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Go back to WoW is killing ToR!


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I laugh at your plain-sighted ignorance if you truly believe that every post to date about things wrong with the game are not "real" players or "real" complaints. See you in 15 days. :cool:


I laugh at your inability to understand what i say.


There are a few good issues reported, but 99% of them are whining. Sorry if i tend to generalize that, but the ones that need to change their atitude are the whinners so they can be taken seriously.

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I find it ironic how all the folks defending ToR are so eager to encourage people to throw their money at another company, talk about brand loyalty. Do you seriously care about ToR's future? Or do you just want the easy way out and say, "if you don't like it, spend your money else where."


Keep it up, if you want ToR to fall to the wayside like so many other broken games. Realize that EA is in charge now, and if they don't net profit because you're all so eager to encourage spending money on the competition. EA will either let ToR fall into ruins, or break Bioware to the point where they can mold it into something more competitive on the market.


Also, don't be cowards and fear a challenge. ToR has issues, accepting them just encourages weakness. Admit that Tor has issues and encourage the company to work on and improve upon them. Don't lie to them about it, and don't lie to yourself that you're enjoying a broken game.


Being annoyed and complaining on the forums while still paying $15 a month and contributing helpful suggustions does more to help the game develope and mature than anyone silently lying to themselves that the game is perfect. If anything, turning paying customers away from ToR hurts the game. STOP HURTING THE GAME! P.S. give us dual-spec and rolling, for real. >.>


You want to play wow, so whats wrong with telling you to go there? Its a friendly advice, people like you will never like TOR and even if you get addons, Dual spec, LFG tool or whatever - in the end you will always go back to WOW when the Panda´s come - so for EA it is more important to listen to those who are happy with SWTOR as they will stay if the game does continue its good path.

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I read the articles about how this is the faster growing MMO in history and then I see all these threads saying xxx is killing TOR.


Do you live in some sort of alternate reality?


Besides, any game will have disappointed people. It's normal. Unfortunately, the accompanying forum ragequit threads are also normal. I've seen this in various game forums.


So yeah, people sit there ranting because they didn't get what they want, because they feel WoW is so much better. It's no surprise that at some point others will say, well if you like it so much, then go there.

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I care about this game and this product. I feel that if a customer is not happy with this product or service, then they should go to wherever it is that makes them happy.



Unfortunately, what some of these complainers want is that all these features and extras from WoW be immediately implemented into this game, or they threaten to go back to WoW. That's a very basic, poor version of what one would call blackmailing the developers.


Well, that's where people step in and just state "if you don't like how it is now, just leave", informing them that their vain attempts at blackmail are futile. Constructive criticism and suggestions are one thing, threats against a product are another. What is boils down to is the attitude of a child stomping their feet and yelling, "If I don't get my way, I'm going do X until I do!"


The question that I have: Should they/we give in to children? Should the developers pander to those that act like the center of the universe? I think not.


I rarely see people threatening to go back to WoW, however I do see a lot of people telling those who are critical of the game to go back to WoW, even if the criticizer never mentioned WoW even once. THAT is more frequent. It just makes me go "LOLWUT???"

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I read the articles about how this is the faster growing MMO in history and then I see all these threads saying xxx is killing TOR.


Do you live in some sort of alternate reality?


Besides, any game will have disappointed people. It's normal. Unfortunately, the accompanying forum ragequit threads are also normal. I've seen this in various game forums.


So yeah, people sit there ranting because they didn't get what they want, because they feel WoW is so much better. It's no surprise that at some point others will say, well if you like it so much, then go there.


First month numbers don't matter. I bought the Collector's Edition of this game. I buy a lot of Collector's Editions of games I'm interested in.


This is the first one I'm genuinely disappointed in. Wait for the cancellations to kick in, and we'll see how fast the developers scramble to implement features we've been asking for.


I'm betting I'm right on this. If I'm wrong, then all of the SWTOR fanboys can play their inferior game without us "WoW trolls". If I'm right, then I'll be back in a few months, when they, you know, finish the game.

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I can turn it around , can all the WOW hating fanboys please go back to that last awesome MMO that was nothing like WOW but the next best thing.

All the discussions you see on this board, the crazed fanboys and the famous ' Go back to wow' line have been said countless of times.


Ever new MMO it's the same thing and every new MMO the same people arrive and repeat it while they ruin the community.

It's not about liking the game or disliking whiners, it's just going towards a childish obsession.

Yes I get it you hate WOW which means you either played a game you hate or you hate something while you haven't touched the game, besides hate is close to obsession and a unhealthy one can add.



OP has a point , just like many other people have pointed it out.

But in the end that will not change because these kind of people will keep it up until the next MMO is out.

I am not sure if this is the American community (hate to say it but never seen this type of behaviour on EU boards) or it's just the SW fans being a bit awkward.


But it's not doing the community or the game any good if you keep chasing/silencing people because they don't agree with you.



Though I admit I've never it this bad in any MMO before.

Edited by TheHauntingBard
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I laugh at your inability to understand what i say.


There are a few good issues reported, but 99% of them are whining. Sorry if i tend to generalize that, but the ones that need to change their atitude are the whinners so they can be taken seriously.


You do actually look at the first page of these forums right? All the complaints are about the SAME things over and over again. Even the ones with absolute constructivism involved are rampant with "disbelievers" about the stated problem. If these were reviews for a product, I'd be very suspicious.

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So when the devs get around to adding much-needed features such as combat logs, LFG, threat meters, and /roll, are you all going to quit because your game is too much like WoW?


These features should a given AKA no idea why anyone would not want them. I'm having fun playing TOR due to playing only in PvP but I really can't understand why anyone would be against those features. Like combat log/lfg.. really? Why wouldn't you want it. It has nothing to do with "WoW" and everything to do with making this game better.

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I rarely see people threatening to go back to WoW, however I do see a lot of people telling those who are critical of the game to go back to WoW, even if the criticizer never mentioned WoW even once. THAT is more frequent. It just makes me go "LOLWUT???"


^^^ This. I've come to the forums while bored and skim to read the decent looking threads. Most of the complaint threads I've seen are logical and thought provoking and intelligent... most of the responses are not. I just don't understand it... do people want the game to succeed in the long run, or are the fanbois really just completely satisfied with a very niche game that only provides entertainment for a very select group of people?


I do like the game, I like it a lot. A whole lot. I think it has the potential to be a great MMO, but it's just a great game right now. A wonderful amazing single player game.


My idea: Respond logically and intelligently to those with logical and intelligent posts, and don't respond AT ALL to those that don't; not even with a 'Go back to WoW' or anything... just ignore them. Just like that. It's really easy.

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I can turn it around , can all the WOW hating fanboys please go back to that last awesome MMO that was nothing like WOW but the next best thing.

All the discussions you see on this board, the crazed fanboys and the famous ' Go back to wow' line have been said countless of times.


Ever new MMO it's the same thing and every new MMO the same people arrive and repeat it while they ruin the community.

It's not about liking the game or disliking whiners, it's just going towards a childish obsession.



OP has a point , just like many other people have pointed it out.

But in the end that will not change because these kind of people will keep it up until the next MMO is out and well rise and repeat.



Though I admit I've never it this bad in any MMO before.


Maybe you should think harder on the Why.


Hint: Its because this game is actually good! The ammount of whining tried to overlook this inescapable thruth. Quality game beeing injusticed = battalion of defenders.


Maybe you should try to be fair on your analisys.

Edited by Nemmar
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To all those tired of the haters, do what I do. /ignore. I love threads like these, because they draw out all the venom spewing haters. Wanting things changed for the better is fine, but the rage quitters and bashing the game for no good reason will get ignored and added to my list.
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I read the articles about how this is the faster growing MMO in history and then I see all these threads saying xxx is killing TOR.


Do you live in some sort of alternate reality?


Besides, any game will have disappointed people. It's normal. Unfortunately, the accompanying forum ragequit threads are also normal. I've seen this in various game forums.


So yeah, people sit there ranting because they didn't get what they want, because they feel WoW is so much better. It's no surprise that at some point others will say, well if you like it so much, then go there.


You are totally correct. Truth is that most of those who are happy just get on with it and enjoy the game and say nothing more. When people are not happy, they like to voice their own opinions and where better to do that than on an internet forum? Reality is that in-game, few people complain. So surely that must say something?












The unfortunate thing is that many people who are otherwise happy with the game may find themselves misled into thinking that SWTOR is suffering from an impending death after reading just a few threads on this forum. Reality is that it couldn't be further from the truth. I don't need to elaborate any further on this, because I think the articles linked above speak for themselves.

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I rarely see people threatening to go back to WoW, however I do see a lot of people telling those who are critical of the game to go back to WoW, even if the criticizer never mentioned WoW even once. THAT is more frequent. It just makes me go "LOLWUT???"



This. A million times this. This is the standard answer to a complaint about the game.


There is no /roll; FLD; UI; etc...

^ Go back to WoW/ Can I have your stuff?/ Can we ban the whiners?

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I'd say these complaining threads are a good thing for Bioware. Let them address EVERY SINGLE COMPLAINT. While some may leave we'll be left with an oustanding game to an already great game.


Some have legitimate complaints and have every right to speak their minds but most are in it just for the attention. They seek attention whether positive or negative.

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You do actually look at the first page of these forums right? All the complaints are about the SAME things over and over again. Even the ones with absolute constructivism involved are rampant with "disbelievers" about the stated problem. If these were reviews for a product, I'd be very suspicious.



These players are simply trolls as well. However, you have to admit that at least half of the threads on the first page are all "Fix or I leave" and "Leaving because." On top of that the Issues are poorly written which truly only give the barest glimpse of the problem.



Lets put this in realistic terms.



Me: "Your food is terrible and has deeply offended me, Im leaving."



You: "Um, ok - why is it terrible?"


Me: "I tasted something Icky."






My point ^

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Maybe you should think harder on the Why.


Hint: Its because this game is actually good! The ammount of whining tried to overlook this inescapable thruth. Quality game beeing injusticed = battalion of defenders.


Maybe you should try to be fair on your analisys.


About every constructive post I've seen has been getting this response with out a civil tone.

I just have to read the first three pages and it just shows the lack of will to discuss something.

It's just how this has been in a lot of MMO's , people that 'hate' WOW trying to shut others up.



I am aware some people just moan and make ridiculous posts how they hate everything.

But they are a minority.

Just read any constructive post and count how many WOW flames you see with in the first 30 replies, it's sad.


It's the same thing really an obsessions goes both ways but I see by far more people making it their job to destroy topics and flame others because they point some flaws in the game than people actually trying to hate on this game in positive topics.

Edited by TheHauntingBard
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You are totally correct. Truth is that most of those who are happy just get on with it and enjoy the game and say nothing more. When people are not happy, they like to voice their own opinions and where better to do that than on an internet forum? Reality is that in-game, few people complain. So surely that must say something?












The unfortunate thing is that many people who are otherwise happy with the game may find themselves misled into thinking that SWTOR is suffering from an impending death after reading just a few threads on this forum. Reality is that it couldn't be further from the truth. I don't need to elaborate any further on this, because I think the articles linked above speak for themselves.



If I post this alternative link showing how much actual gamers rate the game, will you give it as much credence?

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Lets put this in realistic terms.



Me: "Your food is terrible and has deeply offended me, Im leaving."



You: "Um, ok - why is it terrible?"


Me: "I tasted something Icky."



My point ^


We don't get that -- we get "GO BACK TO MCDONALDS". Also, in your analogy, the new food is missing, undercooked, and there's no utensils.

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The people who truly enjoy the game are logged in playing it with smiles on their faces. The fact that you're here, posting on my topic signifies that you have some conflict about the quality of the game to begin with, if not the game, just the community. Which is still, directly related to the quality of the game.



that some peoples have works and cant' play tor there never passed your mind


as for the first post


if you believe/want TOR to be a WOW2 then neither EA nor Lucas nor Bioware needs your money because TOR isnt' WOW2 (or other MMO sequel)



constructive posts never get flamed or trolled

but the "WOW Has this TOR MUST have it cause it is MMO Standar" well those posts get flamed for good for obvious reasons


WOW isnt' a AAA game anymore

WOW isnt' MMO Genre

WOW isnt' MMO Standar

WOW IS the best selling MMO of current age, nothing more nothing less


wake up or


GO BACK TO WOW and enjoy your PANDAS

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The people who truly enjoy the game are logged in playing it with smiles on their faces. The fact that you're here, posting on my topic signifies that you have some conflict about the quality of the game to begin with, if not the game, just the community. Which is still, directly related to the quality of the game.


I will give you, that a percent of the complaints are useless, similar to your response. But some do however, address valid concerns and offer constructive methods of improving the game. I'm afraid that you lack the ability to understand how important these concepts are to a competitive market.


All I'm saying in my original post, is that by shunning people away from the game, you are encouraging the competition and hurting ToR. So in reality, you're supporting Blizzard and World of Warcraft. And also with the same stroke of genius, encouraging people to cancel their Swtor accounts in order to pay Blizzard.


I hope you're proud of yourself, for your actions. If not, then you should think before you speak.


Not true at all, Im enjoy this game. But I have a 60-80 hour a week job, and I force myself to take breaks from the game to


A.) Prevent burnout

B.) Do errands and chores

C.) Keep up with other interests


The reason people are being told to get lost. Is because instead of turning to threads already created in a constructive manner, and placing their agreement and complaints there. They open new threads and the forums are spammed to death with these useless unconstructive "TOR IS GONNA DIE, MY CRYSTAL BALL TELLS ME SO" threads.


Ive seen more threads about how this game is over and the fanbois are stupid threads then those trying to create constructive criticism or suggestions for the Developers to take in.


Ill have to argue with you on your point of shunning people and hurting TOR in the process. If we were shunning those with constructive criticism, then yes were shooting ourselves in the foot. But to date, Ive only seen people going after individuals wasting time posting hate threads or meme threads. These forums might not be the majority of players, but for those that are coming into this game currently, and decide to visit the forums. They can and probably will be influenced by negativity. By sending those who arent being productive here back to whatever game they came from. Were not hurting ourselves.

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When someone comes on the forum and continuously whines about how WoW has this "feature" and that "feature," but SWTOR doesn't, then yes....they need to go back to WoW. I quit WoW several months ago because the changes in it made that game stink. I don't want those same changes coming over to SWTOR.


the ONLY people mentioning wow are the swtor defense league, which is ironic to be honest and pretty funny.

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