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Everything posted by Keypek

  1. Maybe. That'll be interesting how that works. If someone got say 8 chest pieces... pulled all the mods and armorings out of them and put in legacy gear and sent to 4 other toons.... all of which they pulled all the mods and enhancements and spread them throughout 7 different pieces of gear... They going to go through and systematically remove every enhancement, mod, and armoring that might be spread out over half a dozen toons and half a dozen pieces of armor each? Some people say they did it over 50 times. That's a lot of things to track down. Props to them if they find a way to just delete all those and people are left with the gear but missing the individual parts.
  2. I don't know, a lot of people got a bunch of 198 BiS toons and they only have to not play the game for 24 hours and they get to keep the gear. Gratz to them, kinda wish I had done it now.
  3. They can't change the number in the code from "1" to "2" that easily apparently when saying the quantity of a piece that should drop. Don't worry though, they managed to changed the percent chances of loot drops in the slot machines within a week.
  4. Glad you could set that guy straight 3 years later. I bet he is red in the face that he didn't know the normal group setup a couple weeks after the games release.
  5. What are you babbling about? Yes 16m damage is much higher than 8man. Especially in HMs.
  6. Welcome to the new 16m HMs. Wait till you get to Torque next and the med droid gets bugged constantly. But yeah it seems instead of adding new mechanics really from 8m to 16m they just made the damage insane in an already very RNG like fight. There are ways to lessen the RNG damage though and just be thankful the load lifters bug out a lot now. Cause before all three used to go to one person. Guess the best advice is make sure everyone stays spread out so only one person is hopefully ever getting hit by big hits... don't bring melee dps if you can help it because unfortunately bioware has decided that they should not be part of end game raiding at all if you want to do it the least painful way possible. Take care of pirates as quickly as possible cause they'll eat a healer in seconds. And make sure tanks have specific places to aim the boss and the rest of the raid knows not to cross those zones. And even if you do everything right you still might have a tank eat a barrel throw, load lifter, and shotgun blast all at the same time. Good luck.
  7. You'd be better off buying the newest hypercrate and selling it on the GTN and using that money to buy the armor directly from the GTN instead. If you want the quickest and most painless way of getting it that is.
  8. Bioware should remove mobs from the game. All mobs. When people kill mobs, some times even one shotting them, they drop credits and items that they can sell for credits. This is game breaking. Players could run around and kill mobs all day long and profit off of it. All they are using is their free time and there are no repercussions to them killing all these helpless mobs for profit! tldr; Nerf mobs. Please remove from game. It interferes with my joy of scenery watching when I know the people around me are profiting from simply spending time murdering things.
  9. Yes what he said. I still have some chips from the nightlife event in my storage for some unknown reason and they do not work with the current slot machine. And the name contraband as pointed out above. Do not do this suggestion.
  10. Definitely frustrating not sure fun yet. All though last week was the first time we weren't fighting lag more than the actual bosses. But that seemed to be back again last night. The server performance is so piss poor in 16m it's really ruining the content unfortunately. Hopefully they keep improving it with each patch. But good to know some are having success despite it.
  11. Appears to be? Yep, it still appears about the same as it did here on December 11th... http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=782699
  12. Didn't see a current thread for progression anymore. With the ridiculous damage/insta kill and broken mechanics just curious how many guilds have cleared 16m HMs so far? Seems like the med droids always bug out on torque and just stand at their spawn indefinitely for us making it impossible to beat him. Bulo is easy now that they bugged out the load lifters at least. As for ToS we've made great progress on the Walkers the past week and expect to beat them soon but I have a feeling the Underlurker will be impossible with as bugged and screwed up it is in all the other versions of it. Not looking for videos or mechanics help just curious where the bar is currently set for 16m HM. It seems like this time around 16m was just given an unbelievable amount of damage that some times is unavoidable (especially with all the lag) instead of extra mechanics over SM. Not to mention the way all the bosses are it seems bioware wants to tell everyone that melee isn't welcome at all. It's like they subtly hinted that in old ops and now they are punishing us for not listening to them the previous times lol.
  13. Hmm, think you misunderstood me. I have no problem with keeping track of HM progression. I was actually seriously asking. I hadn't really kept track of this thread since nim DP kinda stalled out and 3.0 came with bugs and unplayable content along with the holidays. So actual raiding for us has been some what limited until last week. And a few people i talked to in game didn't think this thread was being updated or used aside for trolling. And I have no idea what the Rambrozy fella is throwing a fit about in the couple posts above. Anyway, nice to see it's still going if people are serious about it. We'll try to do what we can. Can only offer achievement pics at this time though. Cleared all sm stuff as well but here's HM ones. Will try to do action pics next time. Sparky 16m HM- http://i.imgur.com/sYbcRdA.jpg Bulo 16m HM - http://i.imgur.com/cHQig2N.jpg Sparky 8m HM - http://i.imgur.com/qsUBbJ2.jpg Malaphar 8m hm - http://i.imgur.com/mst6bYH.jpg Malaphar 16m hm - http://i.imgur.com/r0jnyZ5.jpg
  14. This thread actually worth posting in still? Killed 16m hm bulo also but don't think anyone is bothering with keeping track for here. Was nice to kill him finally... only to find out Torque is even more ridiculous in 16m and pretty much as anti-melee as fights come in swtor and that's saying something.
  15. Sounds like he is just set to the 16m mechanics. Damage would be higher in 16m. Of course, both of the new ops seem to have really wonky damage numbers when it comes to 16m also so who knows which is right anymore.
  16. That's a flashpoint with only 4 people in it. You get on the fleet and if like a dozen people decide to use fancy rocket pack animations at once.... boom! A hamster explodes. It's inhumane really.
  17. Aye, unless you're really lucky in getting the purple mats I suppose. But every time a hypercrate comes out I usually buy two or three of them off gtn. I've got probably 3000-4000 of the green stuff, 1000ish of the blue, and not even 100 of the purple. Given I've spent some in the past when conquest and housing first came out and made some of the old mats useful again but the purple really doesn't drop all that often. I'd say the purple jawa junk drops about the same rate as useful purple mats dropped before jawa junk replaced it. So really nothing is different.
  18. Lol, the greatest troll loot in a mmo ever. Things were useless the day they went live.
  19. Drunken Pirates no longer get multiple “Barrel Carry” buffs during the Quartermaster Bulo encounter. What does that mean exactly? The person picking up the barrels get the buff. What buff do pirates get? Just curious if this actually changes something or its just simply some cosmetic change on your buff bars that means nothing really.
  20. So 16m loot didn't get fixed for at least sm? So still no point in doing 16m over two 8mans? And 16m HM bulo got no changes? 40K insta barrel throw damage is intended? Load lifters going to same target intended in HM? Some times at same time as barrel throw? Bleh.
  21. Exactly, it's probably doable but it's still dumb. Actually, and I'm sure someone has, but has anyone beaten 16m HM bulo since the patch just before xmas that super buffed all the damage numbers? Just curious. But yeah the 40k hit on barrel throw is just ridiculous. Yes it'd be great if the healers could keep everyone at 100% through the entire fight but if anyone in average 186 gear gets a barrel they have to be above 90% health or they die on average. Healers can't keep 16 people, especially in that fight, above 90% all the time. Having said that I will say the lag has been much better, as in less, this week. Not sure if BW did something this week or if its just cause half the people have quit the game in the last month due to all the bugs and lag. Yesterday was really our first hard push on bulo in 16m HM simply because lag wasn't killing everyone for a change and got him sub 30% some times. But usually by then too many people have been insta gibbed by barrel throw or rng catches up with a tank/melee getting carts/barrel throw/lifers/etc all at once. tldr; just would like to know if Bulo is as intended since the damage was changed so drastically suddenly by one random patch with no notes about it.
  22. According to a lot of people the damage numbers coming from Bulo in 8m and 16m changed drastically after a December 16th patch. Right now the barrel toss damage is an instant, up front 30k hit that is nearly impossible to avoid for the person being targeted. Any guides you see out there says it is supposed to be a DoT on the ground target of the barrel toss and you should have time to move out of it if paying attention. Also, the damage numbers for all of the other abilities have mostly doubled making it an extreme healing challenge that some times is impossible due to RNG not to mention lag. Now, the fight isn't impossible as some have beaten it. But it'd be nice to know if the damage numbers, especially the barrel toss, is as intended? If it is intended we'll simply keep trying to beat it as is. But if it isn't intended would like to know so we don't keep banging our heads against it for no reason if there is a fix incoming Tuesday. Also, for the love of god, fix the lag in 16m ops. PS: please fix 16m loot also.
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