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Please fix group chat!


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the current walk around is the /gquit and be re-invited again. This does fix it, and hopefully you dont have to do it more than once, i have had to do it only 2 times in the last 3 weeks.


No guild/party chat makes this a single player game, so yes it needs to be fixed.

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It may or may not work for you, but in the large thread where they are gathering data about this bug one of the fixes was to reload your UI an ALT-F4 out during the reload. So CTRL+U twice and then ALT+F4 about 2 seconds later before the UI comes back up.


If you were having the guild chat issue, the gquit and re-invite can help, but I found once I took my alts out of the guild the problem went away completely. Probably a permissions issues somewhere that is messing it up. Which is why it is taking a bit longer to fix this bug and why they are asking for feedback to get some data to help track it down.

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