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The " I havent had a game-breaking problem" thread.


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Let's see well I have had


Getting stuck in the ground and unable to move.

Had my companion run from one pack of mobs to the next without being able to stop her agroing as far as I could tell the entire planet.

Story mission mobs vanishing, though resetting fixed it.

Taking an arrow to the knee.

Random disconnects that weren't the games fault but forced me to resist in a que that has thankfully gone.

Oh and my favourite though not game breaking having my companion shoot at a dead corpse continuously e n when I walked away from it had to relog to sort it.

And finally having my companion jump to her death in a flashpoint then refuse to let me interact with her or any other companion till I reloged.


So a few issues but I still love this game even some of the bugs are great.


I plan to stick arrondissement for a while so we will see these bugs fixed hopefully.

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no issues at all some minor graphics bugs but meh walk a yard and they go away.


as to things like the ui...well i raided and killed many an hc boss in wow with the stock ui and a threat meter....so it's your own problem if you can't play a game without mods.


what does bartender do for you? oh thats right it changes where the bars are...it doesn't add some magical functions that didn't exist before.


i'd really like to know what ui changes specifically are wanted and i don't mean some generalisation of things you'd like i mean specifics...damage meters and threat meters don't count.


but i digress....no issues at all for me, seeing as custom ui never interested me i don't even see a problem.

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Yesterday I just randomly crashed to the desktop and when I tried to reboot it came up with the error that SWTOR was not responding. Then when I logged back in my character looked like it had been dipped in toxic waste. I had a bright green glow about me.


Also yesterday I accepted to join the PVP warzone and it logged me out back to the character select screen.


That's the most game breaking bugs I've encountered. Other than that, all is pretty smooth. There's other bugs but they're not game-breaking.

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Anyone else had no problems at all? I can count on one hand when i even noticed the sightest bit of lag tbh. I have no idea what everyone else is complaining about but im a day 1 / 2nd wave early access player and havent even been kicked out of game or crashed once, not even a graphics glitch so far.


Any one else?




And the majority of people.

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No bugs here, only annoying bug i expirenced regulary are the green walls who appear at random every now and then, but they are hardly gamebreaking:)


Ohh yeah and i did have the game randomly shut down on me once, no error message or anything just booted me out to windows, not sure if this was the fault of the game or the os though:)

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no issues at all some minor graphics bugs but meh walk a yard and they go away.


as to things like the ui...well i raided and killed many an hc boss in wow with the stock ui and a threat meter....so it's your own problem if you can't play a game without mods.


what does bartender do for you? oh thats right it changes where the bars are...it doesn't add some magical functions that didn't exist before.


i'd really like to know what ui changes specifically are wanted and i don't mean some generalisation of things you'd like i mean specifics...damage meters and threat meters don't count.


but i digress....no issues at all for me, seeing as custom ui never interested me i don't even see a problem.


I'd like to be able to move the UI around. Move the chat box to the bottom left, move the companion bar across to the bottom right, move the map to the top right and move my avatar from the action bars. I'd also like another row of action bars across the bottom, instead of the left vertical bar. Just some customisation would be nice.

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I'm in a similar situation as the OP. I have never been kicked by the game (though I have been kicked by lame internet, not BW's fault), have had minimal lag, and few graphical problems. I have played on two different systems, a new desktop (i7 2600k, dual oc'd 6950s switched to 6970 shaders, 16 gb ram) on a land line. Also a 4 year old alienware (dual core 2.8, HD3870, 8gb ram) on wireless and playing on an east coast server from Nevada and airports in Atlanta and Denver. Granted the airports weren't great, but minimal lag.


That being said, my character models will sometimes tun black on the laptop, my companion played dead after defeating an elite on Taris (same thing happened in Beta) and one spot on Corusant tuns into an overlook of the city (as in the Beta). Nothing that bad and compared to Skyrim, totally polished.

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