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So you wanted PvP, and you're still Imperial?


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My main is republic commando and jedi sage, but dammit if everybody and their brother didn't tell me how awesome the imperial agent and bounty hunter storylines are, so I rolled one just for the story, and now I'm playing imperial more than my republic main and loving it. It was peer pressure!


But yeah, after playing on republic for so long before my switch, Its pretty amazing how many people are playing imp. Fleet is always full, groups always forming. But you gotta wait for a PvP queue, and its lots of huttball, etc.


Overall I think it is more fun on the PvP side to be republic, thats for sure.

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I'm not sure it took a fortune teller to let us know which side was zerg and which side was buster.


What's your excuse? (see if we can't reform a zerg or two)


I would been happy to roll republic if everything about the faction wasn't unappealing. A couple of my guildies even rolled republic for the last beta build, we wanted to hang ourselves.


- The level-up quest line is like: imagine yourself as a whiny little pushover wussy, take 10 ambian, drink a bottle of NyQuil, then try to read War and Peace in one sitting.


- All of the characters look homeless.


- The endgame gear is lol (look at that awesome wedding dress you get as a male sorc!)


No thanks.

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I would been happy to roll republic if everything about the faction wasn't unappealing. A couple of my guildies even rolled republic for the last beta build, we wanted to hang ourselves.


- The level-up quest line is like: imagine yourself as a whiny little pushover wussy, take 10 ambian, drink a bottle of NyQuil, then try to read War and Peace in one sitting.


- All of the characters look homeless.


- The endgame gear is lol (look at that awesome wedding dress you get as a male sorc!)


No thanks.


See you in another month when your whining about no one in the Warzones/Ilum ;)

Republic has been great. The smuggler story is no where near what you described ( and neither are any of them really. If you want to be darkside, be darkside) and we have pvp on demand anywhere we want anytime we want.

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- The level-up quest line is like: imagine yourself as a whiny little pushover wussy, take 10 ambian, drink a bottle of NyQuil, then try to read War and Peace in one sitting.


I think the republic trooper quests are pretty good. You get betrayed and travel around the galaxy hunting down and killing your former squad mates one by one. Its lots of fun.


The jedi consular quests so far have been kinda like what you described so far though, a bit underwhelming.

Edited by Kleinone
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I would been happy to roll republic if everything about the faction wasn't unappealing. A couple of my guildies even rolled republic for the last beta build, we wanted to hang ourselves.


- The level-up quest line is like: imagine yourself as a whiny little pushover wussy, take 10 ambian, drink a bottle of NyQuil, then try to read War and Peace in one sitting.


- All of the characters look homeless.


- The endgame gear is lol (look at that awesome wedding dress you get as a male sorc!)


No thanks.



Are you saying being on the side of good is boring?


How about in real life: are you on the side of good, or do you want to make the world a worse place for lots of people?

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I would been happy to roll republic if everything about the faction wasn't unappealing. A couple of my guildies even rolled republic for the last beta build, we wanted to hang ourselves.


- The level-up quest line is like: imagine yourself as a whiny little pushover wussy, take 10 ambian, drink a bottle of NyQuil, then try to read War and Peace in one sitting.


- All of the characters look homeless.


- The endgame gear is lol (look at that awesome wedding dress you get as a male sorc!)


No thanks.

so you like a feather hats. Yeah, sorry, I can't wait to see Sith Inquisitors in full PvP gear, looks absolutely silly. Might even shorten the pain of being facerolled with my team of under-levels by a few minutes of laughter.


Should roll trooper or smuggler or Jedi Knight. No main character wuss to be found.

Edited by Andrew_Waltfeld
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so you like a feather hats. Yeah, sorry, I can't wait to see Sith Inquisitors in full PvP gear, looks absolutely silly. Might even prolong the pain of being facerolled with my team of under-levels by a few minutes of laughter.


Should roll trooper or smuggler or Jedi Knight. No main character wuss to be found.


^ Amen!! Most of the sith toons look like evil Freddie Mercury's

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It's really sad how much more interesting the Imperial class stories are. I was convinced I would play Republic, and beta tested Republic the first 2 wipes, and then gave Imps a try.


My husband, and I were blown away by the engaging stories for imps.


The trooper one was the best, I thought, for republic, but the JK story was a bore fest.


Imps have more interesting looking gear, as well.

Edited by Hambunctious
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It's really sad how much more interesting the Imperial class stories are. I was conviced I would play Republic, and beta tested Republic the first 2 wipes, and then gave Imps a try.


My husband, and I were blown away by the engaging stories for imps.


The trooper one was the best, I thought, for republic, but the JK story was a bore fest.


Should have tried smuggler. Consular story is great as well. Every Imperial story I played had the cliche feel of a Dokken video. Not to mention I enjoy pvp and most imps only like to pvp when they have the numbers and then whine when they cant find anyone to fight.

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Are you saying being on the side of good is boring?


How about in real life: are you on the side of good, or do you want to make the world a worse place for lots of people?


Just.... wow.....really???

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Just.... wow.....really???


Yeah, really. I wonder about people who want to role play evil in these games. I wonder what they are like in real life, how they view others, what they aspire to.


In real life, I have been a city firefighter. I enjoyed saving people, making their lives better. I imagine lots of police enjoy protecting people from bad guys who want to hurt them.


Of course, I play a good guy in the game. It mirrors what I enjoy in life.


So, I wonder about people who choose to be evil in a game, and what the appeal is for them, and how it mirrors their real-life values or not.

Edited by Laserstrike
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I would been happy to roll republic if everything about the faction wasn't unappealing. A couple of my guildies even rolled republic for the last beta build, we wanted to hang ourselves.


- The level-up quest line is like: imagine yourself as a whiny little pushover wussy, take 10 ambian, drink a bottle of NyQuil, then try to read War and Peace in one sitting.


- All of the characters look homeless.


- The endgame gear is lol (look at that awesome wedding dress you get as a male sorc!)


No thanks.


We all played Empire for beta. My friends and I knew how big the Empire side was so we went to Republic for launch. We are all glad we did. No regrets here, though we thought we would have them but nope.

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Yeah, really. I wonder about people who want to role play evil in these games. I wonder what they are like in real life, how they view others, what they aspire to.


I've always been "evil" in every game I've played. Know why? Because I'm good every day in real life.


Why would I want to go into a fantasy game which is an escape from my day to day life and be exactly the same?


Ever wonder why there's so many games out like GTA or Assassins Creed etc... Because you can't do that stuff in real life and not go to prison/get killed.


Why do people think you have to be some immoral psychopath to want to be the bad guy in a video game?

Edited by KismetTKM
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Yeah, really. I wonder about people who want to role play evil in these games. I wonder what they are like in real life, how they view others, what they aspire to.


Are you saying that people who pick the evil choices in a game have something morally wrong with them? It is a game aka "not real life" just because people pick dark choices in a game does not mean they have properties of psychological problems in real life. IF this is the thing that keeps you up at night well then I have no clue.

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I've always been "evil" in every game I've played. Know why? Because I'm good every day in real life.


Why would I want to go into a fantasy game which is an escape from my day to day life and be exactly the same?


Ever wonder why there's so many games out like GTA or Assassins Creed etc... Because you can't do that stuff in real life and not go to prison/get killed.


Why do people think you have to be some immoral psychopath to want to be the bad guy in a video game?


What is your day job, where you are good?

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What is your day job, where you are good?


Sorry, if you want me to divulge any RL information you're gonna have to buy me dinner first.



Just know that I pay my taxes, keep my insurance up to date, and don't go around punching babies. (sometimes) If that's what you're interested in.

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Yeah, really. I wonder about people who want to role play evil in these games. I wonder what they are like in real life, how they view others, what they aspire to.


In real life, I have been a city firefighter. I enjoyed saving people, making their lives better. I imagine lots of police enjoy protecting people from bad guys who want to hurt them.


Of course, I play a good guy in the game. It mirrors what I enjoy in life.


So, I wonder about people who choose to be evil in a game, and what the appeal is for them, and how it mirrors their real-life values or not.


I could apply some psychology to why people choose the classes they do, but it'll probably only punch a few buttons in people they won't like.

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I rolled imp with the desire to go "evil" in an MMO as my wow days were all Alliance chars.


However, I just can't get myself to actually choose the "evil" choices.. I guess I inject to much of myself into the role and end up being a goody goody on the empire side. Which actually is funny as the rest of the characters look at you like a freak, hehe.


Next I need to try to be a terrible person on the republic side.. should be interesting.


I was thinking actually that with the way classes are mirrored (99% anyway) that it might be cool in a future expansion to allow faction switching, like City of Heroes did. Have a big quest line where you get to choose to either stick with your side, or flip. Would make for some neat group make ups.


Though, then they'd have to record all the VO of every class for every flashpoint.. so, ya, nevermind, it won't happen.. I can dream though :p

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Funny how all you people whine why people didnt play Republic. Everyone is like "OMG COME REPUBLIC YOU GET TO PVP"


I get to PvP on both the realms I am on and I'm Empire. If you people cant see why Empire is the better side you have no hope. Illum is crap anyway. I only go there for win trading on my 50. So your whole Illum argument is fail.

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During beta, I played the Jedi Knight, Smuggler, Sith Inquisitor and Bounty Hunter. The Imperial storylines were leaps and bounds better than the Republic ones. For a story-driven MMO, I thought it was wise to go with the better stories.
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I equate the smuggler crying about his damn ship to be as bad as the guy with the red stapler in office space. If I could get past the point of him crying about that I would have played it more. I did however find the commando to be quite fun.


I think a major turn off for the republic is that the light/dark side choice seem a bit over the top. Imperial decisions seem to make a bit more sense but even then some of those aren't top notch I am imperial cause that is what my guild and I decided on and we did prelaunch. I think in some time we may have some republic but not any time soon.

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