you described ( and neither are any of them really. If you want to be darkside, be darkside) and we have pvp on demand anywhere we want anytime we want.


I think they will quit in another month if the imbalance settles for good.

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Yeah, really. I wonder about people who want to role play evil in these games. I wonder what they are like in real life, how they view others, what they aspire to.


In real life, I have been a city firefighter. I enjoyed saving people, making their lives better. I imagine lots of police enjoy protecting people from bad guys who want to hurt them.


Of course, I play a good guy in the game. It mirrors what I enjoy in life.


So, I wonder about people who choose to be evil in a game, and what the appeal is for them, and how it mirrors their real-life values or not.


The only thing your post demonstrates is your narrow minded viewpoint. Who are you to so broadly proclaim what is evil and what is good.


"From my point of view, the Jedi are evil."


You could learn a thing or two from Star Wars if you open your mind.

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I intended to be sith the moment the game was announced years ago- number of players per side meant little to me.


That said, I prefer imperial pvp- no complaining about mirrors being imbalanced or .5 second delay on project being the reason why my side loses every game, decent teamwork most of the time, and pretty good class variety.


Republic... I don't know why everyone rolls jedi knight, have 75% of your team being a melee dps/tank isn't going to work out that great for you.

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I saw the faction imbalance coming miles away since the beta, so I rolled Republic to join the underdogs.


Currently enjoying instant queues and varied warzones so far. Also having a high win rate, because I queue with my buddies, so I am not one of those bads who complain about Republic losing WZs. These bads need to reroll Imp and get off my faction.


I love the forum posts every day of Imps complaining about getting sick of Huttball. Please keep them coming!

Edited by corebit
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