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Are SWTORs graphics *really* that good?


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fail post.


you took a ugly picture of swtor and it still look better then wow.


I think you should take off your helmet from time to time. It does weird stuff to your vision.


Or maybe it's a new form of mind control.

Edited by Skeelol
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Comparing two screenshots:




The first is a maximum quality screenshot from Irae AoD as they announce their world first Nightmare kill of Soa, the Infernal One (Congratulations to them). The graphics are indeed on maximum with shadows turned off.




This screenshot is from Dream Paragon's EU first kill of the 'Madness of Deathwing' encounter in WoW. The graphics for this screenshot are on ultra with every setting as high as possible. Even shadows are turned on to add to the 'kill screenshot'.


Is it only me but do SWTORs graphics just look the same? Infact, I'd argue WoWs graphics look better because there is far more colour. Look at the gear, primarily, there's just so much more diversity and colour in WoW and for me SWTORs graphics, again if we focus primarily on gear, just look bland and rather boring.


Am I missing something?


The first time I saw swtor I was like "Did I just boot up WoW"???


The graphics are ........ :(

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Tweaking is part of every game, if you're a graphics nut. Literally every game will have you go outside it to download a field of view mod, alter the .ini file, or do something else if you want to get tip-top graphical capacity.


Also, you just basically said "Why can't ATI card users deal with having their cards melt because of an ATI driver issue?". If you had actually been paying attention, you'd have read earlier posts concerning this instead of rambling on about how it's Biowares responsibility to be prophetic and handle other companies horrible products.


Given the last few posts that were made, i'm pretty sure the people complaining, now, aren't interested in reality or the facts, and are just throwing a tantrum. So i'm going to step out of this topic before I end up saying something that gets me temp banned.


While I agree that tweaking is necessary in any game, I strongly disagree that we - the end user should have to modify .ini settings or driver inspectors in order to get an acceptable game - visually. The bottom line is that this game offers no barebones graphical customization. What do I mean by barebones? I'm talking about AA, AF, AO, proper shadow rendering, and high quality textures.


These are all STANDARDS which have been set by games over a year ago. It's 2012.

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then show me an other (big) MMO that uses normal-mapping to that extend or at all ...

the lighting is also wastly superior to anything else in the area of MMo graphics


I cant blame you technically uneducated people, wich need to point out WoWs excuse of graphics as superior to sw tors ...


you are so pathetic, know nothing and cant get your facts right ...


sw tor is easyly the best looking MMO so far ...


every MMO has better graphics then WoW, this is common sense and shouldnt be questioned by people with 8year old rigs playing only WoW all day long ..


OP is a troll



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sw tor is easyly the best looking MMO so far ...


every MMO has better graphics then WoW, this is common sense and shouldnt be questioned by people with 8year old rigs playing only WoW all day long ..


Warhammer Online has better graphics than WoW? Really, now?

SWtOR is the best looking MMO so far? I'll give you points for opinion if we're talking artistically, but it's technically one of the worst in years.

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I agree with Cranberries , is it gonna stop me from playing the game no . MMOs are supposed to appeal to masses thats how you get WOW's sub numbers . The minimum specs to run this game need to be changed . I can run WOW on ultra and especially the last 3 new dungeons that were added are amazing looking compared to this game . I can run it Rift and alot of games that are far better in the graphics department without a stutter . I'm in the same boat as Cranberries with the fps in this game .


* Yes I do plan on upgrading my machine , but I think its stupid that I can run a better looking game on its max settings than this one on average settings with a severe FPS hit .

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then show me an other (big) MMO that uses normal-mapping to that extend or at all ...

the lighting is also wastly superior to anything else in the area of MMo graphics


I cant blame you technically uneducated people, wich need to point out WoWs excuse of graphics as superior to sw tors ...


you are so pathetic, know nothing and cant get your facts right ...


sw tor is easyly the best looking MMO so far ...


every MMO has better graphics then WoW, this is common sense and shouldnt be questioned by people with 8year old rigs playing only WoW all day long ..


OP is a troll




Nope. Wow still looks tons better. The only thing you're right about are the normal maps. Lighting is piss poor.


WoW also has some other things that swtor will never have:


- realtime reflections

- proper shadows

- great art direction

- believable living breathing worlds

- night/day cycle

- weather

- real open-world feeling


Better luck next time.

Edited by Skeelol
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I like the art style of TOR heaps better -- less cartoony, armor usually has geometry and isn't just a "painted on" texture swap, detailed faces, etc...


...But being stuck at "medium textures" due to a bug that should have never gone live is pretty disappointing.

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I like the art style of TOR heaps better -- less cartoony, armor usually has geometry and isn't just a "painted on" texture swap, detailed faces, etc...


...But being stuck at "medium textures" due to a bug that should have never gone live is pretty disappointing.


TOR...less cartoony? Huh?

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Warhammer Online has better graphics than WoW? Really, now?

SWtOR is the best looking MMO so far? I'll give you points for opinion if we're talking artistically, but it's technically one of the worst in years.



yes, Warhammer isnt beauty full, but it still has better graphics then wow ...



Go play Aion then. You'll see that a game that is over 2 years old has way better graphics. Delusional you are.



honestly .... (but you are always welcome to show me some screens I am not aware of)




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If you are really comparing the graphics and saying there is no difference, do not work in any kind of media related job, SWTOR graphics arent as colourful on some planets if you compared a landscape of Alderaan to say a landscape of WoW, both Maxed settings you would see a real difference..


SWTOR has a much better shadowing and the models look a lot less childish. And by that I mean they look less cartoony and slightly more realistic. Aside from static graphics (Which is pretty much all of WoW's) You have lightsaber effects and other lighting added by blaster fire and lighting which actually flickers on higher settings.

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- great art direction


Great art direction? Yes, for a 10 year old I'm sure it is.


- believable living breathing worlds


Never saw that when I was playing it.


- night/day cycle

- weather


This you have a point on, but it's hardly game breaking. Nice to have, but the game doesn't need it to be enjoyable.


- real open-world feeling


Most of which served practically no purpose, with a lack of quests, poor quest design (1+ hour drop quests anyone?), and incredibly inane grinding (when the quests inevitably ran out). Yeah, not really seeing how it helped the game to be honest. Sure, you could go off exploring/killing, but was there really anything rewarding about doing so? Not really.

Edited by DarkZenith
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Nope. Wow still looks tons better. The only thing you're right about are the normal maps. Lighting is piss poor.


WoW also has some other things that swtor will never have:


- realtime reflections

- proper shadows

- great art direction

- believable living breathing worlds

- night/day cycle

- weather

- real open-world feeling


Better luck next time.


You need to stop playing the game on Windows 98 Compatibility mode.

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Wow there is a lot of stupid in this thread.


If you are honestly going to try and say that WoW's graphics even come close to TOR's you are absolutely braindead. One look at the color from my lightsaber splashing over my character, or the fading lightning from a dead body reflecting on my face and I know you don't know what the **** you're talking about. Eye glints, facial animations...the list goes on.


Look at Westfall, then look at Balmorra. Look at Feralas then look at Nar Shaddaa.


Herp derp.

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TOR...less cartoony? Huh?


Since ToR doesn't have character model with ears that could be mistaken for planes wings then it looks less cartoony.


The game isn't photo realistic but then again there isn't an game which is due to the fact that the technology isn't there yet.

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Nope. Wow still looks tons better. The only thing you're right about are the normal maps. Lighting is piss poor.


WoW also has some other things that swtor will never have:


- realtime reflections

- proper shadows

- great art direction

- believable living breathing worlds

- night/day cycle

- weather

- real open-world feeling


Better luck next time.




You think WoW looks better than SWTOR?!




I think we've heard all we need to. Not sure why i'm bothering with such a clueless, misinformed and obvious troll. You couldn't be more wrong. The detailing is different class.. Can't believe how wide of the mark you are.


"belivable living breathing worlds".


Yeah, I see orcs running around in real life (not that I see Jedi's either ;)).. From someone incapable of spelling believable correctly I'll take that with a pinch of salt. That's ******** and everyone knows it.. The worlds on SWTOR are teeming with life. Weather? Not been to Kaas City then have you.. It was raining when I was there. Art direction is utterly subjective."open world feeling"? I see more people running around than I ever did in WoW... It's very open world.. This is clearly "the worlds r ded".. Even though they are not, in any way "dead".

Edited by Boundd
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The graphics are acceptable to me, however I still like wow's graphics more. I know the graphics connesiours think I'm a dipstick for saying that because wow doesn't have poly-this or tri-poly that. Whatever, all I care about is how good the graphics look in the final product. And wow just looks right. For what it matters, my opinion is based on playing the vast majority of AAA (hah!) mmos out there. Edited by Marlaine
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Are you seriously going to argue that WoW is less cartoony?


WHERE HAS ALL OF THIS STUPID COME FROM?! Seriously, this forum is full of complete *********** fanboy tools.


No, I was taking a dig at the fact that TOR looks like The Clone Wars cartoon show. WoW is definitely more cartoony.

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