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The reason why I'll be unsubscribing after the free month.


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"If you think Rift is better than SWTOR, it must have been your first MMO"


...You do realize that doesn't refute his argument right? You basically just acknowledged that his first MMO was better than SWTOR


Weird because no where in that does it say Rift is better than TOR. Odd how you pull that out of nowhere.

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Weird because no where in that does it say Rift is better than TOR. Odd how you pull that out of nowhere.

"Also if you actually think Rift is better than this then you seriously must be 10 or Rift was your first MMO."


Forgetting what you wrote 5 second ago?

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Seriously you cant say this game is boring! If you stop at level 20 because its boring then a good question is what you look for in a game? I'd say this game is VERY fun!


BUT the only good reasons for not continue play would be

1, queues (could be better , we'll see)

2, downtime 8 hours at the middle of the day in Europe.


As someone mentioned, you will loose several days of playtime over a year, and thats not acceptable! Would be ok if they removed that day from your gametime, but even then it would be frustrating not be able to play 1 day a week!


People say "Well you're at work/school at the middle of the day anyway.

But that's not true for everyone, like me I work on a 5-2 schedules and that mean I only got 2 day every second week to actually play 100% if I like..

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why why why


people believe that we CARE if the unsubscribe


can someone tell me please? because i really do not get it


@OP i didnt' read the thread cause i do not care. If you do not like the game is FINE , stop paying something that you do like is HEALTHY, coming in the forums and post all that crap is at least PROBLEMATIC


This 100%

Do not care what you do, and I'm soooo sick of seeing posts like this clog up the forums. Look, I understand that you probably were so looking forward to playing swtor, and you are upset it's not what you expected, but why should we care? Just move on.

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Seriously you cant say this game is boring! If you stop at level 20 because its boring then a good question is what you look for in a game? I'd say this game is VERY fun!




Was that directed at me? Because my main character is level 43 and a level 10 alt and I'm in a guild with many people from 20 to 50

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I've got the CE and don't even play it. I'm still playing Rift...why? Because my IQ is 10

Hopefully TOR will eventually keep up its speed, but atm the UI alone is enough to make me log on for hours at a time. Game is seriously a brand new, big budget MMO....seriously brand new.


There you go. You had A LOT of errors in there. Also if you actually think Rift is better than this then you seriously must be 10 or Rift was your first MMO.

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Already unsubbed. The game is just extremely boring!!!!!!!!!!!!


I got 4 classes sitting at level 20, as it seems this level is where the boredom starts setting in, and I find no motivation whatsoever to login.


I'm just reading these forums hoping to be arsed to play some more and I just can't. **** it, I'm out. The only regret I have is having nothing else good to play atm.


Level 20 is where it starts getting more fun...

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I'm not looking for people to decide for me. I asked for feedback and discussion. I believe you over analyzed my replys.


the what sort of feedback are you looking for exactly?


lack of community - community doesn't just happen, it has to be built over time. expecting ready made community in a brand new game is just.. well I'll just go ahead and say it - its silly. you want community? contribute to building it, talk to people, group with them, get to know them better. but server forums you say? you know what my friend did when he realized that there were no official server forums? he started an unofficial one and then advertised it in game and in community forums.


there is end game. there are operations, pvp, hardmode flashpoints, a solo planet to quest through. and of course.. there's alts. by the time you level another alt.. oh look more level cap content! or do you mean, there aren't a lot of people running endgame content right now? wellll.. new game, most people are STILL leveling. Still - this games focus is on the journey. so if that's not your primary focus, then what can I say, there are other games on the market that focus more on endgame, rather then leveling.


linearity. have you LEVELED a character in WoW recently? WoW used to be more open but nowadays? you cannot even skip side quests, not if you want to move on and unlock the rest of the zone, otherwise, its phased away, out of your reach, empty. and again- this game is about your character's personal story. the choice is in how you are going to act within it, kill people, let them go, whom you help, whom you betray.


gear grind, I don't see it this way, considering the modability of gear, but.. what exactly are you suggesting here? you want endgame, but you don't like trappings that come with "endgame" ?


just accept that this game is not for you and move on. its not going to get fixed to your desires. I'm not even sure if you yourself know exactly what is it that you are looking for other then "not WoW"

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First MMO - what an incredible game - absolutely loving every second of it. Great forum read as well - huge laughs at all the game creators, life experts, philosophers and guidance councillors in here - especially that bird who keeps relating playing a new game to relationships - boy are you still cheesed off your ex cheated on you. Nothing to add really apart from the enjoyment of reading all about trolls, flaming and all that rubbish forum speak that everyone adopts. So cheers and enjoy the game.. or not.



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Already unsubbed. The game is just extremely boring!!!!!!!!!!!!


I got 4 classes sitting at level 20, as it seems this level is where the boredom starts setting in, and I find no motivation whatsoever to login.


I'm just reading these forums hoping to be arsed to play some more and I just can't. **** it, I'm out. The only regret I have is having nothing else good to play atm.


You hit the nail on the head, except the other MAJOR reason I unsubbed is the HORRIBLE PvP... just atrocious in all ways at the moment.

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" 'At half a million subscribers, the game is substantially profitable, but it's not the sort of thing we would write home about,' Riccitiello said"



So basically they need at least 2/3rd of the people who bought the game to continue subscribing. Otherwise... well, I won't tell you, because your mind won't accept it.


The article and your quote did not read that the numbers posted were the actual subscription numbers. The numbers Riccitiello gave sounded like goal numbers. There are other indications that the actual active players are far north of 500k. And no I can not be arsed to look up the link. Google it. It's an article estimating the subscription numbers based on number of servers, and I'd like to point out that additional servers have been added since that article was written.

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First MMO - what an incredible game - absolutely loving every second of it. Great forum read as well - huge laughs at all the game creators, life experts, philosophers and guidance councillors in here - especially that bird who keeps relating playing a new game to relationships - boy are you still cheesed off your ex cheated on you. Nothing to add really apart from the enjoyment of reading all about trolls, flaming and all that rubbish forum speak that everyone adopts. So cheers and enjoy the game.. or not.




was that to me, dear?


I wasn't the one who originally came up with MMO's being similar to relationships, I just borrowed the idea becasue in case of OP, it seemed so very fitting. and speaking of arm chair philosophers and psychiatrists and making assumtions, hello there, pot.

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To everyone who decided that they need to rant about leaving...i came to TOR from playing EVE Online for about 4+ years (i still love that game though!). We have two sayings in the EVE community, one for whiners and one for people who say they're leaving:


HTFU and can i haz your stuff?


Just my .02! :)

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No it has nothing to do with rushing any where. There is no people around. Regardless except in the first planet and sometimes second. I was playing very heavy sever and there were 5 people on my shard on Hoth.


Hoth is far ahead of the average player base.


It's been like this for about two days:


Tython / Ord Mantell = 100 players each

Coruscant = 200 players

Republic Fleet = 100 players

Taris = 90 players

Tatooine = 80 players

Alderaan = 50 players


and that's as far as I've made it. When I made it to Alderaan three days ago, Alderaan had about 12 players.


You are vastly ahead of the curve. The curve now is most players below 20, 20-32 or so is pretty populated, everything ahead of that is ahead of the curve and you are overleveled compared to the average population and you will struggle to find people and to make groups. There are about 5 level 50s on my faction which is a realm that has queue times during prime time. There are hundreds of pre-30 players.

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To everyone who decided that they need to rant about leaving...i came to TOR from playing EVE Online for about 4+ years (i still love that game though!). We have two sayings in the EVE community, one for whiners and one for people who say they're leaving:


HTFU and can i haz your stuff?


Just my .02! :)


didnt want that stuff anyways

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Why are people who have unsubbed still looking at the forums or posting... you don't get a voice any more just shut up you 10 year olds. If you're no longer subscribed or playing you don't know what's going on in the game any more, whether it be patches or changes to servers etc etc.
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You nailed it when you wrote this game makes WoW look like a sandbox game. I've already cancelled my subscription, and am probably going back to WoW until Guild Wars 2 is released. I'm hoping that game doesn't fail as an MMO like this one. I was waiting for this game for 2 years, and it's been an utter disappointment.
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Totally agree with the poster. I am going to keep my sub for now though. I am ivling another toon. Have to do the same quests over again and same cut scenes other than the storyline ones.


Something I thought was interesting was my choice to not join my guild on TeamSpeak as it interferes with the cut scenes. I found it very distracting so I just use the guild chat.


It is kinda cool this cut scene thing on missions with all the voice over. It's like a what if book that I read when I was in grade 5.


Also the crafting is very simple. Great for my 8 year old son but sadly I requirer a little more engaging system to find it rewarding.


I left Age of Conan because of lack of end game. I left WoW for most of the reasons the poster made about this game. I still have a sub to eve after 6 months on 3 accounts and I played SWG off and on for 3+ years ( Of coarse pre-cu was the best.) Jedi were a accomplishment back then.


Most of these posters here are right though, well ......to a point. I guess it dose not matter if we unsub. They are already a success. 2 million subscribers at 60-70 bucks a pop. And that's just for the software. They have already made their shareholders happy.


I will just sit here with my fingers crossed that we get another more sandbox game down the road with the Star Wars theme or I win the lottery and I can make my own lol.

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Why are people who have unsubbed still looking at the forums or posting... you don't get a voice any more just shut up you 10 year olds. If you're no longer subscribed or playing you don't know what's going on in the game any more, whether it be patches or changes to servers etc etc.


Actually... until the sub runs out they are still paid customers for a 30 day service (or however long their 30 days still has left)

Another thing, the people that post that they are leaving aren't just bashing the game for no reason, these are people who PAID to play the game, and are leaving because they found their play not as enjoyable... not to mention, they came here with feedback about why-


It's the people who can't see no flaw, or who fail to try and understand the OP's logic and just, no offense, give this type of response. Berate them and insult them... yeah... really awesome civil mannerisms. :rolleyes:

If any one thing destroys MMO's anytime soon- it's the community.

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why why why


people believe that we CARE if the unsubscribe


can someone tell me please? because i really do not get it


@OP i didnt' read the thread cause i do not care. If you do not like the game is FINE , stop paying something that you do like is HEALTHY, coming in the forums and post all that crap is at least PROBLEMATIC


People want to like it because they at sick of WoW. The same people hate it because it's not WoW. It really boggles the mind. BW will add features and refine things over time. Come back in a few months and see how you feel then maybe? Things take time and the folks complaining have no idea what it takes to make a game. Stand WoW and SWTOR together in release state and see what you think?


Oh but BW have had 7 years to learn from WoW I hear you say? Again, no idea what it takes to make a game.

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You nailed it when you wrote this game makes WoW look like a sandbox game. I've already cancelled my subscription, and am probably going back to WoW until Guild Wars 2 is released. I'm hoping that game doesn't fail as an MMO like this one. I was waiting for this game for 2 years, and it's been an utter disappointment.


Obviously you have so much going on that this is a real tough break from your busy schedule to tell us something completely useless.

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Is there a box where it asks you why you are canceling your subscription during the process?


Cause last couple games there was a box. And unique and beautiful snowflakes still thought the forums were the place to go to write their sappy farewell stories.

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