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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

C2N2 Weapons


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I have got alot of weapons and cant see a weapon I can equip for C2N2.


I tried looking on the web but no answers could someone help me plz.




Im shocked you wanna give that loud mouth a weapon.


I can just hear it now.



"Oh thank goodness youve returned Master. If you notice a large chunk of ship missing, Dont worry it was just me accidently firing off a grenade from the Z665 Rifle you gave me. I should have it cleaned up soon."

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Im shocked you wanna give that loud mouth a weapon.


I can just hear it now.



"Oh thank goodness youve returned Master. If you notice a large chunk of ship missing, Dont worry it was just me accidently firing off a grenade from the Z665 Rifle you gave me. I should have it cleaned up soon."


Hhahah I fell out my chair!

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I'm not sure about offhand. But main hand is a Blaster.


My Sage is level 23. I just tried to equip C2-N2 with a level 15 blaster pistol and it said lack the skill to use the item, so this is incorrect.


As for off-hand, I haven't tried a shield generator yet, but he can't use a focus item.

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Yeah, I tried both blaster rifle and pistol, to no avail. As for offhand, he may be able to use a power generator. I'll try it as soon as I get one for him.


Sigh, I was kinda hoping he'd be a pocket healer for my tank. Anyway, I finally got him all geared up with my cybertech. We'll see how this goes. XD

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Sigh, I was kinda hoping he'd be a pocket healer for my tank. Anyway, I finally got him all geared up with my cybertech. We'll see how this goes. XD


Save yourself the anquish.


On one of my characters, which is cybertech, I filled him up with blue level appropriate gear and tried him out. Unfortunately, he sucks as a healer, at least at lower levels. He might be better at higher levels when he has better healing skills, but by then you will have a healer companion anyway.


He also has a tendency to stop healing and start fighting the mobs with his bare metal knuckles when his heals are on cooldown, which then delays him from restarting heals. Seriously, this bucket of bolts will run up and start wailing on a mob with his fists.


Needless to say, I put him back on the ship and he has never seen the outside of the bulkhead again.

Edited by Andryah
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Im shocked you wanna give that loud mouth a weapon.


I can just hear it now.



"Oh thank goodness youve returned Master. If you notice a large chunk of ship missing, Dont worry it was just me accidently firing off a grenade from the Z665 Rifle you gave me. I should have it cleaned up soon."


ahahah omg thats great! *writes that one down!* xD awesome!


Edit: big issue i have is that he cant equip weapons thus missing out on stats other companions get, i think need to have a short quest at level 20 or so that has you gear him for combat, because are SOME classes don't get a decent healer for awhile, and be nice to have an option. That said probably using him on my assassin for ages....

Edited by Lokai
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Dear Sir,


I am writing to you in response to your complaint about our product, the C2-N2 droid. We regret that you are experiencing difficulties with this award winning, state of the art household droid.


Sadly, we have to inform you, that the C2-N2 droid, and its Imperial counterpart, the 2V-R8 autonomous ship maintenance unit, are not rated for combat at this time.


Several regrettable incidents, including the loss of a full squad of SIS operatives (apparently triggered by a malfunctioning speech unit voicing its congratulations to the undercover team during a deep cover infiltration mission), have lead the Republic Technical Support Corps to revoke the combat certification from these units and forced us to replace the 'advanced weapon and martial training ROM' from the programming of the unit.


These facts have been clearly disclosed to customers at time of sale, as well as in the programmatic introductory conversation program voiced upon owner transfer.


For this reason, we cannot take responsibility for your problems.


We are however pleased to announce that future updates to the unit's artificial intelligence core will dramatically increase the efficiency of it's emergency medical protocol features - and add some other, more questionable features.


The C2 Droid Corporation is also pleased to announce that we have started investigations into a new line of droid casings and cores, aimed at improving the efficiency of the unit's assembly and construction features. No official release date for this line of top end equipment has been determined at this point.


We thank you for your interest in our product.


The Management


C2-N2 - The only thing that crits is his voice in your earchannel!

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Nah, give him the ability to equip cooking utensils: Frying Pans, Tea Kettles, Very Large Spatulas maybe...


But actually, what would make him unique is if he had the special ability to wield a generator in each hand... whether or not the shield chances would stack, I don't care... but then he wouldn't have a weapon, and could not attack at all (since prime hand would be listed as a non-damaging item - whereas an empty hand has a damage rating)

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