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SWTOR: The most unsubscribed-to mmo in 2012?


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So this is my constructive open thoughts.



More like, "this is what I copied and pasted from other threads because I felt everyone needed to read a rehash of every issue that has been beat-to-death in the forums", lmao. Good lord people, is it too much to ask that if you don't have new commentary to contribute to the forums you just post your comments in an existing thread instead of starting up duplicate threads? The topics worth reading get pushed to page 4 within about 5 minutes thanks to all the duplicate threads and the "farewell" threads from people nobody knows.


And enough with the predictions already. There's no contest for predictions about the fate of the game. Every other freaking thread is about the "future" of a game that only launched a few weeks ago. The internet is rampant with copycatters these days. Just because someone posted their reasons they don't like TOR or "game-breaking" issues with TOR or fate of TOR or farewell to TOR threads doesn't mean you need to post one too. It's like Tebowing TOR-style, lol.

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You, sir, are going to meet My Retro Pally Panda from Space and you will rue the day you spoke out of turn.


Not before you fall before my Protoss... err, I mean Draeni mage!




I mean, we were the Eradar, a race so evil we made Sargaras fall from grace... except that we were apparently a peaceful race that Sargaras twisted into the Eredar... wait what?


I love how Warcraft lore actually contains it's own time paradox.

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I have canceled my sub today.


Although I knew going-in (based on descriptions--I wasn't able to beta-test) that this was a story-driven MMO, I just can't stand being hand-led from region to region in a LINEAR way. I was hoping that there was a little more open-ness to it, but that's just my preference. I know the MMO genre is changing to less sandbox-type games.


I guess playing LOTRO for 4+ years with its ultimate linear questing system has burned me out royally to all MMO's. (Especially RoI) I had hoped TOR would be different.


I played Eve-Online for a couple years and thinking of returning it's gotten that bad for me. Will sandbox MMO's *EVER* be created again? Is it a dying breed? I think it is.




PS. oh and the community here? well, lets just say I'm sick of hearing about WoW, the supposed genesis of all MMO's... :rolleyes:

Edited by dragnn
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Not before you fall before my Protoss... err, I mean Draeni mage!




I mean, we were the Eradar, a race so evil we made Sargaras fall from grace... except that we were apparently a peaceful race that Sargaras twisted into the Eredar... wait what?


I love how Warcraft lore actually contains it's own time paradox.

You're obviously confused. The Eredar weren't what made Sargeras go evil.



"During his never ending war against the evil in the universe, Sargeras became increasingly depressed by the chaos he saw wrought by all kinds of evil. While his confusion and misery deepened, Sargeras was forced to contend with several groups intent on disrupting the titans' order: the nathrezim, Mo'arg, and Infernals.[2] These demonic creatures conquered a number of populated worlds by possessing their inhabitants and turning them to the shadow. The nefarious, scheming demons turned whole nations against one another by manipulating them into unthinking hatred and mistrust. Sargeras defeated them easily, but their corruption affected him deeply."



There Eredar were an inherently good race when 2 of their 3 leaders were corrupted by Sargeras.



Know what you're talking about before spouting nonsense.

Edited by Heist
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SWTOR is the fastest MMORPG to get to 1 million subscriptions.


yeah i can take this one, its because they FORCE you to setup a sub before you can play with the 30day that comes with the box.


and imh they only did this to get the numbers up so people like you think its a great game.

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Out of the 2 million who play the game. How many do you think read teh forums? I start to wonder why have the forums just nothing but putting down a game you hardly have played or want to help.




Vocal minority. They could lose subs from everyone posting on the forum, and still not break into a sweat about it.

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Out of the 2 million who play the game. How many do you think read teh forums? I start to wonder why have the forums just nothing but putting down a game you hardly have played or want to help.


Bioware's own employees don't even want to help the game become what it could be. Their customer service is non-existent and they're Devs hardly communicate their intentions with the playerbase.

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yeah i can take this one, its because they FORCE you to setup a sub before you can play with the 30day that comes with the box.


and imh they only did this to get the numbers up so people like you think its a great game.


You mean they force you to set up a sub before getting your 30 days like... every MMO?


WoW did that, WAR, AOC, DAOC etc etc etc.


Even UO did it.

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yeah i can take this one, its because they FORCE you to setup a sub before you can play with the 30day that comes with the box.


and imh they only did this to get the numbers up so people like you think its a great game.


so does pretty much anything that offer a free month.


Its not a 30 day trial, its a free month.

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I have a feeling WoW will see the most unsubs.


I haven't met a person yet who doesn't laugh hysterically when faced with the new WoW expansion.


"First, we brought you the Orc homeworld!


Then we brought you the conclusion of story that started in WC3


Then we brought the return of DEATHWING!










Wait... what?


I was literally in tears laughing when I saw the release info, I honestly checked what month it was.


But nah, they're actually serious.


I don't know a single human being who's interested in playing Pandas in China.


Lmao! Greatest post ever!

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I'm fully aware Pandarans have been in Warcraft lore since WC3.


They're still stupid and uninspired.


Signs you're a bad fantasy writer:

You make an anthropomorphic beast race that just mirrors the culture of a real earth race.


Warcraft lore is bad, from a game design and literary standpoint.


It's Warhammer with a kid safe veneer.


Blizzard makes fantastic games.


Blizzard's writers have all the imagination of a braindead rock.


Don't be so ignorant. When you come back with a good (original) idea for an expansion of WoW's that is so, "creative", then you can talk. Until then, shut up.


And I agree largely with the OP. I've always liked Biowares games, but I think a lot of people are being major fanboys. The game is not that good in its current state. It's basically a single player game with limited interactions and at that, IMO the story lines are not that good. I would rather go play some other game on the Xbox or something and get a much more interesting storyline than here. Couple that with all of the bugs and fluidity problems, not including a major lack of features, and this game needs some serious work. It has promise, but at the moment, I do not enjoy the game and have already unsubbed.

Edited by Arcynes
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You're obviously confused. The Eredar weren't what made Sargeras go evil.



"During his never ending war against the evil in the universe, Sargeras became increasingly depressed by the chaos he saw wrought by all kinds of evil. While his confusion and misery deepened, Sargeras was forced to contend with several groups intent on disrupting the titans' order: the nathrezim, Mo'arg, and Infernals.[2] These demonic creatures conquered a number of populated worlds by possessing their inhabitants and turning them to the shadow. The nefarious, scheming demons turned whole nations against one another by manipulating them into unthinking hatred and mistrust. Sargeras defeated them easily, but their corruption affected him deeply."



There Eredar were an inherently good race when 2 of their 3 leaders were corrupted by Sargeras.



Know what you're talking about before spouting nonsense.


They were what made Sargaras go evil, until they retconned the lore when they added Draeni as a playable race.


I've been a Warcraft fan since the first one, Blizzard has rewrote their own lore dozens of times, that's just one of the worst examples.


Originally, Sargaras fell because he met the Eredar.




"The revelation that they are an offshoot of the eredar was bewildering to some fans, as was the idea that Sargeras corrupted the eredar as opposed to the other way round. However, while Sargeras's corruption of the eredar is a retcon, it should be noted that the draenei-eredar relationship is not. Except in the case of the lost ones."


Blizzard are retcon addicts.

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I've loved every part of the game so far, it's only now that I'm at end-game and building up a guild ready for doing nightmare eternity vault that the games lacking a bit of substance, mainly because the hard modes are designed for pugs, I would love a harder setting for more functional groups. This game is definitely not like AoC and tortarge.


If you have so many issues with the game, sod off for 6 months and come back when most of this stuff is added/improved. The game has enough content and gear to keep me going, specially with crafting, at least until we start farming 16 man nightmare mode in the coming weeks.


They need to sort out ilum, that's my only gripe, because not fighting and farming a point peacefully kind of takes away the whole point of the planet.


Oh and combat log, damage meters, rolling abilities, guild bank, ui customization. Luckily WoW has become so much of a laughing stock for me, that I'm willing to back this game and see it's progress develop because I have a huge amount of respect for Bioware and the game's they produce. I'm really looking forward to the next dungeon they bring out, as I loved the eternity vault's bosses.

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