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If Bioware added a third faction, what would it be that made most sense to the lore?


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A third faction would only work if they changed the timeline to legacy. There, you have 3 factions:

-The Galactic Alliance (the new Republic)

-Darth Krayt's Empire (the Sith)

-The Fel Empire (basically the Empire with different force users)


Would be awesome if they did that. It would be the new DAoC.


Except for the part where DAOC was built from the ground up to be PVP, and this isn't. :) (I wish I'd been into PVP when it was in its glory days, from all I've heard, but at that time, I was burned from UO gankfests and despised the idea. Ah well. Lost opportunities.)


You can have passable PVE in a PVP game, or passable PVP in a PVE game, but you can't have excellent PVE and PVP in the same game. There's obviously a market for a PVP-focused Star Wars game, but I doubt it's large enough to justify the cost of the license. Probably the only major sci-fi PVP MMORPG we're *likely* to see, if EVE doesn't already float your boat in that area, is the 40K game, about which I know nothing in terms of expected quality, gameplay, or features, merely that it is in development.

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A) Discussing Star Wars in terms of 'lore' is silly. Star Wars is a fairy tale. Unfortunately over the past 30 years a number of people have exerted considerable effort to Star Trekify or Tolkienize it. Why not Star Trekify or Tolkienize Cinderella? Or Hansel and Gretel?


B) Perhaps something similar to the Trade Federation or a third political region of the galaxy would work.

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What about a confederation of aliens? We would get the much desired alien races along with it making a degree of sense. A lot of the alien races are treated second class, especially with the empire and sith. It would only make sense that a large portion of them would want to band together to get their just rights.
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Best option, and most likely outcome would be the Hutt Syndicate as the "ruling party" and the Mandalorians as "the muscle". The Hutts have always been and owned their own little segment of the galaxy, and in a choice between the regulation-heavy Empire, or the anti-slavery of the Republic, the Hutts would hate both options. The Hutts would want to hire on the Mandalorians for their reputation, abilities, and their "kill or fight anything" attitude. While the Mandalorians would hate the Republic due to a previous war, and their negative opinion on killing needless, while the Empire may enable them to fight to their heart's content, they would not enjoy "doing it for the state"; the only Empire they would serve is the Mandalorian Empire.


All the other criminal cartels, like Black Sun may hold onto their own power at first, but once they realize they'd be fighting on 3 fronts, they would eventually succumb to the Hutts' leadership. With this move, most if not all of the Bounty Hunters would have to join this side (most Mandalorians are bounty hunters), and maybe about half of the Smugglers would also have to move with this faction in order to remain employed.


I agree with this. If the Hutts banded together and started an empire with the Mandalorians acting as their main soldiers, while incorporating various criminal elements from around the galaxy, I think that could be a big enough alliance to be considered a separate faction.

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Yuuzhan Vong are not in this galaxy yet at this time period.




Hutts "running"! I laughed at that. Maybe if the Hutt was this Hutt: http://www.darthhater.com/comics/pro-tips/15330-watching-your-figure


Yeah, there was a SCOUT SHIP in Knights of the Old Republic, but that was it... (Was an "easter egg" of sorts... Canderous spots a strange asteroid near the outer rim, and when he draws attention to it, you scan it then it shoots off like a ship (making a turn that would be impossible for any known ship) in a direction that would take it OUT of the galaxy and everyone is ***)


As for my opinion of factions that could be added, Mandalorians might work except that really while they are independent, with most of them working as bounty hunters they currently are allied with the Empire, only as long as the Empire pays better.


Hutts would work good, only in that you wouldn't probably play an actual Hutt, but a lowly grunt in the Hutt Cartels, working your way up to be a high-ranking member. But, just as you can't become Emperor or Chancellor in this game, you wouldn't actually be a Hutt leader of your cartel.


Other criminal organizations would be the same really as the Hutts...


Overall though, I'm really not sure how any third faction would fit in story wise for players, at least until they have a story-based way to actually faction change.

Edited by AbsolutGrndZero
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In this time period? Black Sun, Huttese, Yuuzhan Vong, various cartels.


Yuuzhan Vong are only here in 2's and 3's, and wont arrive in force for another 3000 years or so


And now for the Idea:


Why not add a nuteral faction. This faction can be composed of all sorts, and can contain modified versions of both republic and sith classes. Also add a "Crafting" faction, which gains the ability to learn more crew skills, but lose a large portion of combat functionality to compensate.

Edited by VraelOplo
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A) Discussing Star Wars in terms of 'lore' is silly. Star Wars is a fairy tale. Unfortunately over the past 30 years a number of people have exerted considerable effort to Star Trekify or Tolkienize it. Why not Star Trekify or Tolkienize Cinderella? Or Hansel and Gretel?


Star Wars doesn't even come close to qualifying as a fairy tale. For starters fairy tales have no character development and no background stories to go with them. Many Star Wars characters have both character development and background stories. Also fairy tales utilize what are called "Magic Objects." These are things given to the characters in the tale to help them along their journey. They help the character do things that he/she couldn't have done with out it, and there is no explanation as to how the object or power works and aren't very well described (i.e. the "Golden Ball", or "Silver Spoon"). Objects to help characters in Star Wars are, more often than not, explained as to how they function as well as where they come from.

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Yuuzhan Vong, hell they almost did anyway. Those guys don't freakin' die and when they do - that's even more disturbing. I suggest everyone read their wookieepedia page :D


EDIT: I get that they weren't in the EU at this time yet but still ... otherwise it'd be mandalorians ofc. No contest.

Edited by kaelthun
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probably the mandalorians would be more of an option for the 3rd faction, i was hoping that the first expansion to this game would involve in a story dealing with a mandalorian threat.


then theres the hutts


lmao and just for fun, throw in the Czerka for a 3rd faction :D


& what about the Geno Haradan ???? :eek:

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Am i missing something here or am i among the few who play the story or role play. I have fought all types of characters in this game and from what i read from people i dont get what you are asking for.


first everyone is at everyones throats. the story has the manda, the hutts but the empire and republic are the main parts. the other factions are the short stories and minor quest which i love doing. truly many of you should take your time and go through the minor quest. i fight all types of minor factions which star wars has made a habbit of them being minor. i do think when the empire vanish then a new villian was put in place. Plus we also have to find out about this new emperor. who the crack is he or they.


trust me people i think more of less they focus on the minor factions. You change whole worlds in this game when you fight in a game. light or dark you can not know the whole picture until the end or rather your end. The lore in sense is to add small application to what the story is of the time. I think they questions is not if but what race or faction will develop more in this time frame?

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I can't imagine they would ever add a third faction, just because of all the work involved.


But if they did I would love to see a truly neutral/independent faction. Unaligned pirates, smugglers, opportunists, etc trying to make their own fortune even as the Republic and Sith burn down the galaxy around them.

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Have to go with the Mandalorian option here, especially given the setting, when they were actually a threat of some kind as a unit and not just feared bounty hunters ala Boba Fett. I guess you could go the Hutt route too but there won't be any chance of actually playing as one. Have you ever seen a Hutt do anything other than sit about?


Add Mandalorians and have a Basilisk as a level 50 mount. I'd imagine them to be a hybrid of the ranged classes with a talent tree dedicated to melee also. I'd have them as a tank/dps class, due to the lore behind Mandalorian armour etc.

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The Hutt empire would work with classes like smuggler,agents,bounty hunters,pirates,enforcers(troopers),etc.



Or maybe just a third faction with the separatists , systems that dont want anything to do with the Republic or Empire, any class would be available to this that rejects those 2 political systems.

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Star Wars doesn't even come close to qualifying as a fairy tale. For starters fairy tales have no character development and no background stories to go with them. Many Star Wars characters have both character development and background stories. Also fairy tales utilize what are called "Magic Objects." These are things given to the characters in the tale to help them along their journey. They help the character do things that he/she couldn't have done with out it, and there is no explanation as to how the object or power works and aren't very well described (i.e. the "Golden Ball", or "Silver Spoon"). Objects to help characters in Star Wars are, more often than not, explained as to how they function as well as where they come from.


Dark knight abducts young princess and keeps her prisoner in his black castle. Young farm boy receives secret message and after receiving his father's magic sword, adventures forth to rescue the princess, aided by a kindly old wizard and a good-hearted rogue.


Apparently you don't know what a fairy tale is.


"Also fairy tales utilize what are called "Magic Objects." These are things given to the characters in the tale to help them along their journey. They help the character do things that he/she couldn't have done with out it, and there is no explanation as to how the object or power works and aren't very well described"


This was my favorite part. You see, in Star Wars there is a mystical and magical thing called the Force. Perhaps you should take the time to actually watch the movie before posting anything else on these boards. And by movie I mean the actual movie, not that later junk where Lucas decided to change the Force into a blood born disease.



P.S. A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away = Once upon a time in a far away land

Edited by BrigOrion
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Dark knight abducts young princess and keeps her prisoner in his black castle. Young farm boy receives secret message and after receiving his father's magic sword, adventures forth to rescue the princess, aided by a kindly old wizard and a good-hearted rogue.


Apparently you don't know what a fairy tale is.


"Also fairy tales utilize what are called "Magic Objects." These are things given to the characters in the tale to help them along their journey. They help the character do things that he/she couldn't have done with out it, and there is no explanation as to how the object or power works and aren't very well described"


This was my favorite part. You see, in Star Wars there is a mystical and magical thing called the Force. Perhaps you should take the time to actually watch the movie before posting anything else on these boards. And by movie I mean the actual movie, not that later junk where Lucas decided to change the Force into a blood born disease.



P.S. A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away = Once upon a time in a far away land


I'm outraged that there's no cryoban weapon posticon....cause that was an iceburn.

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Were the Hapans around during this time? I think I remember in the Courtship of Princess Leia that it was mentioned their civilization was 10k years old or so? They had over a hundred fully colonized worlds, were very wealthy, with advanced technology not available to others, and a strong well-built military that never fell to outside forces.
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