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Everything posted by Omnitheo

  1. Dark Empire and Empires End are really over the top. To the point that most author's try to ignore it. Aspects do creep in from time to time. Han says to Luke at one point in the FotJ series "This is the worst idea you've had since you agreed to join the emperor". Even Mara Jade doesn't believe Luke about the stuff regarding the resurrected emperor. The idea with Star Wars, is that everything is legend, it happened a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, and every author who writes about it is putting their own twist on history. Watch any movie inspired by real events, things have been shifted or adjusted for effect. I would like to think that the DE stuff is real, but as it's represented in comic form, it's embellished quite a bit. What i would like to see, is a novel (or trilogy even) to take place at this time, and provide a new canon for these events. Something that manages to keep certain aspects of the stories, but without going so crazy. There is some cool stuff that happens, and the World Devastator level was my favorite from Rogue Squadron, so that needs to be canon. Not just that, but the art from DE is just so terrible, it makes it hard to get into.
  2. looks like thiss issue will be resolved in the next patch
  3. They keep trying to put characters there that are more powerful than Luke, and then they just make Luke stronger to compensate. Kyp Duran was supposed to be more powerful than Luke, Jacen was supposed to be more powerful, etc. But in the end, it always comes down to Luke/Jesus/Goku. It's time to have him step aside, and let the other characters shine.
  4. Why is he low level? He's been held in stasis for 300 years being fed off of by the Emperor. He's certainly not at his prime. Just because you defeat him in the encounter, doesn't mean he's dead. As for the Unifying Force, it's abandoned time and time again because of how dangerous it is. It's what allowed Jacen to fall, and it even pushed Luke close to the darkside himself during the Dark Nest Crisis. It's what ultimately led him to abandon it and go back to teaching the Living Force. I'm not saying the Unifying Force is wrong, but i've seen more examples of beings who have let it destroy them, rather than aid them.
  5. Deceived will be out on paperback eventually. It's also out there on Audio book. My 105 SW novels are all PB, so it drives me nuts when they're released on HC a year before they come out on PB. I just listen to the AB when they're released, then buy the PB when it comes out.
  6. find a sorc, and bring them with you
  7. To be honest, as far as bounty hunters go, I think a lot of influence was taken from how BH's are represented in the Clone Wars cartoon. (And this isn't necessarily a bad thing, they are pretty awesome, and everytime i see them, it makes me love my own BH even more). I'm torn on the Hoth issue. They make up some good explanation for people being there, but really, the planet shouldn't be discovered (or at least not named Hoth anyways) for thousands more years. I understand it's in there for the sake of being iconic, but do we really need 4 ice planets in the game? (Alderaan, Hoth, Belsavis, Ilum). It's a bit much
  8. sorry, i knew it was caught in the beta, i meant why wasn't it resolved? Probably though, they're waiting until they have enough data from thousands of /stuck commands before they re-open the map for editing so that they can squash all the bugs at once.
  9. I hear the trooper story is very cliched and generic. I liked it from what I played of it, but it's apparently quite predictable. Agent on the other hand is supposed to be one of the best written stories. As my roommate put it, it's like being the evil James Bond. Also you get to sleep with way more NPCs. And that's all that really matters right?
  10. I do still have hope for Revan being alive. Especially given the changes the made to his encounter from the Beta. I'm sure he will still have some relevance to the story. Honestly, I want him to meet Satele.
  11. lol. Well I assume anyone on the forums here already knows. But if you're showing them to a friend/children etc, that would be the order I recommend. Also, It's a Trap!
  12. There's only one story I ignore, and that is Crystal Star. I'm not too fond of Children of the Jedi either, but it works with the canon, and I do like the other two books in the series, as well as the character of Callista Ming. (I was so stoked to see her in FotJ)
  13. What are your guys theories for the finale to Fate of the Jedi? I think this will be the book that Jag takes up the mantle of Emperor. Him and Jaina, and Tahiri will found the imperial knights. Honestly, more than anything, I would like for this book to be the end of Luke Skywalker. I know it can't happen, Lucas won't let it, but he doesn't necessarily need to die. Perhaps they will find some way to bind Abeloth, but the only way to do this is for Luke's spirit to keep her in check. I also really hope that Vestara does not betray Ben. Surely, she will do something of great importance, but if there is to be some sort of confrontation between her and the other jedi, that could easily be saved for another time, in another series. As for the Lost Tribe, I'm thinking that after being betrayed by Abeloth, and being revealed to the galaxy, they will hide, and find their way into the Order of the One Sith, thus helping explain their numbers in the Legacy timeline. Also, we know there is a hardcover duology being made to take place after FotJ. What do you think this next big event will be? I had kind of hoped on a Rakatan resurgence, but now i'm thinking that's going to happen in the TOR timeline. It wouldn't make sense to have two concurrent timelines both dealing with their invasion. (Although Jacen's downfall did kind of happen along with materials being released regarding Anakin's downfall).
  14. Well said indeed. People are far too attached to Revan. He's a good character, but he isn't a god, and no matter what story was come up with for him, people would have complained. Personally, the Revan book was well done, and added lots of story to characters who never would have gotten anything. Revan's story in KoTOR, TOR, and TOR: Revan were all written by the same author, so don't accuse Drew of ruining his own character. It's all there for the sake of story. When i played my JK story, i didn't really care too much for Scourge. After reading Revan, I grew to quite like the character, I have a whole new respect for him. Honestly, Revan's story is way cooler than simply dying of old age.
  15. for a first time viewer, in order to reserve all the big plot twists, this is the order: 4,5,1,2,3,6. Just think of 1,2,3 being a long flashpoint to explain how Vader is Luke's father. This way, you still get the big reveal of Vader-Anakin, as well as the reveal that Luke and Leia are brother sister. You also finish with the proper ending, with Anakin being redeemed, and Sidious being defeated.
  16. Revan's story in KoTOR, TOR, and TOR: Revan were all written by the same person. Revan is bioware's story, and theirs to do with as they please. what were you expecting Revan to be, a 16 man lvl 50 raid? How ridiculous is that, how could you ever feel powerful in this game, if you have only a fraction of the power of a character from a different game. Revan has been held in stasis for 300 years, being fed off by the emperor. Your characters are not pushovers either. Each one of them goes on to their own glory, and influences the galaxy in their own way.
  17. stop making these threads, It's no contest whenever Goku is involved.
  18. I can understand Hutta, I believe the codex entry for it even does mention that it's properly called Nal Hutta. Think of it like Vegas, (not everyone calls it Los Vegas) Hoth on the other hand bugs me a bit. I don't really have a problem with the circumstances of being there, but existing lore seemed to suggest the planet was named after General Hoth who fought in the battles of Ruusan near the end of the New Sith Wars. This could have been resolved if they had just named the world something else, or in fact, not even bothered to name it. Give it some code name corresponding to it's sector, but have NPC's speak of how it's such an insignificant world that it had no need for a proper designation. Nobody is expecting to stay there, they're just there for salvage. Better yet, have republic, empire, chiss, and pirates all have a different name for it. The lore and galaxy map could still say Hoth (as everyone knows that's what it will become), but don't have the NPCs speak it.
  19. I went with a small powertech, and a large Juggernaut (i myself am a large merc). The powertech fit through, and the Juggernaut was able to force leap through the crack. for me though, no amount of grapple hooks, force throws, knockbacks, /stuck's or anything were able to get me through. I understand it's a big game, but seriously, how much of an oversight was this? If you place objectives around the world for players to hunt for, you should at least make sure that all body types can access those items. This would seriously take a map designer 10 minutes to shift the door a few centimeters so that everyone can fit through, How was this not caught in the beta?
  20. Too bad the story and lore forums is filled with endless topics about datacron locations... As far as Revan goes, The same writer who created him for KoTOR, wrote the Revan book, and wrote his story throughout this game as well. You can't accuse Bioware of ruining their own character. He is theirs to do with as they please. Revan's fate is far cooler than simply dying of old age. What more do you people want?
  21. After the end of the great Hyperspace War, the Jedi Order bombarded Korriban, they raised many temples, and exterminated any population that remained. It's one of the darker chapters of Republic History.
  22. wow really, Jedi story being uneventful? I played JK in beta, and finished the entire story. I thought it was awesome. Stereotypical Star Wars, but that only helped make it more epic. The Revan book provided everything I wanted, giving so much more importance to my JK story. You can dislike Drew K. as much as you want, but not only did he write large amounts of story in this game, he also made the Darth Bane books, and was the main writer in KoTOR. Therefor, Revan is his character to do what he wants with. I wouldn't have wanted the story to be any different.
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