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10 Good
  1. No thank you. If this goes through, I'm done. Tried this in GW2, didn't like it at all, cba to play this kind of system there and cba to play it here either. Toggle? Fine Forced? No thanks, I'll go elsewhere.
  2. This seems like the most likely explanation to me, thank you. What you are describing is exactly what I did after I saw the guide. Get the affection up to just over 6000 with those cheap gifts and then talk to her. What stumped me was why I was getting 43 affection points while the youtuber was getting over 100 for the exact same conversation and it seems there is an explanation for that. Thanks everybody.
  3. Thanks for the replies. I was not aware of the legacy buff. My Scorpio has just over 6000 affection points which I got through gifts mostly and I think that's pretty high when looking at where in her quest line I am. I have only had one conversation with her so far, and after that I used gifts, so I am on the second conversation (I used esc to get out of that 2nd conversation when I saw my affection points were way lower than that on Youtube). Agent is level 56. The 2nd conversation has her talking about her accessing 'the holographic network of your culture' The video is called "HD SCORPIO Complete Companion Affection Dialog SWTOR Star Wars The Old Republic" if anybody wants to take a look and see the 102 for themselves. I guess I'm wondering if conversations have ranks just like the gifts. The right answer in a conversation will only give max affection at a certain affection range and after that it will taper off. Which means using gifts to bump affection up to 6000 (pretty cheap to do) and then using conversations at higher affection levels is a bad idea. Better to hit those conversations when they pop up. If this is what's happening. I dont think Scorpio is up for courting
  4. Hello Was watching a video on Youtube of a player's conversations with Scorpio and he's getting 102 affection points when he chooses a particular conversation option yet I get only 43 when I choose the exact same option. Does he have a buff I'm not aware of? Is it a sliding scale and since my Scorpio already has pretty high affection (through gifts), the low level conversation affection points are fewer than if she had lower affection?
  5. Thanks guys, I'll put some more time into my sniper and learn to handle the class better I didn't know about Treek, as I'm coming back to the game after being away for a while, after googling Treek though it seems she has a bit of healing to go with her tanking, very nice. Nice to see helpful people in the forums
  6. Yeah I've been using the knockback when mobs get away from Kaliyo and head for me, nice little talent there. Then I snare them to keep them away. Did have an interesting experience with the knockback in one of my attempts at the bounty boss. I knocked back the adds over a cliff but when they ran back up they had picked up every wildlife mob in their path to come help.. sigh. Now why would the wildlife there jump in with these bounty guys? lol That's just lazy programming as far as I'm concerned, those mobs should not train for a completely different quest like that. I'm gona try and upgrade Kaliyo's gear some more, I've been focusing my planetary badges on her to make her a better tank. And I always make sure to upgrade my sniper rifle as well. I figured that would give me the most bang for my buck in dps for me and tanking for her. A few healing packs that heal both me and my companion are in order I guess, lucky for me my Jedi Shadow makes those Just dislike the idea of needing those when I'm so used to classes being self sufficient for simple questing in other games and not needing consumables to do it. Would be nice if I could send the shield probe to Kaliyo instead oh scratch that, at level 42 I get Ballistic Shield which covers both, so maybe things get better as the sniper levels up.
  7. Thanks for the replies Yes you are correct I've been leveling fast because of 2x XP week and some items are lagging behind a bit. I do try to check the auction house for better items but not finding what I'm looking for yet. So I'm onto adaptive armor and trying to get that going for both. And correct again I do not have access to the healer companion yet, I just got Vector as my latest companion and he's not what I'm looking for. Kaliyo would be much better if her initial attack had a small HOT included in it. By the sound of it that healer companion for the sniper isn't all that great though hm.. I might need to re-roll as something else since I enjoy being able to solo as much as possible, so I like the hunter in WoW for example.
  8. Am I wasting my time leveling a sniper? Currently level 33 and yesterday I tried doing the bounty hunter daily quest and got my *** kicked of course, as I always do during a hard fight with this class, Kaliyo just gets burned down so fast and after that a sniper doesn't do much good. Kaliyo is useless as a tank since she gets no heals and just isn't tough enough. I called a friend who plays a Sith Warrior and he almost facerolled the fight even though the boss was leveled up to his level (51). And he just got to 51 so it's not like he's covered in epics or anything. The fight lasted longer for my friend but it didn't matter because his health was fine the whole time whereas on the sniper you only have a short amount of time to get things done or you're dead. Very disappointed to see the class I picked being so weak while the warrior wasn't even scratched while doing that quest. Also watched him do some quests and he was just mowing through stuff whereas I have to constantly stop and heal up after every 1-2 pulls. Or am I doing something wrong? Does it get better at higher levels? I used pretty much all big cooldowns on that boss as I always have to, sigh. Have to use both Unity and Diversion all the time. I logged in today and just logged right back out, couldn't be bothered leveling this character knowing how weak it is.
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