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Is it just me or DO MMO Developers ignore customer base?


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I get so sick of reading this. Yes, keep saying it so others think the devs are spending hours upon hours adding this one little thing.


Come on! This was probably 1 line in the code that took 5 minutes to change. You wanting BUGS fixed within 2 weeks of the game being out is ludicrous.


You know absolutely nothing about coding, sorry.

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I don't care how many people and departments Bioware has. They need to speak to their customers who have legitimate complaints about the service that they are paying for. Not a response such as "We are investigating the issue." Although, I will agree this response is better then no response. I still want to know what and how the service is going to change in the future. Afterall, I'm paying for this service I deserve the right to know.


I don't think I have found a single game out there that has ever been up front about their responses. It's a shame too - because since every game does it and people continue to pay, the companies putting out the games will keep doing it.

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My biggest issue, and to me game breaking if it's not addressed, is the lack of communication Bioware has with it's customers.


Oh you want the devs to stop working on fixing the problem, to come and reassure you they are working on the problem, right when you say that there is a problem? That is totally fair there bro guy, totally fair...not so much


Here is a hint: SR did a detailed Q&A on Reddit about most of the issues with the game right now and explained that they are aware and working on them, but they will not give an ETA as to when.

Edited by Baizak
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Blizzard listened to the masses, look what happened to WoW.


Bioware will do whatever they want, probably just stick to the vision they have for the game, give the middle finger to suggestions (unless they were already going to do it anyway), and throw some good PR spin here and there to tide over some of the naysayers. That's the Bioware style.


It's pretty obvious they are MMO newbies though, they don't have good moderation, nor know how to handle some the complaints well.

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However, the battle system in SWTOR is extremely flawed and unresponsive and will destroy PvE and PvP if left unattended. As an example of where Bioware can improve their customer relations they could come out and state: "Hey everyone we have been discussing the responsiveness of the battle system and we have decided to not change anything" or "Hey everyone we have been discussing the responsiveness of the battle system and we ahve decided to run every ability off a strict internal clock and get rid of any delay even if animations are clipped"


You should read more. They have responded and they will fix it.


Its like because people dont receive a phone call from the head of bioware, answering they're every question and complaint. 'well they dont care so we should QQ all over the place'


they are aware of the lag on abilities, they will fix it. it's just not a magic button they can switch and it be fixed(while not breaking something else).


stuff has to be tested, and retested, and tested again before they roll it out to live servers with millions of people playing it

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You should read more. They have responded and they will fix it.


Its like because people dont receive a phone call from the head of bioware, answering they're every question and complaint. 'well they dont care so we should QQ all over the place'


they are aware of the lag on abilities, they will fix it. it's just not a magic button they can switch and it be fixed(while not breaking something else).


stuff has to be tested, and retested, and tested again before they roll it out to live servers with millions of people playing it


This post made me laugh because you tell me to read more when you are obviously the one not reading. I already know they have posted on it, but their response has been "we are investigating the issue." What I'm looking for is a detailed response on "how" they want the battle system to work": Are they intending to let animations continue to override GCD and ability casts? Or are they willing to trim animations if need be to allow for fluidity within the game and its combat?


In conclusion, please take your own advice and read more.

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Is it so much to ask for a little insight into how certain game mechanics are "supposed" to run? I as a consumer would like to know what this game will turn into in the future. Is it so terrible that I ask for a little customer service from Bioware?
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I mean there are a plethora of broken mechanics such as:


-Ability Delay/Character Responsiveness

-Abilities not firing properly

-Animations preventing competitive play

-Latency and FPS problems in Battlegrounds

-Issues with class quests

-Terrible Auction House Design

-And did I mention Ability Delay/Character Responsiveness?




And BW is implementing emotes while on vehicles... and other nonsensical additions while the customer base is screaming for major fixes to their game all over the forums.


Seems to me the same pattern we've seen before on other MMOs where the Developer is seemingly pretending that their customers complaints don't exist is following suit with Bioware. What do you guys think?




to clarify the issue:


1. Bioware should communicate they're intentions to their paying customers for current problems/bugs/glitches within the game: what they plan on doing, how it should be working etc...




2. Bioware has no responsibility to communicate or share information on how things "should" be working to their paying customers. Something such as "we are investigating the issue" is sufficient.


They should communicate their intentions to their customers, of course. However, I think they're very aware of these issues. They just don't know how to fix them all in a timely fashion it seems. If I'm right, it's frustrating for everyone involved.

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Seems to me the same pattern we've seen before on other MMOs where the Developer is seemingly pretending that their customers complaints don't exist is following suit with Bioware. What do you guys think?


I think, based on your list, that you're not paying any attention at all to what the developers have said regarding the issues you're interested in, or that you're actively ignoring them in an effort to make a somewhat invalid point.


I'm not going to say the communication's been perfect, but you're implying it hasn't existed. That's just not true.


One thing this does have in common with other MMOs is that it's got a player base who likes to yell and scream when they don't get what they want right now. These things take time to fix, and whether you acknowledge it or not, they've said they're working on them. Tantrums aren't going to help fix things faster.


They're also sometimes going to make changes other than the ones you want. You're going to have to learn to deal with that.

Edited by imtrick
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The business of making games people want to play.


So they keep giving them their money.


We'll see sooner than later that they've failed in that I'm sure. :cool:


So? Does the universe stop then or something? I happen to enjoy this game but if it were to fail then I'm sure another game wil take its place.


As usual people invest way too many emotions in something as inane as entertainment.

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So? Does the universe stop then or something? I happen to enjoy this game but if it were to fail then I'm sure another game wil take its place.


As usual people invest way too many emotions in something as inane as entertainment.


EA should try investing some emotion other than pure greed.


Aspirations of excellence, those that Bioware used to aspire to...

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Sometimes, software developers simply don't know why the bug is occurring. It doesn't have to be a conspiracy... It's not always as simple as going 'Oops, I typoed that line of code!' Complicated and large amounts of code can breed complicated problems.
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So? Does the universe stop then or something? I happen to enjoy this game but if it were to fail then I'm sure another game wil take its place.


As usual people invest way too many emotions in something as inane as entertainment.

It's kinda hard to enjoy a game when you run into a gamebreaking bug and Bioware just ignores you.

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I mean there are a plethora of broken mechanics such as:


-Ability Delay/Character Responsiveness

-Abilities not firing properly

-Animations preventing competitive play

-Latency and FPS problems in Battlegrounds

-Issues with class quests

-Terrible Auction House Design

-And did I mention Ability Delay/Character Responsiveness?




And BW is implementing emotes while on vehicles... and other nonsensical additions while the customer base is screaming for major fixes to their game all over the forums.


Seems to me the same pattern we've seen before on other MMOs where the Developer is seemingly pretending that their customers complaints don't exist is following suit with Bioware. What do you guys think?




to clarify the issue:


1. Bioware should communicate they're intentions to their paying customers for current problems/bugs/glitches within the game: what they plan on doing, how it should be working etc...




2. Bioware has no responsibility to communicate or share information on how things "should" be working to their paying customers. Something such as "we are investigating the issue" is sufficient.




Christ you people are so freaking ignorant! Everything you mentioned has already been checked in the dev tracker and is being worked on. Your quota of "Something such as "we are investigating the issue" is sufficient" is already made you just have to look in the dev tracker or two threads below yours.

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I mean there are a plethora of broken mechanics such as:


-Ability Delay/Character Responsiveness

-Abilities not firing properly

-Animations preventing competitive play

-Latency and FPS problems in Battlegrounds

-Issues with class quests

-Terrible Auction House Design

-And did I mention Ability Delay/Character Responsiveness?




And BW is implementing emotes while on vehicles... and other nonsensical additions while the customer base is screaming for major fixes to their game all over the forums.


Seems to me the same pattern we've seen before on other MMOs where the Developer is seemingly pretending that their customers complaints don't exist is following suit with Bioware. What do you guys think?




to clarify the issue:


1. Bioware should communicate they're intentions to their paying customers for current problems/bugs/glitches within the game: what they plan on doing, how it should be working etc...




2. Bioware has no responsibility to communicate or share information on how things "should" be working to their paying customers. Something such as "we are investigating the issue" is sufficient.


Just wait... This is only beta for crying out loud...

errr... Just wait because we are still in Early Access...

That doesn't sound right either...


Just wait 3-6 months?

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