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When is the Sith Inquisitor nerf going into effect?


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This class is so over powered in pvp it ruins the game. When you pvp against the imperials on the server I am on and 82% are sith inquisitors you wonder why there are more imperials than republic players. I am at least on a PVE servers so not exposed to it continuously but, it reaffirms my decision not to roll on a PVP server for this very issue.


I battled one with companions 1 vs 1 and never got them past half way with a fully skilled sentinel 2 levels higher than the inquisitor I was fighting. The simply let the companion tank and bunny hop stun locked me to death. I can dismiss a lot of things in a game of this magnitude but when you clearly have on class that is a noob magnet because of the guaranteed win factor you remove a complete facet of playability from your game.


I will not be pvping as long as sith inquisitor remains the way it is. At this point I would pay to have them remove PVP completely until they put in a viable system that actually works.

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This class is so over powered in pvp it ruins the game. When you pvp against the imperials on the server I am on and 82% are sith inquisitors


82% of the people being SI doesn't make them overpowered, it simply makes them a fad class. You have data or anything to back-up your claims? Oh wait, you don't.


And for once I'm with Chrisgg...sorcs are a freaken breeze to kill.

Edited by Jooji
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This class is so over powered in pvp it ruins the game. When you pvp against the imperials on the server I am on and 82% are sith inquisitors you wonder why there are more imperials than republic players. I am at least on a PVE servers so not exposed to it continuously but, it reaffirms my decision not to roll on a PVP server for this very issue.


I battled one with companions 1 vs 1 and never got them past half way with a fully skilled sentinel 2 levels higher than the inquisitor I was fighting. The simply let the companion tank and bunny hop stun locked me to death. I can dismiss a lot of things in a game of this magnitude but when you clearly have on class that is a noob magnet because of the guaranteed win factor you remove a complete facet of playability from your game.


I will not be pvping as long as sith inquisitor remains the way it is. At this point I would pay to have them remove PVP completely until they put in a viable system that actually works.


Perhaps you should ask them to give Republic a class that's the same.

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Did you have a companion? If yes, how good are they geared? Which companion was it? What level are you? What gear are you in? Do you carry heal pots?


When fighting an INQ, if you have a good DPS companion, stick them on the inquisitor. They'll be forced to CC you AND the companion.

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obviously, I'm waiting for all the sith inquisitors who are good to roll a sage just to make everyone come here and yell nerf sages..


I'd do it but i'm ****** as a sorc in pvp.


Anyway I really cannot wait to see the day.

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Inquisitor is not OP. We are squishy as heck compared to All others. All we have is our Force Sheid (as a Sorc.) and that can only take 2 or 3 hits before it's gone and it's another 20 sec. before we can pop it again. We do have good DPS, but all we mainly are, are Glass Cannons. Edited by Lord-Atorius
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This is wrong.


Force Leap is countered by PBAoE knockback.


Crippling Throw is countered by the 2-second root.


Force Camo is countered by force speed.


There's no way for the Sentinel to stick, they're a free kill.


You're wrong, actually. The knockback has a 1 second wind up time, meaning you get your slow up and then simply walk right back up to them because it lasts double the amount of time theirs does and is undispellable. You have multiple defensive cds you can use to make sure you don't take much damage during this short time where you're not on them.


With this in mind, the actual counter to force leap is force sprint. Except if you just wait until it's over and Camo while they're still slowed, you get back on them easy. QED.


Impossible to lose 1v1 to any class as a Sentinel. If you don't have them dead by the time your cd's are gone, they're better than you. End of story.

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Impossible to lose 1v1 to any class as a Sentinel. If you don't have them dead by the time your cd's are gone, they're better than you. End of story.


cool quote, if you didn't win by using all your cooldowns you lost


no but unironically this is actually cool, thanks for posting (im being serious)

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Inquisitor is not OP. We are squishy as heck compared to All others. All we have is our Force Sheid and that can only take 2 or 3 hits before it's gone and it's another 20 sec. before we can pop it again. We do have good DPS, but all we mainly are, are Glass Cannons.


Sorc/Sage is the tankiest class in PvP... until another class gets bubbled by them.


Where you say "my shield can only take 2-3 hits", the shield actually covers between 20 and 33% of your health (depending on your gear). Since it's duration is longer than even it's unmodified cooldown, that means it can be precasted, allowing 40-66% maxhp in a fight regardless of the length of that fight. It's also the only defensive skill which can be precasted to mitigate the THREAT of incoming damage (as where blowing something like Saber Ward because you saw someone go into stealth wastes it). That makes it far-and-away the best defensive skill in the game.


And your shield's cooldown is reduced to 17 seconds base by gear.

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This is wrong.


Force Leap is countered by PBAoE knockback.


Crippling Throw is countered by the 2-second root.


Force Camo is countered by force speed.


There's no way for the Sentinel to stick, they're a free kill.


Pure 1v1 it's easy to kill a Sorc with a sentinel. What does Force Camo have to do with speed? You go Invis, with speed and potential 100% Invincibility. Force Kick tears up Sorcs, and Commando/Mercs too.

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The Jedi Guardian I just fought in Civil War with 19k hp and critting for up to 5.5k begs to differ. That was the first person I've encountered in this game that I just went "wow, that's OP". He never died in the game, and was just exploding people. Still won the game though, because he can't hold more than 1 objective at a time, but I am hoping it was just a huge gear issue because... wow that guy hit hard.
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cool quote, if you didn't win by using all your cooldowns you lost


no but unironically this is actually cool, thanks for posting (im being serious)


ROFL yeah your cooldowns, the longest of which is 3 minutes, should only be saved for a rainy day.


{guys I type in lower case, do you see how jaded and edgy I am]]]

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Sorc/Sage is the tankiest class in PvP... until another class gets bubbled by them.


Where you say "my shield can only take 2-3 hits", the shield actually covers between 20 and 33% of your health (depending on your gear) .


My shield absorbs about 2000 damage. I've tested it pretty extensively.


I have 15,000 health.


13% of my total health.


Sage/Sorc takes the most damage of any class in the game and has the least defensive options. They live by kiting not tanking, you low level with no idea how the game works.

Edited by CHRISGG
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Sorc/Sage is the tankiest class in PvP... until another class gets bubbled by them.


Where you say "my shield can only take 2-3 hits", the shield actually covers between 20 and 33% of your health (depending on your gear). Since it's duration is longer than even it's unmodified cooldown, that means it can be precasted, allowing 40-66% maxhp in a fight regardless of the length of that fight. It's also the only defensive skill which can be precasted to mitigate the THREAT of incoming damage (as where blowing something like Saber Ward because you saw someone go into stealth wastes it). That makes it far-and-away the best defensive skill in the game.


And your shield's cooldown is reduced to 17 seconds base by gear.


It covers, with specs and 600+ Force about ~3k damage. By the time you have 600+ force you have ~15k HP base. If you are healing spec'ed and geared the lock out time is 17s


3000/17 = 176 DPS.


As percentage of HP it is 40% assuming the fight lasts 34 and 51 seconds. If the fight lasts < 17 seconds it is 20%.


Many classes have better defensive cooldowns than that, particularly Sentinals/Maraduers



The lack of complaining about Sages is pretty telling. It means it has a lot more to do with perception than reality.

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My shield absorbs about 2000 damage. I've tested it pretty extensively.


I have 15,000 health.


13% of my total health.


Sage/Sorc takes the most damage of any class in the game and has the least defensive options. They live by kiting not tanking, you low level with no idea how the game works.




I've pvp'd on a sin, operative and powertech. Without a doubt, sages/sorcs are the hardest class to kill bar none. They need a nerf. I'm not sure how BW failed to see this coming.

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I've pvp'd on a sin, operative and powertech. Without a doubt, sages/sorcs are the hardest class to kill bar none. They need a nerf. I'm not sure how BW failed to see this coming.


Which one of these is level 50?


I'm waiting.

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