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So...um why release the game?


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So.... There comes a point in a games life when you can go 'We release... or we add another feature'


Yes there are some bugs. In the big scheme of things, the majority of the bugs arent that bad. You have some people running into some hefty ones (the BH progression comes to mind) but for the most part bugs are annoyance bugs, not actual game breakers (and if you think otherwise, think on how many people are playing this game, now think how many are actually on the forums complaining. Big difference in numbers)


Some bugs just wont be found til a game goes live. Its the nature of the world - 1 million users pressing every button, eventually in every combination in every place of the world will beat out the couple thousands they had in betas. Its just going to be that way.


And sure. There could be more polishing. But the decision was made - give you a playable product now, or add a new feature that could take months to get right - This isnt a static game where adding a new feature is like snapping in a new part. With the billions upon billions of lines of code, only god knows exactly what could happen when you add a new feature. Mere mortals like us certainly dont.


So... Release with a playable product, and the knowledge that -ALL- MMO's go through some hefty changes during content patches that maket he game better as the player base and the company doing the game figure out whats needed where - or wait even longer.


I love the story. The game has had very few issues for me, all of the bugs i've encountered have been annoyance types of bugs rather than game breaking cannot connect or play my game bugs. (Yes i know a few people have those. But the couple hundred, maybe even a bare thousand that do have those bugs versus the 1million+ who dont? 1% isnt that big of a number. Even 3-5% isnt that big, if youre feeling generous) I much rather have the game now, and in a few months see neat new features that increase the 'quality of life' on the game, rather than wait another year, two, evne three to see all those features at start.


That Bounty Hunter progression bug, which IS gamebreaking, existed for months in beta. And I can tell you that just about any other bug/glitch/exploit you could mention in the game currently was there as well. It's not about bugs that were too small to find. It's about bugs that were experienced and reported for months in beta, where they were supposed to be fixed, and instead left in unchanged.

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Assuming you are talking about WoW...you obviously didn't play it at release. You were lucky to get ANYTHING done for the first 2 weeks. After that, loot lag and spell delays persisted for months and months.


Actually i did, and had nice times for over 800 days on various characters. It had problems with server stability and ofc some bugs, some big some small but its combat system and action delay is nowhere close to this game. I can safely say with over 30 years of gaming that this games action delay is horrific and havent seen such since 90s. Serious PvP or PVe cannnot be done without full overhaul of game engine and that aint possible in years.

Edited by Forsbacka
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Lord of the Rings Online has been buggy since beta back in 2007.


There had been issues with classes, pvmp (pvp), and so many other things since the beginning of the game that had not been addressed, and yet the game keeps growing.


The Nostradamus wannabes can prophetize all they want, I don't believe their crap more than I believe the Maya prophecy of the end of the world.

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This is a pretty good launch, but I REALLY think they should have waited to release it until combat was working fully and properly. The ability delay and bugs with abilities not firing gets kinda dumb at times. I am quite sure that they will lose a significant number of subscribers to it, and I think it would have made long term sense for them to hold off on release until at least that most basic aspect of gameplay was close to the level of WoW.


I'm willing to give them some time, because I'm having some fun, but not all will, and I'm concerned it will seriously harm the game long term if it isn't fixed in the VERY near future. IMHO, a good 80% of their resources should be going towards that at the moment, with the remaining 20% working on fixing other major bugs, and implementing basic missing features (/roll, camera that doesn't auto-pan back to front facing on movement, fully functional UI, combat log).

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because if they released everything on day one people will rush through it and get bored,they have to stagger the new things so we finish them one at a time until they finish the expansion and the cycle repeats itself :p


BUT for bugs they need to get rid of them as soon as possibe

Edited by andrewtwofivetwo
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Lord of the Rings Online has been buggy since beta back in 2007.


There had been issues with classes, pvmp (pvp), and so many other things since the beginning of the game that had not been addressed, and yet the game keeps growing.


The Nostradamus wannabes can prophetize all they want, I don't believe their crap more than I believe the Maya prophecy of the end of the world.


And we all wonder why? j/k




The NPD Group reported that the game was "the third most played massively multiplayer role-playing game [in 2010]" with Turbine citing their free to play model as the reason for the growing subscriber base

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if u expect a perfect game go play on consoles


all mmos release with bugs and problems


all mmos need time to get it right


wow had 7 years to add content and polish it took them like 2 years to clean up the game and add all the stuff they wanted to at launch

in fact the game was suppose to have city sieges and very few people new that.


they scraped it due to performance problems.



all mmos need time to get it fully optimized.


you do not want to give it time then go play at a later date and never play an mmo at launch then

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Ive been following this game since winter 2008, so ive been here as long if not longer then everyone else waiting...and waiting.



So im curious, this game is YEARS off, not even close to a finished product. the base is there...for this game to be very good, and it just wasnt. Same thing with warhammer (another EA game), it was sent out to make money.



Why cant a game just be FINISHED....why is there all this "JUST WAIT! JUST DUDE! ITS COMING! JUST WAIT"....


I dont have any faith :( people said "just wait on the combat clean up" im EARLY beta,...its been almost a year. and they havent even cleaned that up....



Im sorry bioware... no one bats 1000 :(



I just have to point out to all my friends how right I was ... and this thread emphasizes how right I was.









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They should have concintraded more to character responsive and action delay than to single player campaign.




Course then, people would probably be screaming about how the questing sucks and isn't up to par with what BW is known for/what they promised. I'm not saying the game is perfect, because it isn't. However, it's a better game at launch than any other MMO I've ever played at launch.


Also, I think the word you're looking for is "concentrated".

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Actually i did, and had nice times for over 800 days on various characters. It had problems with server stability and ofc some bugs, some big some small but its combat system and action delay is nowhere close to this game. I can safely say with over 30 years of gaming that this games action delay is horrific and havent seen such since 90s. Serious PvP or PVe cannnot be done without full overhaul of game engine and that aint possible in years.


funny thing is i see it every now and agian all you all complainen bout the action delay must be on your end cause it does not nearly happen as many times to be whinen bout it.

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I just have to point out to all my friends how right I was ... and this thread emphasizes how right I was.










I'd just like to inform the above poster's friends that if the above poster thinks a single thread in a sea of thousands of threads validates whatever it is he's trying to prove... he's a little on the nutty side of the fence.







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This is why creating an mmo is the one thing i DONT want to do with my life,soo much stress for people wanting more


The truth. You simply can't win.


I love some of these posts...people saying, yeah, if BW did this or this, TOR would be great...


There. Is. Always. Something. To. Complain. About.


First a release date. Then EGA. Then people not getting in on the 13th, which wasn't even an EGA date. Then the queues.


Some of the complainers...BW could ask their opinion of every little thing, and fix every little problem they request, and still they'd find something else...

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People talk about bugs, and I've only run into a couple so far they were minor. What I'd like to see is more convenience features, like being able to more easily compare a companion's gear.


But even so, I am having SO MUCH FUN playing this game. I love my consular and I can't wait to see what a smuggler does, and then try some Sith chars.


This is an incredibly ambitious game! Full voice-over, story etc on top of the regular MMO hiccups and stuffs.


I tip my cap to Bioware and I'll be playing for a long time!

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The truth. You simply can't win.


I love some of these posts...people saying, yeah, if BW did this or this, TOR would be great...


There. Is. Always. Something. To. Complain. About.


First a release date. Then EGA. Then people not getting in on the 13th, which wasn't even an EGA date. Then the queues.


Some of the complainers...BW could ask their opinion of every little thing, and fix every little problem they request, and still they'd find something else...


I just wanna say that i love bioware. i also love EA and lucas arts. I'm sorry if i offended anyone.

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OH thank you. Yeah people say avatar is the highest grossing film ever but since I didnt watch it, it obviously isnt.


You asked why they released it "earlier" than it should of been.


I pointed out the fact that every MMO I've played at launch, from WoW, to SWG, to COH, to STO and on, wasn't as "ready for launch" as TOR was. If you disagree, then I'm more than happy to sit here while you tell me an MMO that was more polished and had more content than SWTOR when it launched. Or you could just sit back and be sarcastic and dance around actually making a real counterpoint some more.

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