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Everything posted by Aram_Darksun

  1. Thank you for at least responding with courtesy and intelligence. My point is, take away all talk of day or night at the server location, it is essentially immaterial. Currently Bioware's structure and schedual is set to do that maintenance at a certain time period. To do it in ANY other time period would require reorganization, it would require splitting company assets, the work shift, this may mean the same employees have to split the tasks or the tasking of new employees. It is also likely to be less efficient having to do essentially the same tasks at different times instead of all together. When you are vaccuming a room do you do half, put the vaccum away and then get it out again 30 mins later to finish the job? Wouldn't it have been easier to finish the job in one go or at least leave the thing out until the job was finished? Either way it is not an easy or painless task and could depending on how they do it, actually cost a fair bit more. It is far more a monemental task than most people seem to realise. It is more than an inconvenience. Still all things said, it ISN"T discrimination. At worst, it is neglect (and I wouldn't even call it that much), but labelling this as discrimination is repugnant for the unwarrented damage it can do to Bioware and to true cases of discriminiation. Don't get me wrong, I would like to see a more convenient maintenance schedual for Europe but every self rightous cry of discrimination and every demand makes me less and less sympathetic. Maybe when this game is more established they can look at switching the European server maintenance but currently there is a ton of work with a higher priority than player convenience. I have no doubt they are still working furiously on multiple game issues and not sitting around lighting up cigars talking about which endangered animal they killed this week as a trophey like some people seem to think. Edit: Btw, I think it is hilarious and frustrating in equal measure that with the previous thread, I have now been called both a bioware hater and a fan. A sad testament to the rife polarization of opposing arguments in the average debate.
  2. To Stejo, Mannic and Sanjoo from the other thread here, I never said their work hours were during the day. The work schedule is set up as is to inconvenience as few people (the majority of whom are Americans) as possible. That is when the maintenance is done. To have a seperate maintenance for European servers then WOULD be outside of the hours they have otherwise set for maintenance. All of your protests are based on the asumption that I was talking about 'normal' working hours, and not normal maintenance time, which frankly should have been clear. A night shift job for example, working during the day WOULD be out of their work schedule. So I am right, it does make sense, the 'excuse' is completely valid (no matter how quickly you resort to your ad hominems), and Stejo considering your post you probably don't see the irony either.
  3. They do the maintenance when it suits their work schedule. It's nice how you think they should bend their work hours to your convenience and that because they won't that warrents dropping the 'discrimination' bomb. Frankly your frivilous use of that cry only serves to damage true cases of discrimination and for that your accusation is not only irresponsible it is detestable. And if you think I am biased, I am from Australia and the maintenace is right in the middle of prime playtime so whatever.
  4. I love the people who's main counter to an obviously popular position to assume that forum people are different from 'regular' people and constitute an inherently skewed and different representation. Btw I also have to point out that I loled at the guy who minimalized Space Combat into "most of the fighting was done on the planets" Even a cursory look at the movies would reveal how incredibly just plain wrong that opinion is.
  5. They didn't go far enough with the current customizable system. The choice is still far more limited than a system like eq2 has where anything you can normally wear can go in an appearance slot and overwrite the appearance for that slot. It's great, it's simple where as here maybe 1/6th at best of gear can be modified. As for rank 1 speeders being appropriately crap, sorry. That is a waste of time it took to make that piece of art when as many players as possible are going to want to replace it as soon as they can because it looks bad. If the speed increase isn't enough to motivate some people than that is their issue, if rank 1 speeders looked good and rank 2 looked better or even just different you would still have your extra needed motivation. It is a waste of developer time and money to make something intentionaly unnapealing.
  6. I can't agree. While SOME absoloutly look horrible some of the speeders I think look really good. I love the Aratech Scythe and the Dark V speeder looks like a shark. I saw a BH in Mandalorian gear very similar to Boba. Boba Fett, riding a shark, I don't think there is anything cooler in the history of ever. Despite what people will tell you looks are not ENTIRELY subjective. Very subjective yes but there are still trends and tastes that are largely universal. While some people may like Rossie O'Donnel chances are, most will agree Angelina Jolie is better looking. With that in mind, I think some of the speeders were intentionally bad, namely the rank 1 speeders. I get that they are meant to be entry level with an eye towards having you upgrade but why does there have to be bad looking ones. Why can't there be good looking ones, and better looking ones? Still, it could be subjective in this case and maybe some people, including many of the art devs actually do like the bad speeders I am referring to. Some of the art taste in this game is pretty horrible. There is some armour that looks excellent, equally, there is a LOT of armour in this game that is cringe worthy. There is so much horrible armour in so many games it seems largely endemic, as if game devs in general just don't share much of a sense of fashion. I like to think they are coders doubling as art devs, and not true ART devs. Just to be clear, I think some of the art, speeders and armour is really really good, just some of it, is really really bad.
  7. I wouldn't mind a better jumping ability but as the poster above exaggerated, you have to be careful not to trivialize the datacron jumping game. You also run the risk of letting players get to areas you don't want them to or avoid mobs. I think there is room for improvement without compromising the above aspects. At the least there is room for "Force Fall" or "Jet Pack Descent" which would equate to a safe fall if the devs wanted to play it conservative.
  8. As has already been pointed out, no one is advocating the removal of it, only the OPTION to use it or not. I hate the camera system, it is horrible in every way for me and I will add my vote to the call for alternate options.
  9. It does give replay value, something for people to strive for even if it is a grind. I like having a set of stats and accomplishments. I would appreciate knowing how many droids I have killed for example. I would like an idea of how many miles I have ran. Maybe I should go boot up GTA4 . Still, is this meaningless (for you) pop up for a few seconds really that annoying?
  10. Maybe it is just my luck but I am seeing about 4 or 5 lightside for every darkside relic I get. This is over 60+ relic results from my treasure hunting.
  11. I see you are well acquainted with my friend Mr Slope, first name Slippery. I hope speeder speed was kept down to give them room to make faster speeders in the future. Alls I know is that for multiple reasons, travelling in this game is a chore.
  12. Yeh. EQ2 is another game that has it. Really editing your appearance should have been in from the very first day you ever got to create an appearance in any game. For some reason though it become an rpg (tv) trope, a restriction for the point of having one. Thankfully developers over the last few years have said to themselves, you know what, this isn't needed, why are we perpetuating this? This is another example of how this game has missed out on the last 5 years of mmo and rpg development. We can change our hair, piercings, tattoos in real life, very easily with the exception of the tattoo. With the tech of star wars this would be even easier. So there is no realism cause, there is no coding/game engine cause, there is a demand for it, why can we not have it? As a side I do agree though it isn't high priority. Even if only to satisfy people's changing mood/preferences but then take into account valid points raised above where the appearance selection is causing issues. As another example my Twilek's head band has dissapeared. I emphasize again, I understand this isn't high priority and it can come in the future, but it SHOULD come in the future. Do not dismiss it because of some anacrhronistic idiocy following a tradition merely for the point of following a tradition, rabbiting on something because you don't know better. That is the thing, we DO know better, so why are we perpetuating this silly restriction?
  13. Exactly. If anything having to have a unique legacy name only encourages derivatives and stupid names when people can not get the one they want. There is no reason legacy name had to be unique, you already have a unique first name and character id. I had one I wanted, it meant a lot to me, I didn't want anything else but naturally someone else had taken it forcing me to pick something else. I think the fact that it was a so incredibly unnecessary restriction bugged me as much as not being able to get the one I wanted. To emphasize Catch_TwentyTwo's point, it really really has nothing to do with imagination. Something isn't inherrently unimaginative just because it isn't unique, nor is something that is unique intrinsically clever or interesting.
  14. Yeh the current zoom system is horrible. When you first attempt to scroll after logging in it will zoom out regardless of which direction you scroll. When you try to zoom out a little bit it keeps zooming out until it reaches a limit or you counter scroll. Each scroll stage is too far. You can't get the camera anywhere near your face before it zooms in to first person. As the poster above me at the very least, we need another stage. I have generally been very supportive and optimistic in all aspects of this game, but the current zoom system is abysmal it almost seems willfully bad.
  15. I gather you are not running in windowed mode. Try windowed or my choice, fullscreen windowed. Fullscreen windowed looks just like fullscreen but acts like windowed. You can alt tab to your hears content with no loading screens.
  16. I just checked on my merc and there is no doubt that I am not generating more heat. I had a dps rotation that I could just fit in, and I can still do it. If it is dissapating as quickly, that I am not sure on. I should note that my spec does not include tracer missile at this point.
  17. Well then, if you ground up something you didn't enjoy to get something you didn't care about then I think it is safe to say, your 'waste of time' is all your fault. Why does the fact that some people exploited a bug to get what you worked for, take away from what you have and make it a waste? Not defending the people who exploited a crappy situation, but I cant see how it takes from me or you. As for the imbalance, what about putting a cap on any one faction within an instance of Illum? 100 people, each faction is limited to 50 players. While there could still be an imbalance if far less than 50 of one faction were there, it would mitigate the worst of it. Besides, what else could be done? Tell Empire players you have to go play Republic now?
  18. Just found another. I chose: "Cut the chatter" My character said: Just tell me everything you know about Jedi Knight Xerender" I get that they have a bunch of generic voice over lines to cover multiple quests, that is ok, using them is ok and recording a bunch of new lines is not really needed or an option. The problem is the dialogue text should be adjusted after the sound bite is chosen. Things like inflections and tone could be added too to help people know what response they are actually giving.
  19. Sorry, more than yes or not, but will keep concise. At the moment no. Ask in another 6 months or towards the end of 2012. It has potential, but a lot of things need to be added/changed to get there. I really hope it will contend.
  20. Another idea to fix spawn camping could be an interior room, a bunker of sorts, only accessible by a certain faction the same way they do class and quest instanced zones.
  21. Seriously? You really believe it is a more 'real' stand and decision to play a polarized parody of a person who is either utteraly irredemably evil or completely without fault and selfless? You really think that is more real than a person who has good points and bad points, makes some right decisions and some bad ones, might do a selfless thing here for one reason or an evil thing there for another, or a hurtful decision for a good reason and vice versa? Having a deep, varied, complex, realistic morality, and playing your character to that is doing nothing? Nevillle Chamberlain when he said there will be peace in our time, the guy who said the Beatles would never make it, and the person who said Star Wars would flop, all of them, well they are still more wrong than you, but not by much. Combined with your dismissive attitude I am finding it very hard to write a respectful reply here. Do you really believe what you are saying or are you being willfully obtuse? There are many quests that do evolve different based on the choices you make. Black Talon is a good example if you are on the Sith side. Try going through making all light side decisions and then doing it again with all dark side. Also, depending on your choices there is actually more than two paths.
  22. Really, demanding people be fired? Making demands at all? Now I agree many issues not addressed should have been, and I think it is poor form that many of them were not prioritised and fixed correctly, however I am going to put this bluntly, some people need to grow up and learn some manners. I am not quite to Illum yet but looking at that video, yeh I do agree with people that should be fixed asap. That spawn camping was opportunistic and cowardly, and I am an Empire player myself. Many outposts have a plethora of npc guards, does Illum not have these on spawn poitns or are they being overwhelmed? Why not just make it spastic powerful like Concord is in Eve. This won't address the imbalance much but it would stop the spawn killing. Overall I was pretty dissapointed with 1.1. Apart from aa, none of my major concerns were looked into. Things like the crew missions closing my ui windows when they arrive. That happening once is annoying, happening several hundred times I have let out the odd scream. It is very infuriating, however instead of chucking a tantrum, I am coming to these boards and making a polite request, and listing my reasoning why I think it should be changed. See how that works? I agree with the reasons behind the rage, I can understand the rage, but your only loosing sympathy with ridiculous demands like "fire them". If you really do want to see fixes then make you issues known politely, and tell them why and how, even offer suggestions if you have them. Some people have done that and obviously the issue has not been fixed or even recognized, but that does not mean it has not been heard or is it an excuse to behave like spoiled brats. Most of us want to see this fixed (I sure as hell do) and the best way to do that is calmly, politely let you concerns be known, and offer your view.
  23. If that is one of the few things you find cool in the game, then you have probably done more QQ'ing than anyone else here. If you actually had a clue what you were responding too instead of being too busy dropping the fashionable QQ hat, you would know it is the jumping system, not the datacron hunting that is being objected to.
  24. Seeing as the storylines are based around class this would either require unique stories for every race for every class or a massive repitition of content created on multiple planets. In short either way, it would be a LOT of dev time for little appreciable gain. I would be strongly oppossed to this suggestion because almost everything else should be a higher priority. I would love to see vastly taller skyscrapers. Kaas city for example, looks like it could be built today (almost), when on Coruscant we see buildings towering several thousand metres (over 6k in some cases). Imagine how imposing the Imperial Palace would be if it was simply 3 x as high as it is now.
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