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I feel like I wasted 60 dollars


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BEFORE someone comes in and starts flaming me let me say this





I love playing my Ozzy Osbourne space ninja (IA op.)


It feel nice to run around in stealth and stabbing people :D


Just the game ... over all is eh


I love the story of the game and all that jazz


Pvp .. Its nice that there is no brackets .. Its more skill than anything and people thats been whinning OMG I ISH LV10 DIS 50 HAS MORE SKILLZ TO USE ... I have had no problem, I might not get a lot of kills, but at 10 I was a big hassle and pissed people off enough to get focus fired soon as I popped out of stealth.


Pvp what is not nice, no choice to pick your warzone, I HATE HATE HATE hutt ball .. If your not in a group that can pull their head out of their asses and use proper teamwork you won't win. I've been in matches where we have lost 5 (or more) to 0 cause the people on my team can't pass the ball or go with a few people for protection.


I love the other two warzones however and want more of them, just no more hutt ball please.


The lack of a proper lfg tool .. As people know the LFG tool only works on the planet your on. So guess what, your stuck in the fleet station spamming looking for group for this or that and your stuck waiting doing nothing but send your com. out to farm or craft.


Ironic eh? Cause if you remember people said if they put a lfd tool in people would just stand in one spot and do nothing.. Thats pretty much what I'm doing at this point


I'm pretty sure over time these current problems that make me go meh at the game will be fixed. But at this time I feel like I've wasted 60 dollars and should have waited for a few months or longer for this game to come out.

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"The lack of a proper lfg tool"




How is this fail? I mean seriously its been pointed out that the lfg tool they have in game is only planet base at this time. Reather if this is a bug, or an over site they forgot to look at. Its not working as people thought it would.

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lack of lfg creates a community


this isnt wow....get over it


Again I'm looking for a proper lfg tool I DON'T care if they add a dungeon finder or not. How is the lack of a proper lfg tool going to ruin community? Standing in fleet station spamming lfg over and over is getting me no place. I can't go quest or anything by doing so.


Again I asked for a proper lfg tool. The one they have now flags you for a group in /who ONLY on the planet your on now. I'd like something like a pop up screen that I can punch in the info I'm a tank, looking for this or that and anyone eles that uses this "popup" can be oh look bob here is a tank looking for BT let me whisper him and grab him to do it.

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First of all it would have been totally awesome (read hilarious) if they could have got Ozzy to voice the IA.


Second they do need a retool of the /who lfg feature they have now. No doubt they are looking into it. But the lfg tool your asking for, which I'm guessing comes with teleport to group should not be implemented. It's a huge mistake for the exact same reason you just said. How long will people sit still and spam LFG over and over. Not long until they get bored and try again later. They go back to questing and doing other things.


Now give them a LFG tool that's like in other games. Watch a lot of people sit in station with there LFG click to a level appropriate instants and never move after level 10. They will just run the same thing over and over. Humans will normally take the path of least resistance.


The LFG tool in the game needs reworking to make it easier and more user friendly. That is all.

Edited by Rialth
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Again I'm looking for a proper lfg tool I DON'T care if they add a dungeon finder or not. How is the lack of a proper lfg tool going to ruin community? Standing in fleet station spamming lfg over and over is getting me no place. I can't go quest or anything by doing so.


Again I asked for a proper lfg tool. The one they have now flags you for a group in /who ONLY on the planet your on now. I'd like something like a pop up screen that I can punch in the info I'm a tank, looking for this or that and anyone eles that uses this "popup" can be oh look bob here is a tank looking for BT let me whisper him and grab him to do it.


join a guild....this game isnt meant to be solo'd

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First of all it would have been totally awesome (read hilarious) if they could have got Ozzy to voice the IA.


Second they do need a retool of the /who lfg feature they have now. No doubt they are looking into it. But the lfg tool your asking for, which I'm guessing comes with teleport to group should not be implemented. It's a huge mistake for the exact same reason you just said. How long will people sit still and spam LFG over and over. Not long until they get bored and try again later. They go back to questing and doing other things.


Now give them a LFG tool that's like in other games. Watch a lot of people sit in station with there LFG click to a level appropriate instants and never move after level 10. They will just run the same thing over and over. Humans will normally take the path of least resistance.


The LFG tool in the game needs reworking to make it easier and more user friendly. That is all.


no no no I'm not looking for one that ports you to the dungeon I think old EQ2 had what I trying to to explain.


Heres a picture of what I am talking about




It let you pick what role you wanted, what you wanted to do and then you just went off and did what you wanted. When someone say that you was doing this for that quest or whatever they could whisper you and ask if you wanted to go.

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lack of lfg creates a community


this isnt wow....get over it


Lack of cross server LFG interface reinforces a community. Having a LFG interface within a server can only do good. Put aside your wow hate and realize that when someone wants to run a flashpoint they shouldn't have to wait 40 minutes to throw a group together.

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join a guild....this game isnt meant to be solo'd


*sighs* I am in a guild, I'm asking for a tool like old eq2 had




see picture here


It let pick what roll you was, what you was looking for be it a quest or a dungeon. Then you just went on your way and if someone saw that you was looking for the same thing they could get a hold of you.

Edited by joltmar
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