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So the Collectors Edition is still available everywhere.


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Guys, a Collector Edition DOES NOT automaticly mean it is limited, Take Aion for example, they offer a digital collector edition upgrade in their very own cash store and its already more than 2 years after the release now.


Honestly, the moment BW allows us to upgrade online to Collector Edition, I will do so right away. :) Just because other games their CE is limited doesnt mean BW has to follow.


Um, i'm sorry but. You realize the only difference between the COLLECTORS EDITION, and the DIGITAL DELUXE edition, is the physical items inside. Right? All the in game items from the CE, are in the DD, and you CAN upgrade to the digital deluxe edition for 20 dollars.

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Guys, a Collector Edition DOES NOT automaticly mean it is limited, Take Aion(*) for example, they offer a digital collector edition upgrade in their very own cash store and its already more than 2 years after the release now.


Honestly, the moment BW allows us to upgrade online to Collector Edition, I will do so right away. :) Just because other games their CE is limited doesnt mean BW has to follow.


(*): https://secure.ncsoft.com/cgi-bin/Store.pl?language=uk&view=629


That's why their actions are deceptive and not fraudulent. They played on an accepted MMO standard and then went against it.

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Um, i'm sorry but. You realize the only difference between the COLLECTORS EDITION, and the DIGITAL DELUXE edition, is the physical items inside. Right? All the in game items from the CE, are in the DD, and you CAN upgrade to the digital deluxe edition for 20 dollars.


Not everything is in the DDE.

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Um, i'm sorry but. You realize the only difference between the COLLECTORS EDITION, and the DIGITAL DELUXE edition, is the physical items inside. Right? All the in game items from the CE, are in the DD, and you CAN upgrade to the digital deluxe edition for 20 dollars.


You are wrong. The CE gives access to the CE NPC in the VIP Lounge, which is not available to Deluxe accounts. Saying so because I own a Deluxe account, and I am unable to interact with that weird looking guy, giving me a big red error stating that access is restricted to Collector Edition accounts.


Delux gets the few extra items mailed, but the purchased ones are unavailable to us.

Edited by Kesari
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Show me a chart that has active subscriptions in six months and I'll care.


So the Collectors Edition is still available everywhere.


this is the tread title, you talked about "they didn't sell as much as they told us"


THAT is the answer. The "subscription" thing it's pointless and unrelated to CE :) umadbrah?

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I'm pretty sure all the digital stuff is(IE, flare gun, VIP lounge, ect).


As I said before, Deluxe gets everything the CE gets, minus the items sold by the CE NPC in the lounge. Those are strictly limited to the CE owners. Want a cam, a lvl 25 mount, a flare gun and a pet? Then Deluxe is for you. Want more? Want to buy all of the extra vanity items which are being sold in the lounge? Too bad, find yourself a CE to do so.


Edit: everyone with access to the lounge can buy the 1,5 mil level 50 mount. Its not restricted to CE or Deluxe, you can oerfectly pay the sum of 1 mil to buy the access ring of a vendor and then pay another 1,5 mil for the mount.


Still, all of the character and companion vanity sets/items are restricted to CE owners only.

Edited by Kesari
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I feel that threads like this really serve no purpose other than give the OP a platform for baseless theories and backhanded insults.


It really makes the OP appear to have an agenda.


An agenda


Is that anything like what you do when you run from negative thread to negative thread trying to discredit the poster?

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As I said before, Deluxe gets everything the CE gets, minus the items sold by the CE NPC in the lounge. Those are strictly limited to the CE owners. Want a cam, a lvl 25 mount, a flare gun and a pet? Then Deluxe is for you. Want more? Want to buy all of the extra vanity items which are being sold in the lounge? Too bad, find yourself a CE to do so.


That is kind of stupid, i just don't get the point in asking for a -digital- collectors edition when the entire point of the CE is all the physical swag.

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I feel that threads like this really serve no purpose other than give the OP a platform for baseless theories and backhanded insults.


It really makes the OP appear to have an agenda.


OP doesnt like the game and this is his way of getting back at its makers. Its sad that some people have so little going for them that they stoop to this, I just feel pity.

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I know how "anxious" you are to defend EVERYTHING they do. However, like I said above when it comes to continued production after launch it's generally accepted in MMOs that neither will be produced after the original batch.



Now did they actually say they would not make more, I don't know. But a lie of omission is still a lie.



Generally accepted....how...where...when did this acceptance happen....i play every major mmo...Collectors is no way means limited. It means...Collectors, inclusive of extra stuff collectors would want to have.

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That is kind of stupid, i just don't get the point in asking for a -digital- collectors edition when the entire point of the CE is all the physical swag.


Again you are wrong. Many people dont care for the physical items in collector editions and only care for the extra ingame stuff. I am one of those people. I own all 4 wow collector editions, but honestly, i never took anything out of the boxes except the code to upgrade to get my CE pets and achievements ingame. :)


If you care, you can see Im not lying about the wow collector editions, heres my profile:http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/stormscale/Tamashi/advanced


or if youre not familiar with wow, the achievements for CEs can be found here:http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/stormscale/Tamashi/achievement#81

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Find me a Burning Crusade CE?


How about Wrath of the Lich King?


How about Rift?


Star Trek Online?



Oh that's right, the only place you can find those CEs is third party resellers because they aren't being produced anymore.



So its not generally accepted, its your own conclusion based on some other games? How about no one was buying those anymore so they stopped making them. If people were still buying it they would keep on making it. Simple supply and demand really.

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Generally accepted....how...where...when did this acceptance happen....i play every major mmo...Collectors is no way means limited. It means...Collectors, inclusive of extra stuff collectors would want to have.


every successful MMO? I doubt that..


For WoW collectors meant "we're stopping manufacturing them once it releases, so you better pre-order"


I usually don't pay attention to games collectors editions, but yea. For wow, it means that.

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ok op is obviously backed into a corner and feels like he needs to downplay the game and the players so the big bad internet people won't think he's stupid. This thread is derailed and dead and we should all just respect a "community thread lock" as it were
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Again you are wrong. Many people dont care for the physical items in collector editions and only care for the extra ingame stuff. I am one of those people. I own all 4 wow collector editions, but honestly, i never took anything out of the boxes except the code to upgrade to get my CE pets and achievements ingame. :)


If you care, you can see Im not lying about the wow collector editions, heres my profile:http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/stormscale/Tamashi/advanced


or if youre not familiar with wow, the achievements for CEs can be found here:http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/stormscale/Tamashi/achievement#81


Im a CE holder, and to be honest the Statue and the Book (A good read and a bit more indepth then the videos) as well as the authenticator key is why I bought it. Everything else was icing on the cake.

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