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  1. Obviously from the movies and other content, the humans of this galaxy dont have sphincters
  2. I am not disputing that there can be changes in 3000 years.. I am simply stating that there is very little evidence in the canon.
  3. Thank you to those that have contributed other continuity errors... many of the continuity errors that I have percieved have been the "easter egg" type Bullcrap that they throw in just for fun. It's fine to have an easter egg from time to time, but when you throw them all on the ground and don't hide them it is no longer a hunt and takes much of the fun out of it. I was watching Empire Strikes Back today, I had always wondered how they had a huge Ion cannon on the planet and it makes sense that there was an abandoned Sith or Republic empire base there long before the Rebels got there.. but that does not explain why the planet is completely devoid of life.. many times in the dialog of ESB it mentioned that there were no lifeforms showing up at all. It is obvious that Tauntauns and the Snow monster were native to the planet.. but why would the planet have so many settlements and forms of life on it in SWTOR.. I suppose it could be explained as going through a rather harsh ice age, dependant on the orbit of the planet from the Hoth system sun.. In ESB it was mentioned in the dialog that the planet was the "6th planet in the Hoth system" so it would have a rather erratic orbit if you compare it to our outer planets. But that does not explain why there is never any night.
  4. These things I listed are continuity errors because in the movies and the other Starwars content available it has already been established that equipment was needed on harsh climate planets.. AND that there was night and day on many of these planets.. like Hoth and Tatooine.. Thus, YES they are continuity errors.
  5. The continuity errors in this game really takes the joy of playing in the Starwars universe.. I will list the most pressing of these issues that really make it hard for me to play. 1. Extreme environment planets. I am walking around Quesh and Hoth without any visible survival equipment, I could run around those planets naked and it still would not effect me. I propose a simple fix to this. Create another slot on your character sheets for the player and the companions.. this slot is used for equipment skin customizations, basically making the skin of your equipment look like survival gear. One of Bioware's current titles, Dragon Age Legends, already has this technology and it is already used on the companions.. Gift players their survival skin customization gear which has a stat that negates damage when on the appropriate exteme planet, when they arrive at the new planet.. and allow players to buy further customizations through the various armor/commendation vendors on the planet.. If a player does not wear any survival gear on the extreme planet make them take exhaustion zone damage. On only slightly toxic and other extreme worlds perhaps the gear would not be needed but players could get diseased or take damage if exposed.. such as toxic pools or lava.. etc. 2. No solar or lunar cycle on any planets. The other very serious continuity error that I am aware of in this game is that there is never any movement of the planet around their various sun or suns as the case maybe on Tatooine.. there is never any night or day.. it is always the same time on these planets.. Please create a Solar and lunar cycle on these planets.. a simple fix would be a lighting dimmer code and the suns revolving around the zones.. though the various moons should also revolve as well. We know from the movies that some of these planets have daytimes similiar to Earth. Though undoubtably they wouldnt be exactly the same due to size of the planets or moons etc. There are many other continuity errors in this game that I have observed but they are not as serious as these two thing.. they are priority fixes and very simple fixes imo. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT TO ME. I cannot play a game for very long that has such obvious continuity errors.
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