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Cross Faction griefing.


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So the pass few WZ I've been getting opposing faction member spamming derogatory statements the entire match.


Is this new? I don't recall being able to /say to talk to opposing faction members.


If its not new, Did Bio really think this wouldn't happen?


Why waste the man hour sifting threw countless reports of harassment?


Is this why my 2 week old ticket has never been responded to?


Honestly, This is a terrible idea.


Trying to stop people from griefing is like the war on drugs, you will never beat it and never win.

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So the pass few WZ I've been getting opposing faction member spamming derogatory statements the entire match.


Is this new? I don't recall being able to /say to talk to opposing faction members.


If its not new, Did Bio really think this wouldn't happen?


Why waste the man hour sifting threw countless reports of harassment?


Is this why my 2 week old ticket has never been responded to?


Honestly, This is a terrible idea.


Trying to stop people from griefing is like the war on drugs, you will never beat it and never win.




Kill him and tea bagg him, trust me its good for pvp.

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Well, talking smack to your opponent is part of any kinda "sports" or when competing in games.


If said nothing for F**got in the ice I would thrown out for un-sportsman like conduct.


Its one thing to talk a little trash, but this is nonsense.

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really? Having a child spam chat channels with curse words is good for pvp?


terrible design flaw


how about this. Ignore it.


u can either /ignore him or just be the big grown up that you are and ignore the chat box. The funny thing is when u really think about it its more childish to complain about it.

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Having /say work X-faction is good, imo. You'll get some idiots who abuse it but that's no reason to not have it. By that logic general chat should go away as well because of a few who abuse it.


Not really, What bio did was make a /grief channel and nothing more, It just adds another layer of distastefulness in pvp, This is the internet people have zero decorum while using the internet, all you are doing by cross faction chat is adding fuel to a fire.

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how about this. Ignore it.


u can either /ignore him or just be the big grown up that you are and ignore the chat box. The funny thing is when u really think about it its more childish to complain about it.


now you are just trying to pick a fight.


It not childish to not want to see derogatory statements spewed across my screen? I am paying for the customer support am I not?

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yea but you can tell 90% of these people will go out of their way just to start an argument.


By far the worst community of any mmo I have played with.


I don't if its the game or if Star Wars brings out the hate in people but these forums are terrible.

Edited by Mardox
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I think it was a conscious design decision. Huttball specifically opens by saying that "Weapons, name-calling, and cheating ... are all encouraged!"


Kinda lame, if you ask me, but at least you can just stop queue-ing if you don't want to deal with them.

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yea but you can tell 90% of these people will go out of their way just to start and argument.


By far the worst community of any mmo I have played with.


I don't if its the game or if Star Wars brings out the hate in people but these forums are terrible.


Go back to WoW. I'm sure it'll be a lot better. People are contrary often because people pull things out of their *** that's their own fault and try to shift blame. Does it cut to your core that much that somebody is talking smack from the other faction? Have you never played Battlefield or CoD or any other game where there's no language barrier and a universal chat?


It's the internet. Just ignore it like everyone else.

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now you are just trying to pick a fight.


It not childish to not want to see derogatory statements spewed across my screen? I am paying for the customer support am I not?


and customer support gave u a tool to handle it. Its called /ignore. Mind u the only way u can see it is because ur profanity filter is off. Honestly wat do u want bioware to do about it? Censor it like it was china?

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yea but you can tell 90% of these people will go out of their way just to start an argument.


By far the worst community of any mmo I have played with.


I don't if its the game or if Star Wars brings out the hate in people but these forums are terrible.


How about in-game? Personally, i've never seen such a pleasant community. My guild is the biggest on the server and guild chat is extremely mature (and we invite anybody). I've had literally zero conflicts with people in 4 days /played. In that amount of time on wow or any other online game, the number incidents are always in the dozens.

Don't read too much into what you read on the forums. This place is like anger management for tor players (except instead of getting help, they writhe in each other's misery).

The only important "community" is the one you take part in on the game, not this hatefest.

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Go back to WoW. I'm sure it'll be a lot better. People are contrary often because people pull things out of their *** that's their own fault and try to shift blame. Does it cut to your core that much that somebody is talking smack from the other faction? Have you never played Battlefield or CoD or any other game where there's no language barrier and a universal chat?


It's the internet. Just ignore it like everyone else.



thank you for making my point.


Your overall attitude is the reason this game doesn't need cross faction communication.


My whole point was why even bother to have a channel that I'm only going to have to /ignore? There is absolutely no reason to have it, You know and I know its only going to cause griefing?


Like you said this is the internet, all that channel is going to bring is a boat load of harassment reports to bio, which in turn will just bog the system down and inhibit the GMs from taking care of real problems.


I never said I took offense to anything, I didn't even bother to report the player, its beneath me, But you have to be pretty naive to think the bio wont get a crap load of harassment reports due to this.


Like I said before, all they are doing is making a furnace for the fire.


There is no need for cross faction communications.

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thank you for making my point.


Your overall attitude is the reason this game doesn't need cross faction communication.


My whole point was why even bother to have a channel that I'm only going to have to /ignore? There is absolutely no reason to have it, You know and I know its only going to cause griefing?


Like you said this is the internet, all that channel is going to bring is a boat load of harassment reports to bio, which in turn will just bog the system down and inhibit the GMs from taking care of real problems.


I never said I took offense to anything, I didn't even bother to report the player, its beneath me, But you have to be pretty naive to think the bio wont get a crap load of harassment reports due to this.


Like I said before, all they are doing is making a furnace for the fire.


There is no need for cross faction communications.


Someone on the internet called me a ***. Better file a report!! Huehuehuehue. That'll teach you to mess with me! >:o

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