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Have the DEVs ever played an MMO?


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you act like blizzard didnt pull these same stunts especially the false advertisements of their expansions Wotlk "new dances" still havent got those


Cataclysm the abyssl maw raid havent got that either


Wotlk again wyrmrest temple was support to have 4 raids and we only got 2 and had to wait a year and a half to get the 2nd one.


also in Cata at blizzcon blizzard themselves said they want to have the multiple raid structure (having 2 or more raids per tier) but yet we only got that in tier 11 tier 12 and tier 13 was only 1 raid.


This has nothing at all to do with my point.


This is much rather another..






And completely irrelevant.

Edited by Tiaa
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Before this game came out nobody gave a ***** about story or quest lore when they were in an MMO (only the hardcore fans or people who enjoy the story telling aspect), I'd say 80-90% of people who play mmos never read the quest text or care why they need to kill 10 boars or what ever else the quest calls for.


Bioware took a huge step in thinking that an MMO needs a strong story line and interesting quests. Only time will tell if they made the right call, but one thing they didn't make the right call on was the way this game is played. This game should NOT be called an MMO.


MMO to me means playing in a huge world with hundreds or thousands of other players at the same time. Not being confined to an INSTANCED area with 200 people tops running around the same planet you are. hamster in a cage is a perfect explanation of what this game feels like. There is no real freedom in this game. Everyone plays along a set path. Sure you can veer off and do something else for awhile, but either way you have to do your main storyline. The same storyline everyone else in the game gets which makes the whole CREATE YOUR OWN STORY! Bull*****. That's why story and questing isn't the main focus of most MMO's. Functionality and things to do are. that is what this game lacks.


Nar Shaddaa is a great example of a great delusion this game plays. You have this grand city that would make any starwars fan giddy in the hopes of exploring this amazing moon, but exploration doesn't exist in this game. All those lights and buildings you see are nothing more than a backdrop. You cannot go there or do anything interesting. Hell there are casinos everywhere on Nar Shaddaa, heres a cool simple idea... How about making some of those slot machines and card tables useable? Small simple things help add depth to a world where there is none. Bioware doesn't understand the basics of how to make an MMO world come alive. And that's pretty sad.


This game isn't an MMO, its Kotor3 with co-op online play.


dude you know the resources it would require to implement what you wanted in an MMO.

also i see more people while i am questen then i do in wow in their expansions.

sure when i go into imperial fleet which is like org or IF there are less people but i see alot of people around.


this game does not use LFG feature so you do not have people standen round quen up and standen there

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Why? Am I scaring people with things they don't want to hear?


no because you used your opinion as a fact


this game isnt' for you and you alone


you cant' speak for the rest of the 99,9999999% MMO players


now go away, your thread is the No #484922030980084 troll attempt (and failed one)

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but WoW is an mmo. here's the the wiki on it so you and everyone can understand what MMO means.


"Massively multiplayer online game


A massively multiplayer online game (also called MMO and MMOG) is a multiplayer video game which is capable of supporting hundreds or thousands of players simultaneously."


SWTOR can barely handle 200 people on the same planet. This ain't an MMO.


rofl man rofl


you are the EPIC of all Trolls


200 people in ogrimar is better?


ahhahah man you epic fail


you cancled your saying by yourself


200 people in the same planet and it isnt' MMO?


how many 200people co-ops you encounter?



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freedom? last i check i can take my spaceship and go anywhere i wanted even if i am level 50.


and WoW ripped off people ideas left and right stop acting like WoW is original when 90% of the game features isnt.


and hello Azeroth is ONE PLANET Swtor has multiple planets.


I meant freedom in the open world. TOR areas are small, size and player wise.


I'm not claiming that WoW didn't rip off ideas from others, but claiming that TOR tries new things in the MMO market (when it doesn't even have speech bubbles!) is completely false.


I was excited about the game as well, but it's really restrictive, especially on social tools and exploration.


If, for example, you could take other people with you in your speceship, if you could actually fly your speceship, if there was actually smuggling you could do, etc then YES, that would trying NEW things.


Even classes have nothing to do with Jedis as we've come to know them. There's no Jedi class that can actually force push AND force throw. It's ridiculous.


It's like they took all the classes from WoW (where warrior can't do magic) and tailored them to the SW universe.

Edited by Lyvean_gr
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but WoW is an mmo. here's the the wiki on it so you and everyone can understand what MMO means.


"Massively multiplayer online game


A massively multiplayer online game (also called MMO and MMOG) is a multiplayer video game which is capable of supporting hundreds or thousands of players simultaneously."


SWTOR can barely handle 200 people on the same planet. This ain't an MMO.


Liked WoW? Then get back there with the leet kids. Oh yeah...... Have fun with the kung-Fu Panda expansion.


but Warcraft 3 had Kung-Fu panda before.....


Yadda, yadda yadda....

Edited by sczmajor
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from what i've seen thus far the story is only a good idea in theory, but there isn't any chance of these cutscenes replacing Shakespeare or even Tolkein in terms of narrative.


wasted resources by BW


gameplay is great and i love the game, but spacebar is becoming my new best friend


tl;dr story is like some nightmare of jar jar binks

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but WoW is an mmo. here's the the wiki on it so you and everyone can understand what MMO means.


"Massively multiplayer online game


A massively multiplayer online game (also called MMO and MMOG) is a multiplayer video game which is capable of supporting hundreds or thousands of players simultaneously."


SWTOR can barely handle 200 people on the same planet. This ain't an MMO.


Me and a friend were having a discussion about SWTOR the other day. I told him that it is not a bad game (although it is basically still in Beta), but it feels like a single player game with some Co-op.


Seriously, I expect Diablo III to be more an MMO than what I am playing now in SWTOR.

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I'm sure some of the dev's have played mmorpg's before. I didn't care about the story of mmorpg's really at all after playing over twenty of them within my time of mmorpg gaming. I do like the new ways of story telling though with the voice-overs.



It sets the standards much higher and will be hard to go back to regular text quests although I could manage it. I do agree though, they put too much effort into voice-over rather than adding the mmorpg feel to the game.



I'm definitely having a blast, although I wish they would get rid of these horrid phased instances.



Even if they had to change the engine used and needed two or three days to go offline I would welcome it so that we can actually play with other people instead of having to switch instances all the time or barely seeing more than thirty people at a time.

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So in short, you don't like the game. The rest of your post sounds, transposed, rather like 'have these producers of this film I went to see ever gone to film school' when the film is busily raking in serious cinema numbers. In short, sure it's your opinion, but your tone doesn't lend it much credence.


Presumably you will be lending your expert opinion to the GW2 forums explaining how nobody asked for dynamic content or events?

Edited by Grammarye
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Why? Am I scaring people with things they don't want to hear?


Yes. Your completely original, never-heard-before, and well-sustained-by-the-facts ideas are utterly and completely terrifying to us helpless sheeple who have never once heard these concepts expressed, and, now that you, courageous one, savior of us all, bringer of enlightenment, have told us these things, we quake in fear at the awesome truth and power of your worlds, and weep for the innocence we have lost now that you've cast the harsh, but necessary, light of the truth upon the drear gloom of our former ignorance. Go away, oh savior, just for a little while, until we have had time to adjust to your wisdom and accept what you have now shown us to be true.

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Bioware fans LOVE storytelling...anybody who has ever played any bioware game knew what to expect.


ALL Bioware games are all about Storytelling and all Bioware games sell millions...this is a mmo for bioware fans.

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Complainers have descended pretty low to resort to the story is not important grip. After all the "game breaking bug threads", no lfg and all that we are starting to get pushed by multiple threads of does story really matter....


My main trooper I have not played with out being in a 2 to 4 man group minimal. I have done everything with multiple people that can be done multi person with that character trust me its a very fun experience to run though every classes story quests and flash points/heriocs as a group of people. That is the definition of MMO. Be interesting when me and my friends get ready for operations in the coming months. If you want in mmo experience in this game all you have to do is group with other people. If you want kotor 3 just lay by yourself it will be just as fun. I solo a sith warror and group play a trooper had fun with both styles and enjoyed both stories though I think the game is better with a party of people then solo personally. But that is opinion.



Really folks if you don't like what bioware is doing leave. I love the story aspects of this game and having fun if your not then why don't you leave and stop trying to gather a peanut gallery of support to make your ego fill better when you go back to wow claiming the defeat of TOR.

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I've played mmos for a long time, and I find the story refreshing. First time I saw this was in AOC (first 20 levels or so voice acted), and it was neat until it ended.


I know most of the "story" still comes back to kill 10 boars, get 10 hides, etc etc, but it's a mask that takes away a fair amount of the tedium in doing those tasks.


I agree there is a lot more to do with this game, and time will tell the direction the devs take. I hope they add more sandboxy features without ditching the end-game (even though I hate raiding), and add much more open explorable real estate, but it's definately a mmo as is.


Shards of the shard is nothing new. Some recent mmos that used this strategy are AOC and STO. It can work, but completely relies on enough players to make it work. In the lower levels (I'm currently at 19), there are enough players to actually make it work quite well. Still not sold on the strategy, but I'm remaining open-minded to see how it works in the long haul.

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