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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The reason why I'll be unsubscribing after the free month.


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First I wish to get a few things out of the way. I'm not a "hater" a wowkiddie or anything like that. I'm someone who followed the development, pre-ordered and played since first day of early access.

Bioware have kindly provided these forums to provide feedback and create some kind of community so I'm respectfully offering the reasonswhy I feel this game isn't up to scratch.




My biggest reason is complete lack of community. I'm a regular forum user and find that having no server forums totaly bazarr. In game community seems small and cold, I'm finding little reason to group up other than heroic quests (which I've now given up on) and flashpoints which we just burn through as they are so simple. I play on a "Full" server and struggle to find groups for flashpoints to the point where I just don't bother any more. At level 43 I have ran into maybe 4 Republic in the open world at most.


Story and questing is fun but... This doesn't translate to end game. Like other MMOs I'll be spending most of my time at level cap and having talked to my guild mate I find that the "Story" is just for leveling.


I feel trapped. This has to be the most linear game ever made. It makes wow look like a sandbox game. I'm not after a sandbox experience but I would like a sence of freedom. I feel the space combat matches the ground game in that it's on rails.


This is just going to be another gear grind. Having played wow for a few years I felt I needed something else other than a rince and repeat hunt for gear however I see this in ToR as much as wow. I was intrigued to here about this "legacy" system which they said was something an MMO had never done before but I hate to break it to them but added a surname to your characters is not new or very exciting.


Those are the main reasons. Please keep in mind this is my opinon and polite feedback.

Some thoughts and discussion would be very welcome.

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Already unsubbed. The game is just extremely boring!!!!!!!!!!!!


I got 4 classes sitting at level 20, as it seems this level is where the boredom starts setting in, and I find no motivation whatsoever to login.


I'm just reading these forums hoping to be arsed to play some more and I just can't. **** it, I'm out. The only regret I have is having nothing else good to play atm.

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I feel your just like everyone else, who want's to play the same old kind of MMO. Not every game will be just like World of Warcraft and this game loves to show its diversity. I've seen THOUSANDS of players, and I own a guild with almost 100 people in it. You can't say that the community is not there. Edited by CoreyRadioQueer
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I've got the CE and don't even play it. I'm still playing Rift...why? Because Rift is a real MMO.


Hopefully ToR will eventually get up to speed, but atm the UI alone is enough to make me log off. Game is seriously outdated for a brand new, big budget MMO....seriously outdated.

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why why why


people believe that we CARE if the unsubscribe


can someone tell me please? because i really do not get it


@OP i didnt' read the thread cause i do not care. If you do not like the game is FINE , stop paying something that you do like is HEALTHY, coming in the forums and post all that crap is at least PROBLEMATIC

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why why why


people believe that we CARE if the unsubscribe


can someone tell me please? because i really do not get it


Well you see, son, there is this thing called "capitalism" and this stuff called "money" and people called "developers" who want to make money but for that they need this thing called "subscribers."


Am I going over your head, yet?

Edited by NephilimNexus
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OP totally echoes my own feelings. I'm giving Bioware one month to implement a TON of guild functionality and to overhaul world PVP to make it more meaningful. I don't have any interest in levelling up another character, so will cancel if these things don't make it into the game. Can only run the high level flashpoint so many times before you get bored.
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Seriously, the people who do play, do not care. Why would we care if your unsubscribing? Your just like the rest of the few. We here, still like to play, and still will. This post has no potential help whatsoever. You don't think BioWare is doing the best it can at the moment?


You're a fool. You claim not to care but posted twice... Nutter.

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Well you see, son, there is this thing called "capitalism" and this stuff called "money" and people called "developers" who want to make money but for that they need this thing called "subscribers."


Am I going over your head, yet?


you still didnt' answer me son the original question


why do i care if a random man/woman from the 1,5milion players unsubscribes..


maybe go back to school son to learn to answer the correction question?



Edited by Perfik
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Well you see, son, there is this thing called "capitalism" and this stuff called "money" and people called "developers" who want to make money but for that they need this thing called "subscribers."


Am I going over your head, yet?


show me numbers that support your capitalism argument and that developers have something to fear, please.


am I asking for facts when you were too busy with opinions?

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why why why


people believe that we CARE if the unsubscribe


can someone tell me please? because i really do not get it


@OP i didnt' read the thread cause i do not care. If you do not like the game is FINE , stop paying something that you do like is HEALTHY, coming in the forums and post all that crap is at least PROBLEMATIC


Clearly you do, because you bother to post and flame the person expressing their reasoning for unsubscribing. The fan-people on these forums continue to sicken me.


Thanks for the feedback OP. You echo many of the same concerns I and many other non-sycophants have expressed as well. Hopefully BioWare gets the message sooner rather than later.

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Clearly you do, because you bother to post and flame the person expressing their reasoning for unsubscribing. .


yeah holiday times at work give me so much time to flame the trolls


it is refreshing when you do it in the release of a new MMO.

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and Jawas and Hutts that way >>>>


Am I doing it right?


Thank you for making my point. I love Star Wars and Jawas and Hutts are a very big reason why.


Im headed that way >>> to the Jawas and Hutts.


<<< You go this way to Pandas. lol Pandas.

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How long has this game been released?


And you expect a full, dedicated, know it all community when?


I'm halfway with a character to 50 yet and just barely started really getting the hang of the stuff I've actually unlocked. There's a strong drive for solo in this game but there's also PvP and the Group missions plus there's plenty to explore with what seems to me like some great effort behind the stories and different characters. I've been having fun with other players and a couple of friends playing this as well.


Sounds like you're just not interested either way.

Edited by zerobounds
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you still didnt' answer me son the original question


why do i care if a random man/woman from the 1,5milion players unsubscribes..


maybe go back to school son to learn to answer the correction question?




Because it's feedback like this that will eventually (or not) make the game better.


You see, like the guy posted before. Dev's want to make money, and money comes from subscribers. If people are unsubscribing because the game just isn't up to the mark you'd expect for something in 2011/2012, then they're going to have to do something about it. Like fix bugs and add sever forums.


Thus this feedback is more valuable than you kids think, that's why it's people like the OP making this thread that's bettering the game than all you blind fools who reply with "LOL PANDAS THAT WAY GO BACK TOO WOW WHY DO WE CARE IF YOU UNSUB LOL I DIDNT EVEN READ".

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