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Everything posted by Keypek

  1. This fixing 16m bosses only dropping one token also for loot?
  2. I'd wait for an actual dev to say this and not some random CS drone. One would assume whatever made that ticket response doesn't know what they are talking about because cutting loot in half in 16m ops would be down right stupid since it'd basically make it a detriment to gearing your ops team instead of doing two 8 mans. Unless they want to intentionally kill off 16m raiding permanently.
  3. Been a bug for a while now when using instant ports to locations like fleet pass and legacy ports. Just log out and back in or load to your ship and back down.... loading some where and coming back in other words should fix it.
  4. Good news is by this weekend it'll all be on the GTN and affordable for anyone. Even if you have zero credits today do dailies every day and you'll be able to buy every piece. Or sell all the other stuff you got in your hypercrate and you'll probably have enough to buy most of it. Or you could have just not opened the hypercrate and sold that and probably have enough to buy the outfit once initial list prices come down in a day or two. Lots of options and most of them don't cost a dime.
  5. They are god awful, ugly. Can't wait to be done with them in this series. Can barely give them away most of the time.
  6. I agree. That's a decent idea and solution that would be easy to do I'd think.
  7. Yeah what he said. ^^^ They said they probably wouldn't delve into other class changes until November or at least the majority of.
  8. Ah, ya beat us by an hour it looks like lol. Gratz though! Well unless you're achievement is central time then we both killed him literally at the exact same time which would be spooky.
  9. Very interested to see how much alacrity will be needed now that it works on CDs, rate limits, and DoTs. Guessing it won't be huge since you still have to have 100/110 accuracy no matter what and surge is still important to a point. Crit might become even less important than it was before with the couple hundred some would get in crit instead going to alacrity. Or dumping a little surge wouldn't hurt too much. All though, we might be regretting them getting rid of our previously useless 2% alacrity at the top of the assault tree lol. Course that might show back up in the utilities area. Either way, excited as heck to see the VG/PT stream now.
  10. One thing I'm interested in is if the HM flashpoints are actually new or just some of the older ones raised to level 60 difficulty. Since they specifically didn't use the word "new" when talking about them... Fight in New High-Level Flashpoints and Operations – Team with allies to face the most epic foes in the galaxy with two new role-neutral Flashpoints, four Hard Mode Flashpoints and ten new powerful bosses across two Level 60 Operations But overall, looks like a solid expansion.
  11. First thing I'd suggest is to not use wifi when playing the game. Hard connect to the internet and you might solve a lot of problems. Whether it works fine on other games or not doesn't matter cause swtor is special like that. But when playing a mmo you are just asking for connection issues playing wirelessly. Also, yes you're not doing yourself any favors playing on that laptop.
  12. Tactics still has its uses and its aoe damage in addition to its aoe reduction to damage makes it extremely useful in certain fights. Especially certain fights in nim df and dp. With the ability to get over 4k dps on certain boss fights. Overall, I'd agree a little more single target would be nice for it but it doesn't need a whole lot since it fills its role as an aoe class quite well. I've always said just unnerf gut now that they finally killed the hybrid the way they should have back before they nerfed a bunch of stuff needlessly like gut. You can't have tactics doing single target damage close to pyro though or else in fights with aoe potential they'd be out of control dps wise. Overall, VG is in a pretty good spot right now compared to previously. Be careful when wishing for massive changes to a class.
  13. Now is a good time to join and get work on a progression team while there is a lull in new raiding content. We'll be finishing nim dp and farming it (and nim df as needed) until 3.0. There should be plenty of opportunities as we work on getting back to a competitive 16man setup.
  14. Yeah would be curious if there is any chance at all in SM. But sounds like we might as well do hm or nim for the good stuff. Which I'm fine with and that's not a bad thing. Just was curious at the drop rates overall.
  15. Just curious what the drop rate is if anyone knows for décor items in sm and hm ops? Guild banged through SM EV, KP, and DP last night in a couple hours to see if we could get stuff to drop. In EV we got 6 rakata energy pylons.... 2 off of trash and 4 dropped off of soa. But neither of the "high end" décor items dropped. In KP, we had the flag drop once off of trash I think and we had the Portrait of the golden hutt drop off of jarg and sorno but that was it. DP we had the holocron of dread drop off trash once and that's it. So aside from the portrait nothing beyond the trash décor items dropped. A few of us want to farm EC for the tanks and anti aircraft gun but I don't want to waste time doing SM over and over if they will never drop. So just curious if anyone can confirm seeing any of the high end stuff dropping in SMs ever? Or if it is only HM or higher that drops these?
  16. Video for Raptus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7i73UpSEpWk Look forward to trying out council. We kept trying to force 16man nim all summer with constant subbing until we couldn't take it anymore. Started 8 man two weeks ago today. Not bad progress so far. Will see if we can keep it up on Council.
  17. Can you expand on this and go into more detailed explanations please?
  18. It's getting old seeing this as an answer or a reason that something is taken away.
  19. First lesson. http://i.imgur.com/GRZoab3.jpg
  20. All I know is it'll be a year plus since the last ops dropped if they stay on a normal schedule. If they have to push the next set of ops coming out into 2015 this game will be desperately clinging for life. If they have to push 3.0 farther down the road I at least hope they have plans to drop at least one op so that people have something to do before then.
  21. Treek is an either or... depending on the stance you put her in she can heal or tank. I use her primarily for healing and she's pretty awesome at it. It does cost either cartel coins or credits to unlock plus a short quest but once you do you can unlock her for all your alts. She comes with level 10 gear but it is all mod'able. General info here... http://www.swtor.com/blog/treek-guide-gaining-new-companion
  22. Get Treek at level 10 and cruise on easy mode.
  23. What he said above that they do not stack. It just refreshes the timer of the debuff.
  24. Did you unequip the obroan relic? It won't view it as being able to turn in with the comms unless it is in your inventory.
  25. Agreed, always liked Quesh because of this. It's small and quick to load into and there isn't a ton of pointless running across long distances. It's a nice reprieve to get in and get out quickly while still getting a few levels before you hit the monstrosity that is Hoth.
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