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Voss Class quest (Spoilers)


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Finished this around 2 weeks ago as a hybrid (Corruption/Madness)Sorc, lv44. Took 3 tries. The easy way is to grab Talos, keep aggro on yourself and not the companion as they will not move out of AoEs on their own. The main part to sucessfully killing him is interrupting his casts and if you get a resist then LOS it. The dead tree towards one end of the room is perfect for this, fight him there and put the tree between you anytime he casts, if he casts Storm and you dont interrupt it, just move to the other end of the room till its over.


Just remember how LOS works on most NPCs, if you are out of LOS before the cast ends the cast fails. If you run out of LOS during the Spell only some of them will stop damaging you.

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I did this as Corruption spec and had no problems, although I will agree that he does hit pretty hard. I focused a lot on keeping him interrupted, and dispelling the debuffs he put out.


The guy for the planet storyline, though, I had to get a friend to help with. He absolutely destroyed Khem Val.

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  • 3 weeks later...

was deception specced and succeeded after 3-4 tries.


Though it was hard, the interrupts are essential to survive this.

Also the use of relics helped a lot.



Though later bosses were impossible, and i had to call for help


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As previously stated your interrupts are the key to winning these fights. However a point worth noting is that by waiting until the last second of the cast bar before interrupting, you gain precious dps seconds during which the boss is not damaging you.

Time it correctly and this gives you regular windows of free dps/damage mitigation.


I completed the quest line on Voss this way using Talos and specced as deception. It was easy in general, though one late interrupt took me down to 40% health before the boss was down.


The great thing about deception is you only need to be in the 4m melee range for some of your big hitters. Shock and CD can be cast up to 10m away giving you time to get out of any AOE.


In the words of great drill sergeants around the world: Don't just stand there dummies, MOVE!:D

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Chiming in here that I initially got my *** handed to me several times before figuring out that interrupts and keeping your companions out of the force storm are key to beating Thanaton's spirit on Voss.


I do think it adds a bit of insult to injury that you aren't allowed to med probe (which I can understand story-wise) and the nearest med center is in bone f*** egypt so you have to make a five minute bike ride every time you die...


The Avatar in the Dark Heart is pretty tough as well, if anything, playing an Inquisitor taught me that any time I have to fight some incarnation of Thanaton or Zash (another Sorc), interrupts are the key to victory.

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As a Deception sin it's actually an easier fight than it is for Sorc's...which is a flip from most of the previous fights. For Deception I just got into Dark Charge, put on a shied off-hand and had Talos heal from a distance. One thing I also did was leave Talos' carbonite skill on and used it as a 5th interupt. So with carbonite, jolt, low slash, electrocute and overload, one is always off-cd when you need it.


I also agree with the person who said time your interupts to hit at the very end of his casts...and I'll add in that letting your interupts go almost full duration before you start whack-o-mole on him again helps with healing and force regen.

Edited by Azgrey
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Seriously you guys think he is hard?


I completed Voss class quest at level 42 as dps sorcerer with Ashara, so we were both DPSing boss. I think he was red to me, so it took me a while, lots of resists.


Interrupt is always good. For me, I just kited him around the pillar so he cannot cast, just like how you would make player characters not able to cast spells at you because of line of sight. If you move, his aoe storm won't be able to hit your companion since he was just casting on empty spot lol.


He might be hard for assassin since it's harder for assassins to kite and dps at the same time.

Edited by kyuyu
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On Zash and Thanaton as a corruption sorcerer, I always tried to hold aggro as long as I could.


You have an ability (forget the name) to lower threat on a target - use that on your companion to keep Thanaton on you.


If you are a melee class, use your ranged companion and make sure they stay back. Knock him back if you have to using overload.


If you have aggro and he drops force storm on you, you're the only one in it, so you can just run out and let him channel it while you or your companion whale on him.


The key point is that Thanaton, like Zash, has what I refer to as a "companion killer" ability, force storm. If your companion is in it, they'll die very very fast, because they are so incredibly stupid. For that reason, you shouldn't use Khem, since he's going to want to tank, and you can't tank Thanaton like that.


I put Ashara on passive when the fight started (I use her since I'm ranged - melee types should use Andronikus), build up aggro on Thanaton for a bit, bubble and heal then send in Ashara. Every so often I used the aggro dump ability to make sure she didn't pull him while I kited at range.


Make sure you run out of force storm - it will wipe you out. it has a slow on it as well, so run early.


I interrupted the heals since I wasn't worried about force storm.


He has some big attack as well, i just healed through it or used my bubble. If you aren't corruption, you may want to interrupt that and let him heal - it's not that big a heal.


Make sure to keep Affliction up on him - it does damage while you kite him around and it's instant cast so it's easy to keep up.


I thought this fight was pretty easy as a healer, since force bending means essentially infinite force. I feel for melee types who can't heal.

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I had no problem with him.

Short story

Companion: Azshara(marauder warr), her set is Full pvp(40),weapon as well

Strategy: dots, spam force lighting - chain light, trinkets up, interrupt his cast, avoid area spells, at mid fight - stun, haven't use heal.

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I did this as Corruption spec and had no problems, although I will agree that he does hit pretty hard. I focused a lot on keeping him interrupted, and dispelling the debuffs he put out.


The guy for the planet storyline, though, I had to get a friend to help with. He absolutely destroyed Khem Val.


Agreed, Thanaton isn't that hard if you use your interrupts. But the planet quest guy is pretty much impossible to solo.

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I'm having major difficulties with this quest too. When you guys say you "kite" what exactly do you mean?


In a general definition, kiting would mean that you are keeping an enemy's aggro on you and continually moving around (presumably to give other companions or players the chance to attack another target or regain health/energy). The idea being that you don't let the boss close enough to attack you (so you don't die) and you keep the enemy damaging/interrupting the other players/companions.


In this sense, I think the poster is saying that you should keep Zash's/Thanaton's attention focused on you (so you are the target of his/her attacks) so that you can

1. Duck behind a pillar to break line of sight

2. Give your DPS companion (Ashara/Andronikos) a chance to inflict damage without being attacked/dying.

Edited by Walex
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I only have two that I know of, what's the third one? Is it one I get with skill points or something?


I'm guessing he's referring to Electrocute, Jolt, and Overload (which technically can interrupt as long as the enemy is within the range).

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I did fine until: Horak Mul


I just can't get him below 50%. I have the Creeping Terror build. He is 47, I am 47. I try to interrupt, but he has to many skills to interrupt and I can't keep up.


What is the priority on interrupt? His WW, his storm, or his heal?


I got so frustrated at 10+ tries and dieing, buying the best gear I could afford, upgrading gear on companions, stims, etc. I just decided to scrap the character and go play something else. I play to enjoy the game, not micro manage companions, and twitch game interrupts.

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I did fine until: Horak Mul


I just can't get him below 50%. I have the Creeping Terror build. He is 47, I am 47. I try to interrupt, but he has to many skills to interrupt and I can't keep up.


What is the priority on interrupt? His WW, his storm, or his heal?


I got so frustrated at 10+ tries and dieing, buying the best gear I could afford, upgrading gear on companions, stims, etc. I just decided to scrap the character and go play something else. I play to enjoy the game, not micro manage companions, and twitch game interrupts.

His damaging spells ar always a priority.


If he heals it just means the fight lasts longer, if he kills you the fight ends.

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