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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

COME ON..FIX PVP ALREADY .. Empire wins 99% of Warfronts


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you pick republic and you complain that ur teams are weak. hahaah


psychology lesson 101.


aggressive people choose horde/imperial.


rainbow chasers and immature kids that think they will get an advantage pick ally/republic.


more adults play on horde/imperial side. stronger military minds in pvp.

...What are these horde and ally sides you speak of? They don't exist in my SWTOR.

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you pick republic and you complain that ur teams are weak. hahaah


psychology lesson 101.


aggressive people choose horde/imperial.


rainbow chasers and immature kids that think they will get an advantage pick ally/republic.


more adults play on horde/imperial side. stronger military minds in pvp.


I know it's january 3rd, but this will probably win the prize for the dumbest text of the year. Really.




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I am playing both sides on Jin'Jiidaj (or whatever it is spelled) with a BH being my main and a Jedi Consular specced for healing being my Republic char - I wanted to be Republic but all my buddies voted for Empire, so I am playing with them when they are available and Republic on my own.


On the Empire side you are rarely teamed up with people you have met already. On the Republic side it feels like family - I constantly see the same people and know what to expect of them. I know who throws heals, who protects and who goes for objectives. As a result Republic tends to be more organized. Strategies are suggested in ops chat and more often than not people stick to it.


The Empire side on the other hand just shines through pre-made groups of 50s that steamroll the opposing team and just force-charge through the fires in unstoppable mode as my abilities (as a BH, not JC) don't even seem to dent their HP - if I am even able to move and not pulled into the acid pools or chainstunned repeatedly as resolve seems to work on anyone but me :p

In Huttball EvE it's especially obvious, as more often than not I seem to end up in the 'all sub-50' team vs a pre-made all 50s and 4 random 40+ guys. Boy, that's the games that really suck and make me want to throw my keyboard out of the window. I am writing down names in my book of grudges and it contains a lot of Powertechs and Sorcs :p

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Its pretty much a gamble, one side has to win the other one has to lose. if you go solo there is no way there can be like a gameplan or strategy, everyone is on their own and you dont know which sages or sorcs are going to heal or which are going to damage.. its constantly gamble and thats the way it has to be if you go solo ^^


but i wonder the numbers of empire vs republic. i wish they posted it of each server. i think there are 70% people in empire and 30% in republic.. -.-

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you pick republic and you complain that ur teams are weak. hahaah


psychology lesson 101.


aggressive people choose horde/imperial.


rainbow chasers and immature kids that think they will get an advantage pick ally/republic.


more adults play on horde/imperial side. stronger military minds in pvp.


lol just had to say that you're dumb, that is all.

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My server can not win warfronts.... its so demoralizing.... I would like to get my daily and weekly warfront wins but its impossible to win.... LOOK at the win/loss ration for each faction and tell us something is wrong... When you have people on the Empire side doing 4 times the damage as everyone else...


That's because of the difference in play styles that forms. It's much like the way the Alliance, Horde worked out in WoW. You had Alliance that were much better in PvE, and the Horde that were much better in PvP (both generalizations).


In this game it's working the same. On the empire side all I see is people complaining about how long it takes to level while they rush to 50. On the republic side I see far more people taking their time leveling, enjoying the story but also doing every fp they can. I hardly ever saw fps going on on the empire side. They seemingly just don't care about it because they can grind to 50 much faster with wz/quest grinding.


I'm not saying either side is right, or that either side is wrong. What I'm saying is that you will have many more 50s on the empire side, and while bolster may serve to give you more health it will do nothing to help with skill availability. Once more and more republic start to hit 50 it will even out, to a degree. They will be behind the empire because of the gear grind, but at least the republic will have more 50s on it's side. Now depending on how well raiding/nm gear is versus pvp gear this could be an advantage for the republic.

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cmon call me stupid some more. you prove my point with every post.


You are a troll. Your real life is sad, you feel powerless and weak. You feel insignificant, so you try to draw attention to yourself online. Trying in some vain attempt to gain the recognition here that you will never find in real life. It's a perpetual pursuit to prove that your life has some meaning, but in the end it will fail.


I hope you move past it, because it's quite sad really. Especially when you are such an outspoken "representative" of your side. Perhaps many of the Empire enjoy having their "side" represented by an illiterate, immature child. I'm not quite certain, but I am certain that you are wrong about a great many things.


Now I know you will spend a great deal of time actually looking up most of the words I've used here. For that reason alone I will not include a tldr for you, you should learn to read. Maybe if your dad took you over his knee this week instead of giving you your allowance you would learn proper manners, and how to address those that are your betters.

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Classes are mirrored...I'm not sure what you suggest they do to fix this.

This. Seriously. How exactly do you nerf an EXACT MIRROR MATCH UP.


And my gods, 99%, really? really? You really believe that? Ask yourself. Did you play 100 matches and your team on the Empire won 99 of them? No? Did you play 100 Republic matches and only win 1? Or did you play 3 matches as a Republic player, lose 3 in a row and decide to come make a post about it?

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This. Seriously. How exactly do you nerf an EXACT MIRROR MATCH UP.


And my gods, 99%, really? really? You really believe that? Ask yourself. Did you play 100 matches and your team on the Empire won 99 of them? No? Did you play 100 Republic matches and only win 1? Or did you play 3 matches as a Republic player, lose 3 in a row and decide to come make a post about it?


There are no exact mirrors. Close, but not exact. Even if the skills are identical animations and skill delays may be different making one of the classes weaker. They're almost close enough to be irrelevant, but still.


The problem is the class distribution. Not enough stealthers on republic side. Stealthers are really useful to cap objectives. I'm gonna make a scoundrel alt, that's for sure.




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There are no exact mirrors. Close, but not exact. Even if the skills are identical animations and skill delays may be different making one of the classes weaker. They're almost close enough to be irrelevant, but still.


The problem is the class distribution. Not enough stealthers on republic side. Stealthers are really useful to cap objectives. I'm gonna make a scoundrel alt, that's for sure.





Another issue is that right now there are different trees better for pvp, and pve. Yet to switch between them is quite expensive. My guild wants to do fps, good I can switch for 10k or so, but then if I want to pvp I need to switch again. It's stupid how expensive it is. So you have people on the republic ignoring pvp because of that alone. While from what I've seen the majority of the empire don't care if they ever do a nm/fp/op.

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...What are these horde and ally sides you speak of? They don't exist in my SWTOR.


You can obviously say that, but people are still playing 'the horde' in every MMO that has come out since WOW. In pretty much every MMO since then which has two factions, the 'evil' team has been perceived as the side you go to for PVP, and has been much more populous.

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You are a troll. Your real life is sad, you feel powerless and weak. You feel insignificant, so you try to draw attention to yourself online. Trying in some vain attempt to gain the recognition here that you will never find in real life. It's a perpetual pursuit to prove that your life has some meaning, but in the end it will fail.


I hope you move past it, because it's quite sad really. Especially when you are such an outspoken "representative" of your side. Perhaps many of the Empire enjoy having their "side" represented by an illiterate, immature child. I'm not quite certain, but I am certain that you are wrong about a great many things.


Now I know you will spend a great deal of time actually looking up most of the words I've used here. For that reason alone I will not include a tldr for you, you should learn to read. Maybe if your dad took you over his knee this week instead of giving you your allowance you would learn proper manners, and how to address those that are your betters.


wow. that says allot about ur insecurities. .


biodrone, name-calling, ad hominem, responding to tone, and contradiction.

for all your huffing and puffing no one replies with refutable evidence, or even a friendly opinion, lol.


w/e its your time to waste.

Edited by bladesdnm
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This is hillarious.. Empire winning 99% of warzones dosnt mean there is a bug/problem, just means republic generally have to many carebears that don't know what the hell theyr doing in warzones, not to mention empire gets far more practice individually and at teamwork since they play vs each other more.


So 1 person thats bad and plays republic = Most of the republic are carebears? **** with your 2yr old logic...

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Another issue is that right now there are different trees better for pvp, and pve. Yet to switch between them is quite expensive. My guild wants to do fps, good I can switch for 10k or so, but then if I want to pvp I need to switch again. It's stupid how expensive it is. So you have people on the republic ignoring pvp because of that alone. While from what I've seen the majority of the empire don't care if they ever do a nm/fp/op.


My respec costs go up to 100k every week. That's what you get for playing a Sage. I'm required to heal in most PvE situations (hardmodes etc.), but I'm also expected to go 300k+ in dmg on scenarios. It's not something you can do on one build... :)




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pvp is fine, bad players are bad players


I hate Hut Ball - if I wanted to play a ball game, I would get Madden Football or something else. No one passes the ball except a few players. Seems like everyone just wants to fight everyone else and that is where the focus should be, as that is where the actions is. This is where creativity becomes stupidity.

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Most republic players on my server aren't great. Not a lot that can be done about it, except play as a premade team and get your tactics fixed so you win the ones you are in. Lots of bad empire players too, just at the moment, republic are worse.


Although I do see side imbalance becoming a problem in terms of numbers of players if openworld pvp actually picks up. Best solution is a 3rd faction, but I don't see that ever becoming workable if it wasn't done at launch.

Edited by Hayemaker
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My server can not win warfronts.... its so demoralizing.... I would like to get my daily and weekly warfront wins but its impossible to win.... LOOK at the win/loss ration for each faction and tell us something is wrong... When you have people on the Empire side doing 4 times the damage as everyone else...


You understand that the classess for republic and empire are mirrors of each other right....

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