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Want my money back


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This should fix your lag issue




EDIT: Since Im assuming you didn't read the post, here it is again




This should fix your lag issue http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=119560




Now if your apparently so convinced about leaving the game instead of fixing it, you may want to start now

Edited by Elyons
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So you have no idea about your own computer? I see the logical thing to do here is blame someone else for your mistake. Seems a common trend around here. A CS told you an answer based upon the information given. It's your responsibility to actually know what your computer is capable of. I mean it's your computer after all, the one you use daily?


Also there have been great suggestions here. Have you tried them?


They do not issue refunds for the oblivious. I do apologize.

Edited by DigitalDreamz
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True, it's not about EULA or anything, but in 99% of the cases if you agree to buy an digital product which is based on a serial number, or a CD/DVD and break the cover the waranty is void.


However, I have no proof of this, nor do I know someone who tried there is an valid argument in MMO gaming, so if we are only going to assume that:

Unlike a normal FPS game where generally a CD-key is almost never banned by an administrator, in MMO world, it's easier to identify someone by it's cd-key because of the subscription that is bound to it (think your montly payments for example).

I'm pretty sure, that if you "could" prove that your game has indeed misslead you and get an GM disable your account for obvious reason, OTHER than breaking the EULA (cheating/herrasing or anything that is forbitten) rules, you could in theory get the refund.

This could be seen as Bioware agreeing with you and accepting a refound.


But that is the worst case scenario, because IF such thing will happen, imagine how many people will try to abuse the system and get a refund. There are thousands of players who would cancel, such action can kill the game.


But simply said, no, it sounds harsh I know, you just lost your money.

Edited by Boefje
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Not even going to bother to say the specs of my com.... Just going to say this:


1) BF3 runs awesome, so should also SW TOR.

2) 4 days ago, a friend of mine told me "Hey man I have a Korean account for TERA ONLINE (dont know if you are familiar with this MMO), but it has 100% better graphics than SWTOR.

I was like: M8, I cant play very well SWTOR, so no way TERA will run good on my comp. But I instaled the game, entered the Korean servers.... 15min after I bought it, and never entered SWTOR again... it runs very good, so its not my computer problem... its SWTORs


1) post specs or troll

2) seriously, why afraid to post specs.

3) If BF3 runs on your comp than swtor willl too, or your doing it wrong.

4) have you posted specs yet?

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So you have no idea about your own computer? I see the logical thing to do here is blame someone else for your mistake. Seems a common trend around here. A CS told you an answer based upon the information given. It's your responsibility to actually know what your computer is capable of. I mean it's your computer after all, the one you use daily?


Also there have been great suggestions here. Have you tried them?


They do not issue refunds for the oblivious. I do apologize.


I have to agree with this guy the op dosnt seem to know much about his computer or if anything as he refuses to list his specs. I run this game just fine on my laptop and perfectly on my gaming comp. Afterall it could be a drivers issue. new drivers can give you a huge boost in fps

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EULA Cliffnotes


- Right to Return (Applicable To Those Who Purchased Packaged Software From Physical Retail Stores In the United States). If you do not agree to the terms of this License and you have not installed or used the Software, you may return the Software for a refund or exchange within thirty (30) days from the date of purchase to the original place of purchase by following the instructions for return available at http://warrantyinfo.ea.com.


- No Warranty on Software Operation or Game Play; Force Majeure.


You acknowledge that, owing to the complexity of computer technology, as well as the nature of online games themselves and play over a global communications network outside EA’s control, EA and its licensors cannot and do not guarantee that the Software, the Game and any updates, upgrades or expansions Software will run permanently or uninterrupted on your computer. EA and its licensors are not liable for delays, system failures, system outages or difficulties, especially of a technical nature, that are due to legal restrictions or other circumstances beyond its control, including but not limited to third party criminal activity. EA also does not guarantee that the version of the Game covered by this Agreement will be playable in geographic locations where it is not available for sale at retail and/or at all times of the day and/or night.

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I gave SWTOR my specs and they said they were fine other than the processor, apologized for missinforming me and said sorry you have to talk to the retailer that sold it to you for a refund/exchange. Wish I could conduct business like this, I would be stinking rich. Promising one thing, my promise ends up to be crap, but take the money anyway. I would be rich! :D
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Incorrect. It vanished when the EULA was accepted.



No, for all intents and purposes for a store to consider it for a refund it must have been not opened.


If you bought yours from a store that says otherwise, then it is a tiny store that is local to your community. If you bought from Origin, then you missed the point.

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Problem is, they never state how well minimum specs run it.


If you have minimum specs and it works, yet even at 5 fps, you won't have a case. If it refuses to work entirely, then maybe.


There's no defining clause about what constitutes 'running'. You're free to take EA to court over this, but I imagine a thousands of dollars/euro costing lawsuit to get a refund isn't exactly worth it.

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I bought Digital, there is no CD/DVD... just downloaded.

Bought from Origin, so shouldnt I be able to trade for another EA game?


In fact, going to start to research about this. I DO WANT another EA game instead of this crap swtor



If you are so easily unsatisfied, you should have waited for a free trial. You buy a game at your own risk, no one not even a reviewer can guarantee you will like it.


Also, BF3 is much more graphically intense. I doubt you will be able to run that game very well.

Edited by Muanthuun
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No, for all intents and purposes for a store to consider it for a refund it must have been not opened.


If you bought yours from a store that says otherwise, then it is a tiny store that is local to your community. If you bought from Origin, then you missed the point.



A store's responsibility ends the second you walk out of the store with the completed purchase. Edit: That isn't flawed in some way (scratched disc), or damaged by store/distributor.


Even if they do not honor a return, EA's policy as stated by the EULA will refund your money if you have not installed or used the software (it can be opened.)


The way it is worded, is that by installing the software you displayed intent, however, I am not sure this would hold up in court (if you did indeed decline the EULA post-install).

Edited by SarahR
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This game is a fully-fledged lemon. It's a MMORPG listed with system requirements (which my computer literally doubles) and still cannot run the game at an acceptable framerate in Warzones which contain less people than a match of TF2.


I would urge anyone who is unsatisfied with the game to request a charge back from their credit card company for their monthly subscription and possibly the original cost of the game as well.

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Not even going to bother to say the specs of my com.... Just going to say this:


1) BF3 runs awesome, so should also SW TOR.

2) 4 days ago, a friend of mine told me "Hey man I have a Korean account for TERA ONLINE (dont know if you are familiar with this MMO), but it has 100% better graphics than SWTOR.

I was like: M8, I cant play very well SWTOR, so no way TERA will run good on my comp. But I instaled the game, entered the Korean servers.... 15min after I bought it, and never entered SWTOR again... it runs very good, so its not my computer problem... its SWTORs


It's an obvious case of PEBKAC.

Check that out and let me know how it goes, pal.

Edited by TofuMask
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They actually admitted it was their fault that I wasted my money, but refused to give it back ha ha!


Lets see some screen shots or something.


I haven't been able to enjoy these forums for 2 weeks with all the trolls. Post information, like computer spec, customer service rep name if they really screwed you over, but post something.


90% of the users on this forums are checking this out before or during work and don't type how much we cant stand all no life regects sitting in forums all day trolling and trying to rally people to a dumb cause. Its a game, don't like it? Dont play it, these aren't the meaning of life stupids.


This goes out to all the people saying how "bad" they think the game is all day everyday, but cant post a single relevant issue with the game so they come up with **** like "if they dont fix (some random small game feature), this game will die in a week"


We ALL know there are issues, and if your intrested enough to post stuff all day, please use real information and we can assist you, or hell maybe even tip our hats to you as you leave. But this garbage spewing all over the forums all day has to stop.


NOW if you can show us that the bioware employee in fact screwed you over, even though you didn't, or barely made MINIMUM Specs, then sir good day. But you cant do that, can you?

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There's just no leg to stand on. If you meet the minimum requirements, the EULA states clearly that they take no responsibility if the game does not run properly. If you do not meet the minimum requirements, then you failed as a buyer and client and have no say in the matter anyway.
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When I bought the game, I had all the minimum requirements, and was unsure about my processor so I called customer support. People didn't like me posting this in CS forums and told me to go here so hopefully this will help. Anyway, he told me I shouldn't have a problem and to log on and tell him if I have a error message and he will tell me how to fix it. No error message, just EXTREME lag. So because he was wrong and missinformed me, do I get my money back??? I could have sent it back and exchanged for another game if he had told me that it would not run it.


First, you should of looked into what the requirements were. I did so myself and went out and bought a 377 dollar desktop that runs the game perfectly. If you had any doubt your system was going to hold up. You should of either decided against getting the game, or gotten something more recent.


And I know nothing about computer specs, what graphics card is better or worse, etc.


Also you are not entitled to a refund. You bought the game without fully looking into wether you were capable of running it. That was on you. The CS got you into the game with no problem. Any lag is more then likely due to your internet connection or because youve decided because you can run the game, your gonna run it on high. Which is absurd. The listed requirements arent the best, they are the minimium.

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its funny when people buy games for 50 bucks and the PC on what they wanna play it is cheaper than the game itself..


and than you complain on forums?


why not buy a decent pc...? playing a game from 2011 with a PC from 2005 ...and you surprsied?

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A store's responsibility ends the second you walk out of the store with the completed purchase. Edit: That isn't flawed in some way (scratched disc), or damaged by store/distributor.


Even if they do not honor a return, EA's policy as stated by the EULA will refund your money if you have not installed or used the software (it can be opened.)


The way it is worded, is that by installing the software you displayed intent, however, I am not sure this would hold up in court (if you did indeed decline the EULA post-install).



That is good to hear. I will admit, I do not and have not read the EULA. Normally it is pretty common sense stuff, I know not to do.


However, I had no plans to ask for a refund if I was not satisfied. People who are unsatisfied need to accept they had other options before purchase.

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