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Why do people expect a game to be perfect in less than 2 weeks?


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It has been less than two weeks and all I see people in game and on forums complaining about is small bugs and issues. ITS BEEN OUT LESS THAN TWO DAMN WEEKS. DO you think ANY game has ever been 100% perfect in two weeks? Considering there is no game at 100% performance or quality. The issues will be fixed, get over it and stop crying and trolling the forums and general chat. I have no problems with the game and picked it up first thing on the day of release. Then you get the idiots posting about lagg...if you're lagging, its YOUR computer or INTERNET. Not the game...I am running a custom gaming comp that I built and am breaking 100fps at all times, NEVER lagg. Anyhow, just stop the trolling, give them a break and let them fix the problems, it takes time. And if you understood programming and code work, it doesn't take 10 minutes....
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Because they have been playing WoW for too long and think even it came out as a shiny diamond.


Pretty much this. I'll admit there's a ****load of important features missing that should of been here (combat log...really?), but other than that the game has been smooth.

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Pretty much this. I'll admit there's a ****load of important features missing that should of been here (combat log...really?), but other than that the game has been smooth.


The game isn't smooth though. See the various topics about FPS issues, ability delays, abilties (as a Sniper) simply *not* working from cover. The list, sadly, goes on...

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Pretty much this. I'll admit there's a ****load of important features missing that should of been here (combat log...really?), but other than that the game has been smooth.



There's no point in even having a combat log anyway. If you are paying attention to what you are fighting and/or paying attention during the fight, then you know what is happening and the damage values being thrown around and spell/abilities being used by both player and NPC's.


Combat log is only useful if you can create add-on's to go along with it.

Edited by iResist
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It has been less than two weeks and all I see people in game and on forums complaining about is small bugs and issues. ITS BEEN OUT LESS THAN TWO DAMN WEEKS. DO you think ANY game has ever been 100% perfect in two weeks? Considering there is no game at 100% performance or quality. The issues will be fixed, get over it and stop crying and trolling the forums and general chat. I have no problems with the game and picked it up first thing on the day of release. Then you get the idiots posting about lagg...if you're lagging, its YOUR computer or INTERNET. Not the game...I am running a custom gaming comp that I built and am breaking 100fps at all times, NEVER lagg. Anyhow, just stop the trolling, give them a break and let them fix the problems, it takes time. And if you understood programming and code work, it doesn't take 10 minutes....


Take in to contrast one of the more recent, best MMO launches: Rift. Did they make excuses constantly just because it was new? Clearly not. WoW was the revolution of MMO's, and it was released in 2004. We're in 2012. I think you need to start facing the facts.


I should just be content with missing parts for my new computer I'm building because it's new. I should also be happy my new car purchase is missing air conditioning and windshield wipers, it's new afterall. I should be in full support of Pizza Hut for giving me sauce on crust without any other toppings, it's a new meal deal, so it's okay.


In case you all forgot, this game had been pushed back twice. Get up to speed with reality.

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Take in to contrast one of the more recent, best MMO launches: Rift. Did they make excuses constantly just because it was new? Clearly not. WoW was the revolution of MMO's, and it was released in 2004. We're in 2012. I think you need to start facing the facts.


I should just be content with missing parts for my new computer I'm building because it's new. I should also be happy my new car purchase is missing air conditioning and windshield wipers, it's new afterall. I should be in full support of Pizza Hut for giving me sauce on crust without any other toppings, it's a new meal deal, so it's okay.


In case you all forgot, this game had been pushed back twice. Get up to speed with reality.


not to mention, tons of CURRENT issues were brought up in BETA, and went MONTHS without being addressed.

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This game launched a lot better than WoW did, I can say that much. I think half of the complaints have to do with how the game is designed, rather than bug and stability fixes.


2004 vs 2012. New technology and methods vs old technology and methods. ???

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Take in to contrast one of the more recent, best MMO launches: Rift. Did they make excuses constantly just because it was new? Clearly not. WoW was the revolution of MMO's, and it was released in 2004. We're in 2012. I think you need to start facing the facts.


I should just be content with missing parts for my new computer I'm building because it's new. I should also be happy my new car purchase is missing air conditioning and windshield wipers, it's new afterall. I should be in full support of Pizza Hut for giving me sauce on crust without any other toppings, it's a new meal deal, so it's okay.


In case you all forgot, this game had been pushed back twice. Get up to speed with reality.


Rifts launch was sexy as hell.


i lost you at the pizza analogy however, and now im hungry.

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Take in to contrast one of the more recent, best MMO launches: Rift. Did they make excuses constantly just because it was new? Clearly not. WoW was the revolution of MMO's, and it was released in 2004. We're in 2012. I think you need to start facing the facts.


I should just be content with missing parts for my new computer I'm building because it's new. I should also be happy my new car purchase is missing air conditioning and windshield wipers, it's new afterall. I should be in full support of Pizza Hut for giving me sauce on crust without any other toppings, it's a new meal deal, so it's okay.


In case you all forgot, this game had been pushed back twice. Get up to speed with reality.




I played WoW from Vanilla to the beginning of Cata....I remember WoW had BUCKET LOADS of problems through the years. I MEAN BUCKET loads. SWTOR runs 100x cleaner than WoW does.

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OP broadly speaking they don't. There is a difference between expecting it to be perfect and expecting it to be playable. I guess your opinion would be different if it was not playable for you. For example there is a thread that has 1000 upon 1000's of people with serious fps issues even from people with top end rigs. Let me ask if you could not play due to fps issues or crashes during the game loading screen would you still come on here berating people that where having these problems? It really is pretty insensitive, mind you I have always found that the 'fanbots' are bigger trolls than the 'haters' by a metric crapton.
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Because there are no excuses for releasing a buggy product. People can say what they will about 'all MMOs are buggy at release'. This may be a fact, but it's not an excusue.


With that said, I accept it, and I will play it for the time being because I'm currently having a good time. But I will never make any excuses for buggy software being released, because there are none. Bioware doesn't seem to think so either, at least they are not making any. Only the fans do that.


Accept the game. Have fun with the game. Enjoy the game. But don't let the developers off the hook by excusing the bugs in the game.

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I played WoW from Vanilla to the beginning of Cata....I remember WoW had BUCKET LOADS of problems through the years. I MEAN BUCKET loads. SWTOR runs 100x cleaner than WoW does.


Game breaking bugs? Or are you referring to crying about DK's when they were released? I don't ever remember WoW having a broken, unresponsive, laggy combat system (Most important factor in MMO) Also, there's plenty of threads about the optimization of this game if you're referring to performance problems.

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It has been less than two weeks and all I see people in game and on forums complaining about is small bugs and issues. ITS BEEN OUT LESS THAN TWO DAMN WEEKS. DO you think ANY game has ever been 100% perfect in two weeks? Considering there is no game at 100% performance or quality. The issues will be fixed, get over it and stop crying and trolling the forums and general chat. I have no problems with the game and picked it up first thing on the day of release. Then you get the idiots posting about lagg...if you're lagging, its YOUR computer or INTERNET. Not the game...I am running a custom gaming comp that I built and am breaking 100fps at all times, NEVER lagg. Anyhow, just stop the trolling, give them a break and let them fix the problems, it takes time. And if you understood programming and code work, it doesn't take 10 minutes....


It would be different if many of the current problems hadn't been problems reported on the beta forums months ago. It doesn't give a lot of faith that they're going to be fixed any time soon when they were known issues in beta back in March and still haven't been addressed.

Edited by Mannic
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Game breaking bugs? Or are you referring to crying about DK's when they were released? I don't ever remember WoW having a broken, unresponsive, laggy combat system (Most important factor in MMO) Also, there's plenty of threads about the optimization of this game if you're referring to performance problems.

I agree, WoW did have a lot of minor/medium bugs in its content, but the platform ran very cleanly.


The fluidity of combat in this game is, for lack of a better term: terrible and definitely detracts from the otherwise awesome elements of the game.

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It would be different if many of the current problems hadn't been problems reported on the beta forums months ago. It doesn't give a lot of faith that they're going to be fixed any time soon when they were known issues in beta back in March and still haven't been addressed.


Pretty much this, I am giving it 2 months paid time to see how fast they fix bugs, after those 2 months I am gone if they don't fix them, I am sick of dying because a mob is stuck in a wall still shooting me but I can't shoot it, and I am sick of dying due to combat delay!

Edited by Gunryu
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