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If SWG was sooo great and the bar SWTOR is graded by, then how did it die?


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It seems alot of the angry players on SWTOR use to be former SWG. THey continually point out why SWG was great what made it great and what makes it superior to SWTOR. They talk about it's features and what not yet... if it is so great why did it die?


I heard some people say well because it had so and so bugs, but if it had those bugs then why did they NOT support this great game. Why did they not kept their subscription to the very end forcing Sony to apparently make it more WoW -like? If it had such great feature but was buggy why did they not keep their subs to give SWG time to fix their mistake?


Did those SWG that 's going around proclaiming it's greatness in a fit of rage decided to cancel their account to teach SWG dev a lesson? Did they cancel because it sucked?

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It seems alot of the angry players on SWTOR use to be former SWG. THey continually point out why SWG was great what made it great and what makes it superior to SWTOR. They talk about it's features and what not yet... if it is so great why did it die?


I heard some people say well because it had so and so bugs, but if it had those bugs then why did they NOT support this great game. Why did they not kept their subscription to the very end forcing Sony to apparently make it more WoW -like? If it had such great feature but was buggy why did they not keep their subs to give SWG time to fix their mistake?


Did those SWG that 's going around proclaiming it's greatness in a fit of rage decided to cancel their account to teach SWG dev a lesson? Did they cancel because it sucked?


It died thanks to Lucas. You would do well to know who REALLY holds the ropes on this game and it isn't Bioware

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It seems alot of the angry players on SWTOR use to be former SWG. THey continually point out why SWG was great what made it great and what makes it superior to SWTOR. They talk about it's features and what not yet... if it is so great why did it die?


I heard some people say well because it had so and so bugs, but if it had those bugs then why did they NOT support this great game. Why did they not kept their subscription to the very end forcing Sony to apparently make it more WoW -like? If it had such great feature but was buggy why did they not keep their subs to give SWG time to fix their mistake?


Did those SWG that 's going around proclaiming it's greatness in a fit of rage decided to cancel their account to teach SWG dev a lesson? Did they cancel because it sucked?


rose colored glasses.



SWG had a few things going for it but it by no means was great. It was a lot of peoples first MMOs and thus the first is the one you judge all others by.


If they really loved it so much they would play and help support SWGEMU which is the free player run version of the game.

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I am not a SWG fan but trust me you do not want to ask this question. It did not die because of the game itself, but because of Sony's negligence, and LucasArts, who wanted to get rid of SWG in favor of the "newer" SWTOR. It's subs may have been dwindling, but it did not die because SWTOR was better than SWG or vice versa. Edited by Genitor
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It's not so much that SWG, as a whole, was great. I think it's more that the things the game did better than anyone (non-combat content), has been mostly thrown out the window by most games that have came after it.


These systems should have became staples of any new MMO, however, games have seem to have gone in the exact opposite direction.


EDIT: For the record, I am enjoying my time in TOR.

Edited by Tristik
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8 year vet here (aug.2003 was when i started SWG to be exact), and tbh it's the vocal minority sandbox zealots that are causing all the trouble. Us Star Wars fanboys are to busy playing the game.


this 100%



it might seem like the forums are filled with people complaining thats just because the almost million other people are in game having fun. Those of us who are here not hating the game are here because for some reason we can't play the game right now.

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Never got to play it, but I heard it was because of gross imbalance.


Like the story I've heard a lot over the years is that the game started great then some (to be un-named people) took over and made certain class(es) so OP that everyone quit.

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It seems alot of the angry players on SWTOR use to be former SWG. THey continually point out why SWG was great what made it great and what makes it superior to SWTOR. They talk about it's features and what not yet... if it is so great why did it die?


I heard some people say well because it had so and so bugs, but if it had those bugs then why did they NOT support this great game. Why did they not kept their subscription to the very end forcing Sony to apparently make it more WoW -like? If it had such great feature but was buggy why did they not keep their subs to give SWG time to fix their mistake?


Did those SWG that 's going around proclaiming it's greatness in a fit of rage decided to cancel their account to teach SWG dev a lesson? Did they cancel because it sucked?


No the first reason is because of changes made to how you acquire classes like Jedi were changed and so on. It drove out alot of the players who worked their *** off prior to newcomers getting everything on a silver platter.


The second is, There was a licensing clause that prevented two Star Wars MMOs existing at once. Considering how old SWG was, and how it lacked a sufficient amount of players. It just made sense to sacrifice itself for the newblood SWTOR.

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Pre upgrade SWG was the best MMO I had ever played (Sierra Network, EQ vet). Player driven economy, endless class combinations, player cities, the allure of unlocking the Jedi class for play...


It was the first MMO I loved.




Here's a video of its last day:



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Pre upgrade SWG was the best MMO I had ever played (Sierra Network, EQ vet). Player driven economy, endless class combinations, player cities, the allure of unlocking the Jedi class for play...


It was the first MMO I loved.




Here's a video of its last day:



In a Rancors foot? Lol! I wish I could have been there! Unfortunately my subscription cut just 10 days before the game went free D:

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Hello, folks! We ask that discussion on the General Discussion forum be centered around Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. Due to this being a discussion of SWG, we will be closing the thread for being off topic. Thanks!
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