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Burning your way through your enemies - Pyrotech PvE Guide


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This write up was originally made for my guild, but since there isn't a real pyrotech guide on these forums, I thought I might as well share it here as well.


I am assuming some experience with the mercenary class here, so won't go over every single ability, just the ones that are important to the Pyrotech rotation.


For gearing and general advice, I recommend the stickied Arsenal guide from Odawgg here.



The Spec


For actual fights I recommend this:



A lot of abilities don't have anything to do with your dps output and can be moved around freely. It should be fairly easy to identify which. For dummy parsing (and boss figts with low to none raid damage) you can move the points from ”Stabilizers” to ”Hired Muscle”.


Notably missing are points in ”System Calibrations”. The alacrity it gives actually messes with the proc system Pyrotechs use, and will lower your dps output. Some alacrity is nice though to combat lag and pushback, but what you get from ”Rapid Venting is enough for that”.



The Abilities


Thermal Detonator

The heaviest hitting attack in the Pyrotech Tree. It's about as important to a Pyrotech as Heatseeker Missile is to Arsenal. It doesn't deal damage until a few seconds after it's cast, and part of it's damage cmes from a DoT it applies, so it's not always the best burst move, but on tougher targets it's your highest priority.


Incendiary Missile

A DoT that runs over 18 seconds and also does a low amount of damage up front. As with all DoT:s you want to have this running at all times, but never refresh it until it's actually run out. The good news is that Pyrotechs are only dependant on their target burning and they have multiple ways to achieve this effect, so if the target goes without IM for a GCD or two it's not a disaster.


Combustible Gas Cylinder

Nothing to say about this really, except as a Pyrotech that's the cylinder you want to use. It's one of the ways you set your target on fire and a whole slew of your abilites are dependant on it.


Rail Shot

Rail Shot is the core of the Pyrotech rotation. It deals good damage, vents heat and refreshes one of your dots on the target.


Power Shot

Your bread and butter ability. It's a blaster attack for Combustible Gas Cylinder, it is your major way to refresh Rail Shot and it deals decent damage itself.



I use Unload every time I would have to go Power Shot x 3 where it replaces the first two Power Shots. According to the tooltip it deals slightly less damage at half the heat cost. But I've found that with the armor penetration it gets from ”Advanced Trgeting” it actually pulls ahead ever so slightly in damage as well.


Rapid Shots

Unfortunately, there is no way to get a heat neutral rotation, at least not one that puts out top dps. So you're going to have to mix in Rapid Shots every now and then. Most of the time Rapid Shots will mean you're delaying your rotation by one GCD, since they are hard to weave in without interferring with the tow Power Shots you want to make each cycle. But that's a price we'll have to pay. On the plus side you do get a lowered cooldown on Vent Heat, so can stop thinking about Rail Shot when you have Vent Heat available (or coming off cooldown in the next 10 seconds or so).


Prototype Particle Accelerator

At it's core Pyrotech Mercenariesrevolve around keeping as many dots as possible on the target while proccing Prototype Particle Accelerator every 6 seconds.


PPA claims that UnLoad has a 70% chance and Power Shot has a 45% chance to proc it. Thisis, however, not exactly true. Or rather, it is true for the first UL or PS after a proc, but the second one will proc it much more reliably. So much more reliably that we can build our entire rotation around it in fact.


In an ideal world, our rotation would look something like this 8after the initial opener to set things up):


Special Attack* → Power Shot → Power Shot → Rail Shot -> repeat


occasionally mixed in with


UnLoad → Power Shot → Rail Shot


* = one of Thermal Detonator, Incendiary Missile, Electro Net or Fusion Missile, alternatively Rapid Shots if you're low on heat.


A vast majority of the time, the Power Shot in the above will proc PPA and make Rail Shot available.


Now it's important to understand one thing about PPA. What matters for it's internal cooldown is when it procs, not when you actually use the railshot. As long as you use your second Power Shot (or the first Power Shot following an Unload) on the fourth GCD after PPA procs, it will proc again a vast majority of the time.


This means you have a little bit of leeway as to when you use Rail Shot.



The Opener


This is the opener I use:


Thermal Detonator → Electro Net → (Relic + Adrenal) → Rail Shot →


Power Shot → Power Shot → Rail Shot →


Fusion Missile + Thermal Sensors Override → Power Shot → Power Shot → Rail Shot →


Thermal Detonator →


I know it's a bit long for an opener, but it help serve a couple of points. First it illustrates how the Rail Shot rotation works, second it shows that it's ok to skip refreshing IM for a GCD as long as their is another burning effect on the target, third it lines up perfectly with Thermal Detonator's cooldown. And these attacks are always static, as in as long as there is a boss to shoot at, I won't deviate from this pattern.


In fact, the static pattern is even longer (continuing from where we left off):


PS → PS → RS →


IM → PS → PS → RS →


PS → PS → PS → Vent Heat → TD → RS →


PS → PS → RS


After this point you need to pay attention to your heat and weave in Rapid Shots as required.


The Priorities


Now, since the cooldowns don't line up properly, and heat will haunt you, you won't be able to stick to a set rotation. Or it's possible you could, but it'll mean a lowered damage output. So here's my priority, in order:


Power Shot (if it's the 4th GCD since PPA proc:ed and if Rail Shot is on cooldown)


Rapid Shot (when heat requires it*)


Thermal Detonator (if it doesn't bring you above 40 heat, otherwise below Rail Shot)


Rail Shot (if you've got the PPA buff and the target is burning)


Incedinary Missile (if the target doesn't have the IM DoT on it)


Electro Net


Fusion Missile with Thermal Sensor Override




Power Shot


*= basically if your next ability will push you over 40 heat and Vent Heat isn't available or coming off cooldown soon.


The only thing this priority doesn't really cover is that you need to fit in two Power Shot or Unload in each PPA cycle.


Another possibility is that a proc:ed Rail Shot should have priority over Thermal detonator, since it refreshes the dot from Combustible Gas Cylinder. In theory this should work out perfectly. The DoT runs for 6 seconds and you can fire a Rail Shot every 6th second as well. So you should be able to have the DoT at almost 100% uptime if you always fire rail shot whenever it procs. I've found two problems with this:


1. If there is any lag or pushback added to your rotation this can cause your Rail Shot to be delayed by enough that the DoT will fall off anyway.


2. When you add in Rapid Shots into your rotation most of the time that will cause a delay by one GCD before your next Rail Shot procs, which can also cause the DoT to fall off.


When I've experimented with this, I found that trying to keep the DoT at 100% uptime at the expense of TD lowered my DPS output, but with more practice it could be worthwile.


Note that in this rotation there's no room for Death From Above. It simply doesn't synergize well with the rest of the Pyrotech abilities, and is a tad to expensive. But it's still excellent in fights where you need the AoE.


The Alternative


Kinslayer posted this in the comment which is a good alternative (she's got the current highest parse, so she knows what she's talking about). I end up doing something similar but push TD harder when possible (which is rare I admit), and my opener is slightly different.



TD, EN, Relic + Adrenal, IM, RS, PS, PS (even if proc), RS





General Rotation

IM, PS, PS, RS, UL, PS, RS, TD, PS, PS, RS, (if heat > 19 Rapid), IM, PS (x2 if necessary), RS, UL, PS, RS, TD, PS, PS, RS, (if heat > 19 Rapid), IM, PS (x2 if necessary), RS, UL, PS, RS, TD, EN, Relic / Adrenal, PS (x2 if necessary), RS, IM, PS, PS, RS


It's basically the opener and then just cycling between spam and general rotation but there's a couple of things I think are worth mentioning. Firstly, the primary focus here is on proccing PPA as often as possible and with the possible exception of the very first proc I use RS as soon as possible every single time and prioritize it over every other ability. Secondly, this rotation is incredibly light on rapid shots - you should only have to use it once out of the possible 2 places, which is only 3 times in total from a 5 minute parse. And finally, I delay the 2nd adrenal and 3rd relic use slightly to maximize their benefit as I feel they are more useful being used when there's no need to manage heat through UL and rapid shots.


The Parse


Here is my current dummy best parse using this, with the new armor debuff and health modifier:

TTK: 4m 29.966s


My previous best before that came into effect:

3326,84 dps



The Credits


Most of my understanding of Pyrotech comes from analyzing Odawgg's parses and his comments in various threads.


Also, LordKantner's hybrid guide has been a lot of help. And he's been telling us Pyrotech (or assault specialist) is good for longer than anyone else.


Thanks to Kinslayer for the alternative rotation and for doing extremely well with the class.


Also thanks Bioware for breaking Rail Shot, not sure I'd ever have tried Pyro otherwise ;)


The Updates


Changed the priorites slightly on Odawgg's suggestion.


2013-12-20: Added alternative rotation and priority from Kinslayer, updated my own opening rotation and priorities slightly.


2014-01-04: New top parse

Edited by MVaglin
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This is great. Thank you.


I just switched to Pyro and like it. However, I basically have the same gear as you currently and my numbers are drastically lower than yours (by about 600 dps :eek: )


I have a bit more crit currently but I can't imagine that would account for 600 dps.

So, where am I going wrong if I am leveling out at 2500-2600 dps?

My APM is about 8 less than your parse but not sure where the additionals could come from.


Any advice is appreciated.



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Welll, getting your APM up is the best way to start. I strongly suggest you look at Odawgg's arsenal guide and especially read the part about Always Be casting. In short, make use of the action queue so that before you're done with your current attack, the next one is already lined up.


I did a cropepd sample of both our parses at 250 seconds to get a more accurate comparison.


Yours: http://www.torparse.com/a/500371/time/1385054268/1385054518/0/Damage+Dealt


Mine: http://www.torparse.com/a/498894/time/1384940059/1384940309/0/Damage+Dealt


We're the same on the number of Thermal Detonators, so you're using those on cooldown. You have more incendiary missiles than me, which unfortunately isn't necessarilly a good thing. I am a little lax with them at times, but I don't think I miss them that frequently, which means you're sometimes refreshing IM when the dot on it is still running.


Now for the big thing, I have almost twice as many power shots as you do, and 25% more rail shots, while you have more unloads than me. Here of course one follows another, more power shots means more rail shot procs, which in turn means more heat dissipated.


But the main thing to improve upon is to get APMs up and being comfortable with the tighter heat management that entails.

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Now, since the cooldowns don't line up properly, and heat will haunt you, you won't be able to stick to a set rotation. Or it's possible you could, but it'll mean a lowered damage output. So here's my priority, in order:


I'm going to have to disagree with you here. True, the 15s CD on Thermal Detonator means it doesn't really fit perfectly into a rotation given the 6s CD on PPA but even after a lengthy discussion with Odawgg yesterday about this and other pyro related topics, I still think delaying it slightly is not a terrible thing.


Comparing my best parse with yours at the 250s mark shows you used 1 more TD, 4 more UL and 8 more Rapid Shots, but I used 2 more IM, 3 more RS and 12 more PS and I more or less adhere to a fairly strict rotation.

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Mind sharing that rotation?


I know I looked at your earlier parses when you were doing something along the lines of


TD -> PSx2 ->Rail Shot ->

IM -> PSx2 -> Rail Shot ->

En/FM -> PSx2 -> Rail Shot OR Unload -> PS -> Rail Shot



I used that rotation when rail shot was bugged, due to how easy it is to use. IM lines up perfectly and gets refreshed the second it falls off, and you get to have an almost 100% uptime on the CCG proc. However, when trying to do that after they fixed rail shot, I'm just overheating like crazy.


Regardless, I clearly have some work to do, over 5 minutes I'm missing out on 3 rail shots compared to you and 2 rail shots compared to Odawgg. And my APMS are lower than both (though that is slightly explained by using Unload more frequently)

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Mind sharing that rotation?


I know I looked at your earlier parses when you were doing something along the lines of


TD -> PSx2 ->Rail Shot ->

IM -> PSx2 -> Rail Shot ->

En/FM -> PSx2 -> Rail Shot OR Unload -> PS -> Rail Shot



I used that rotation when rail shot was bugged, due to how easy it is to use. IM lines up perfectly and gets refreshed the second it falls off, and you get to have an almost 100% uptime on the CCG proc. However, when trying to do that after they fixed rail shot, I'm just overheating like crazy.


Regardless, I clearly have some work to do, over 5 minutes I'm missing out on 3 rail shots compared to you and 2 rail shots compared to Odawgg. And my APMS are lower than both (though that is slightly explained by using Unload more frequently)


Sure - what I've been doing lately is:



TD, EN, Relic + Adrenal, IM, RS, PS, PS (even if proc), RS





General Rotation

IM, PS, PS, RS, UL, PS, RS, TD, PS, PS, RS, (if heat > 19 Rapid), IM, PS (x2 if necessary), RS, UL, PS, RS, TD, PS, PS, RS, (if heat > 19 Rapid), IM, PS (x2 if necessary), RS, UL, PS, RS, TD, EN, Relic / Adrenal, PS (x2 if necessary), RS, IM, PS, PS, RS


It's basically the opener and then just cycling between spam and general rotation but there's a couple of things I think are worth mentioning. Firstly, the primary focus here is on proccing PPA as often as possible and with the possible exception of the very first proc I use RS as soon as possible every single time and prioritize it over every other ability. Secondly, this rotation is incredibly light on rapid shots - you should only have to use it once out of the possible 2 places, which is only 3 times in total from a 5 minute parse. And finally, I delay the 2nd adrenal and 3rd relic use slightly to maximize their benefit as I feel they are more useful being used when there's no need to manage heat through UL and rapid shots.


I've had a few things suggested to me which I'm yet to try out but for now this is what I've been using.

Edited by Kinslayer
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Thanks. Going to try it out more in depth tonight or tomorrow. Like I said when I tied something similar before I had major heat issues and can't for the life of me seeing how that only requires 3 rapid shots over 5 minutes.


Still I've seen your parse, so I can't deny you might be on to something.



Regardless, once I've played around with it I'll add it in to the guide as an alternate priority, or switch it with the one I have in case I find this to work better for me.


I do like the ease-of-use nature of what you're doing at least.

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Welll, getting your APM up is the best way to start. I strongly suggest you look at Odawgg's arsenal guide and especially read the part about Always Be casting. In short, make use of the action queue so that before you're done with your current attack, the next one is already lined up.


I did a cropepd sample of both our parses at 250 seconds to get a more accurate comparison.


Yours: http://www.torparse.com/a/500371/time/1385054268/1385054518/0/Damage+Dealt


Mine: http://www.torparse.com/a/498894/time/1384940059/1384940309/0/Damage+Dealt


We're the same on the number of Thermal Detonators, so you're using those on cooldown. You have more incendiary missiles than me, which unfortunately isn't necessarilly a good thing. I am a little lax with them at times, but I don't think I miss them that frequently, which means you're sometimes refreshing IM when the dot on it is still running.


Now for the big thing, I have almost twice as many power shots as you do, and 25% more rail shots, while you have more unloads than me. Here of course one follows another, more power shots means more rail shot procs, which in turn means more heat dissipated.


But the main thing to improve upon is to get APMs up and being comfortable with the tighter heat management that entails.


thanks for taking the time to offer some analysis.

If I follow your logic I should have a railshot firing every 6-7 seconds correct?

so 250 / 7 = ~35 rail shots ?


another question:

If Unload procs railshot should I immediately interrupt the Unload cast and fire the rail-shot or wait until Unload finishes?


I definitely am refreshing IM before it finishes (by a sec or 2).

I need to work on my timing for that. I guess I am losing out on firing a Powershot by doing that correct?

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I would wait until the unload finishes, then go rail shot, power shot x2 and then you should proc rail shot again.


As far as IM, you shouldn't have to lose out on a power shot. Possibly delaying it for a GCD but as long as you get one PS in within the next 3 GCD after proc:ing PPA, and the second on the 4th GCD it should be fine.


And yes, rail shot should proc every 6 seconds, with a possible delay if you need to fit in rapid shots. So you should land somewhere between 35-40 over 250 seconds, or between 45-50 if you do the five minutes that's sort of the standard for parse comparison.

Edited by MVaglin
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I would wait until the unload finishes, then go rail shot, power shot x2 and then you should proc rail shot again.


As far as IM, you shouldn't have to lose out on a power shot. Possibly delaying it for a GCD but as long as you get one PS in within the next 3 GCD after proc:ing PPA, and the second on the 4th GCD it should be fine.


And yes, rail shot should proc every 6 seconds, with a possible delay if you need to fit in rapid shots. So you should land somewhere between 35-40 over 250 seconds, or between 45-50 if you do the five minutes that's sort of the standard for parse comparison.


I analyzed your 250 second parse against mine (thanks BTW).

What I found interesting is that you REALLY hit that RS every 6 seconds. Almost to the T!

While I am all over the place (even going 10-12 seconds sometimes).


Regarding this I am wondering if you do anything special to be grabbing RS right off proc or is it just you prioritize RS and keep that as your main priority to fire it off ASAP.


Definitely I am not doing a good job of that so I will pay better attention to firing RS as close to every 6 sec as possible.


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Everything seems fine here. In full Pyro I usually save Unload for failed procs, and keep to this filler a majority of the time:


RS>PS>[PS]>Insert DoT> RS


Bracketed Power shot being the one procing PPA.


Only thing different here is I will prioritize CGC>TD>FM>IR. Even thought Rail Shot has a nice delay on it, I can do a missile blast after a rail shot to sync up CGC nicely for a while.

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Here's my latest best parse "rotation", I know you were trying to analyze it MVaglin, maybe this will help:


13:13:08.584   Activates Thermal Detonator
13:13:10.207	Activates	Electro Net
13:13:11.401	Activates	Power Boost
13:13:11.507	Activates	Nano-Infused Attack Adrenal
13:13:11.692	Activates	Rail Shot
13:13:13.287	Activates	Power Shot
13:13:14.985	Activates	Power Shot
13:13:16.499	Activates	Rail Shot
13:13:17.693	Activates	Thermal Sensor Override
13:13:17.993	Activates	Fusion Missile
13:13:19.505	Activates	Power Shot
13:13:21.002	Activates	Power Shot
13:13:22.503	Activates	Rail Shot
13:13:24.002	Activates	Thermal Detonator
13:13:25.497	Activates	Power Shot
13:13:27.001	Activates	Power Shot
13:13:28.505	Activates	Rail Shot
13:13:30.033	Activates	Incendiary Missile
13:13:31.636	Activates	Power Shot
13:13:33.148	Activates	Power Shot
13:13:34.649	Activates	Rail Shot
13:13:36.135	Activates	Power Shot
13:13:37.641	Activates	Power Shot
13:13:39.149	Activates	Power Shot
13:13:40.665	Activates	Thermal Detonator
13:13:40.848	Activates	Vent Heat
13:13:42.154	Activates	Rail Shot
13:13:43.051	Activates	Power Surge
13:13:43.645	Activates	Power Shot
13:13:45.152	Activates	Power Shot
13:13:46.658	Activates	Rail Shot
13:13:48.248	Activates	Incendiary Missile
13:13:49.741	Activates	Power Shot
13:13:51.273	Activates	Power Shot
13:13:52.763	Activates	Rail Shot
13:13:54.258	Activates	Unload
13:13:57.299	Activates	Power Shot
13:13:58.878	Activates	Rail Shot
13:14:00.371	Activates	Thermal Detonator
13:14:01.900	Activates	Power Shot
13:14:03.416	Activates	Power Shot
13:14:04.907	Activates	Rail Shot
13:14:06.389	Activates	Incendiary Missile
13:14:07.891	Activates	Power Shot
13:14:09.398	Activates	Power Shot
13:14:10.897	Activates	Rail Shot
13:14:12.606	Activates	Unload
13:14:15.512	Activates	Power Shot
13:14:17.014	Activates	Rail Shot
13:14:18.510	Activates	Thermal Detonator
13:14:20.015	Activates	Power Shot
13:14:21.525	Activates	Power Shot
13:14:23.022	Activates	Rail Shot
13:14:24.511	Activates	Rapid shots
13:14:26.017	Activates	Incendiary Missile
13:14:27.510	Activates	Power Shot
13:14:29.021	Activates	Rail Shot
13:14:30.520	Activates	Unload
13:14:33.425	Activates	Power Shot
13:14:35.031	Activates	Rail Shot
13:14:37.004	Activates	Thermal Detonator
13:14:38.432	Activates	Power Shot
13:14:40.348	Activates	Power Shot
13:14:41.722	Activates	Rail Shot
13:14:43.206	Activates	Electro Net
13:14:44.707	Activates	Power Shot
13:14:46.214	Activates	Power Shot
13:14:47.741	Activates	Rail Shot
13:14:49.216	Activates	Incendiary Missile
13:14:50.716	Activates	Thermal Sensor Override
13:14:50.813	Activates	Fusion Missile
13:14:52.425	Activates	Thermal Detonator
13:14:53.936	Activates	Unload
13:14:56.835	Activates	Rail Shot
13:14:58.422	Activates	Power Shot
13:15:00.021	Activates	Power Shot
13:15:01.629	Activates	Rail Shot
13:15:03.121	Activates	Power Shot
13:15:04.605	Activates	Power Shot
13:15:06.094	Activates	Power Shot
13:15:07.698	Activates	Thermal Detonator
13:15:09.384	Activates	Incendiary Missile
13:15:10.878	Activates	Rail Shot
13:15:11.186	Activates	Vent Heat
13:15:12.409	Activates	Power Boost
13:15:12.583	Activates	Power Shot
13:15:14.194	Activates	Power Shot
13:15:15.692	Activates	Rail Shot
13:15:17.217	Activates	Unload
13:15:20.114	Activates	Power Shot
13:15:21.615	Activates	Rail Shot
13:15:23.103	Activates	Thermal Detonator
13:15:24.595	Activates	Power Shot
13:15:26.141	Activates	Power Shot
13:15:27.645	Activates	Rail Shot
13:15:29.141	Activates	Incendiary Missile
13:15:30.645	Activates	Power Shot
13:15:32.146	Activates	Power Shot
13:15:33.646	Activates	Rail Shot
13:15:35.155	Activates	Unload
13:15:38.079	Activates	Power Shot
13:15:39.666	Activates	Rail Shot
13:15:41.709	Activates	Thermal Detonator
13:15:43.031	Activates	Power Shot
13:15:44.538	Activates	Power Shot
13:15:46.048	Activates	Rail Shot
13:15:47.647	Activates	Incendiary Missile
13:15:49.252	Activates	Rapid shots
13:15:50.604	Activates	Power Shot
13:15:52.116	Activates	Rail Shot
13:15:53.610	Activates	Unload
13:15:56.606	Activates	Power Shot
13:15:58.211	Activates	Thermal Detonator
13:15:59.718	Activates	Rail Shot
13:16:01.310	Activates	Power Shot
13:16:02.835	Activates	Power Shot
13:16:04.319	Activates	Rail Shot
13:16:05.815	Activates	Incendiary Missile
13:16:07.310	Activates	Power Shot
13:16:08.811	Activates	Power Shot
13:16:10.321	Activates	Rail Shot
13:16:11.825	Activates	Unload
13:16:15.265	Activates	Nano-Infused Attack Adrenal
13:16:15.267	Activates	Power Shot
13:16:16.812	Activates	Rail Shot
13:16:18.312	Activates	Thermal Detonator
13:16:19.822	Activates	Electro Net
13:16:21.318	Activates	Power Shot
13:16:23.011	Activates	Power Shot
13:16:24.626	Activates	Rail Shot
13:16:26.222	Activates	Thermal Sensor Override
13:16:26.322	Activates	Fusion Missile
13:16:27.877	Activates	Power Shot
13:16:29.385	Activates	Power Shot
13:16:30.895	Activates	Rail Shot
13:16:32.348	Activates	Incendiary Missile
13:16:33.976	Activates	Thermal Detonator
13:16:35.462	Activates	Power Shot
13:16:37.111	Activates	Rail Shot
13:16:37.201	Activates	Power Surge
13:16:38.609	Activates	Power Shot
13:16:40.103	Activates	Power Shot
13:16:41.614	Activates	Power Shot
13:16:43.239	Activates	Vent Heat
13:16:43.324	Activates	Power Shot
13:16:44.833	Activates	Rail Shot
13:16:46.328	Activates	Power Shot
13:16:47.865	Activates	Power Shot
13:16:49.336	Activates	Thermal Detonator
13:16:50.831	Activates	Rail Shot
13:16:52.330	Activates	Incendiary Missile
13:16:53.830	Activates	Power Shot
13:16:55.529	Activates	Unload
13:16:58.532	Activates	Rail Shot
13:17:00.126	Activates	Power Shot
13:17:01.633	Activates	Rail Shot
13:17:03.126	Activates	Rapid shots
13:17:04.631	Activates	Thermal Detonator
13:17:06.133	Activates	Power Shot
13:17:07.653	Activates	Rail Shot
13:17:09.131	Activates	Incendiary Missile
13:17:10.629	Activates	Power Shot
13:17:12.140	Activates	Power Shot
13:17:13.660	Activates	Rail Shot
13:17:13.968	Activates	Power Boost
13:17:15.395	Activates	Unload
13:17:18.337	Activates	Power Shot
13:17:19.926	Activates	Rail Shot
13:17:21.615	Activates	Thermal Detonator
13:17:23.041	Activates	Power Shot
13:17:24.546	Activates	Power Shot
13:17:26.046	Activates	Rail Shot
13:17:27.548	Activates	Incendiary Missile
13:17:29.041	Activates	Rapid shots
13:17:30.540	Activates	Power Shot
13:17:32.245	Activates	Unload
13:17:35.233	Activates	Rail Shot
13:17:36.834	Activates	Power Shot
13:17:38.369	Activates	Rail Shot
13:17:39.966	Activates	Thermal Detonator
13:17:41.467	Activates	Power Shot
13:17:42.982	Activates	Power Shot
13:17:44.474	Activates	Rail Shot
13:17:45.968	Activates	Incendiary Missile
13:17:47.467	Activates	Power Shot
13:17:49.208	Activates	Power Shot
13:17:50.817	Activates	Rail Shot
13:17:52.324	Activates	Electro Net
13:17:54.059	Activates	Power Shot
13:17:55.480	Activates	Power Shot
13:17:56.983	Activates	Rail Shot
13:17:58.581	Activates	Thermal Detonator
13:17:59.794	Activates	Thermal Sensor Override
13:18:00.088	Activates	Fusion Missile
13:18:01.647	Activates	Power Shot
13:18:03.144	Activates	Rail Shot
13:18:04.650	Activates	Power Shot
13:18:06.151	Activates	Power Shot
13:18:07.648	Activates	Power Shot
13:18:09.159	Activates	Rail Shot


You'll notice I proc'd PPA 3 times with UL, the first one I really rolled the dice on since I hadn't even fired a power shot yet, the other 2 I felt my heat was low enough to justify it and I got lucky on 2 of them since my next power shot following the Rail Shot still proc'd a PPA...

Edited by odawgg
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I haven't been playing my Merc for a while but I did test out Vaglin's and Pizza's rotations...


Dear god, I was shown the light. :eek:




2908 DPS


My Mercenary was mostly in 72 gear (No Crit Mods, 1 Microfilament Implant, 1 75 Armoring on Belt, UW SA and BA Relics)


Well, time to roll Pyrotech in raids! :D

Edited by DieGhostDie
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  • 4 weeks later...

Dumb question, but this seems like the place to ask: what are the stat/gear priorities? It seems like with talents like Firebug, crit and surge should be the best stats after Aim, but I've never been a huge number cruncher :)


Seems like crit > surge > power for me (52 with some decent gear).

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to be honest I don't pay much attention to gearing myself when leveling. You're not wearing the gear long enough to want to spend time min/maxing it.


Basically I go with whatever piece has more stats on it. But yes, crit (and by relation Surge) seems to have the edge over power, at least until the DR changes start kicking in, which happens roughly at the level you're at now. Then power gets better and better until level 55.


Firebug does boost a lot of abilities though, so crit may be better at 55 for pyro than many other specs, I haven't ran the numbers though.


Also, accuracy is still important. unless you have 100% ranged accuracy, it takes priority over Surge imo.

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to be honest I don't pay much attention to gearing myself when leveling. You're not wearing the gear long enough to want to spend time min/maxing it.


Basically I go with whatever piece has more stats on it. But yes, crit (and by relation Surge) seems to have the edge over power, at least until the DR changes start kicking in, which happens roughly at the level you're at now. Then power gets better and better until level 55.


Firebug does boost a lot of abilities though, so crit may be better at 55 for pyro than many other specs, I haven't ran the numbers though.


Also, accuracy is still important. unless you have 100% ranged accuracy, it takes priority over Surge imo.


Yeah, I just hit 55, so I'm going for accuracy to 100%, then crit and surge.


Rotation seems to be flawless here and very smooth...Pyrotech is a blast to play :)

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