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Im scared....


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Ill be honest, i hate coming back to these forums. Everytime i come on, its either someone moaning about the game, or saying there leaving. This is the first MMO ive ever played, apart from the first few levels of WOW (World of Wierdos). I love this game, and i love star wars and... i ****in love this game! But if everyone hates it and leaves, its gonna become low populated and suck and get ignored by EA and BW :( i dont want this game to go downhill. Can anyone comfort me and tell me 'its all gonna be ok', and mean it.
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Ill be honest, i hate coming back to these forums. Everytime i come on, its either someone moaning about the game, or saying there leaving. This is the first MMO ive ever played, apart from the first few levels of WOW (World of Wierdos). I love this game, and i love star wars and... i ****in love this game! But if everyone hates it and leaves, its gonna become low populated and suck and get ignored by EA and BW :( i dont want this game to go downhill. Can anyone comfort me and tell me 'its all gonna be ok', and mean it.


People who want to complain come to the forums. Don't put too much stock in it. The people without complaints don't have much reason to drop by.


It's like this on all MMO forums. Don't let it bother you.

Edited by imtrick
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The WoW forums were exactly like this when it came out as well. I would know, I bought it on release. Here is a general rule of forums: the people who enjoy the game are playing it and not posting. Those who don't enjoy are raging on the forums. There are some in betweens but for the most part the rule stands true.
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I enjoy the game. Having alot of fun. I would post that I enjoy it more but I am busy playing it, while naysayers are busy whining to anyone who will read their posts. We get it, some of you don't like it. Great. I wish you well in whatever game you chose.
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This game is huge, the handful of people leaving at the 30 day mark is no different than any other mmo on the market, TOR will be here many years, if not oh well thats life, it's just a game../shrug


besides that EA said 500k subs equal VERY profitable, I don;t see the gsme having an issue keeping that many players, only about 20% of the total player base even come to the forums..

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Can anyone comfort me and tell me 'its all gonna be ok', and mean it.


Here's some comfort. There's over a million people playing the game.


There's over a hundred people on the forums saying they're going to stop playing the game.


There will be dozens of those hundreds who are lying and end up sticking around (while they continue to complain).


So take comfort, the game's fine.

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