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Everything posted by Omnitheo

  1. You only live twice. I couldn't see Anakin being so upset over Quinlan, unless his death was a result of Anakin's actions.
  2. I enjoyed the episode, I was kind of expecting more out of Bo-Katan's character considering how big a deal most of my feeds made about Katee Sackhoff being in this episode. The character development between Ahsoka and Lux was good, I wonder if in the end she might leave the order for him. Before Death Watch went comically evil, I was almost expecting Lux to be the one who would bring about change on Mandalore, and reshape it more towards how we see in the EU, though after seeing Mandalorians murdering innocent people in front of him, he won't likely be bringing about any returns to the old mandalorian traditions
  3. Anakin's been farming the darkside points quite a bit lately. It makes me giggle sometimes. Also, who do you think that was under the sheet? From Anakin's expression, it would most likely suggest Obi Wan. We know that can't be true, but the episode is titled "deception"
  4. More on that, Jaina had all the same instructors as Jacen when growing up, they were taught all the same techniques. And they had sparred many times with eachother. Because of this, Jacen knew her exact fighting style, and would be able to anticipate her every action. Jaina needed a drastically different fighting style, and thus sought out a mentor which Jacen would not have had to teach her different techniques.
  5. I'm a healer Merc. I focus on two things: Objectives, and keeping people alive. I attack the enemies only in two situations: 1: They are clustered together, and I can utilize AOEs for maximum effect. 2: They are after an objective, or carrying the ball, and I can stun or KB them. I follow the ball carrier, keeping him alive, I try and heal any randoms I see around me, and I readily sacrifice myself to keep my team alive. I have unfortunately gotten used to getting only 2-4 medals per match, and not a single mvp vote outside of my guildmates. I figure if we win, we all get more commendations, but unfortunately those extra commendations go to everyone, and the people who are just randomly killing and not trying to win still end up getting far more than I could ever hope for. It's gonna be a lot more huttballs before I ever get lvl 50 pvp gear...
  6. Thanks for the history lesson. Interesting stuff. However, I don't necessarily see a problem with Mandalorians having a special technique for making better armor. If you look at research and development between western nations, and China, you'll find that lots of knowledge and information is unwilling to be shared. This has led to different approaches for solving different problems, or treating different diseases.
  7. The Han Solo trilogy by A.C. Crispen. You'll love them
  8. Canon with 1 n Either way, we do not explicitly see Boba Fett die in RotJ, what we do in fact learn, is that it takes the Saarlac thousands of years to digest it's food, meaning that death is not necessarily instant. EU has more than established that Boba Fett survived the saarlac. This has had major impacts on all further EU lore, and major galactic events. You can hate the EU all you want, but TOR is set in the EU, and uses materials and resources from EU lore. Boba Fett is very much alive. Karen Travis works are also canon, any inconsistencies can be remedied with some form of retcon or clarification
  9. I'm really excited for this book. I'll probably listen to it on audio book, and then pick up the book when it comes out in paperback. (i have over 100 SW novels, but they're all paperback, so Hardcover won't fit with my collection).
  10. in Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight, as a lightside user you could use force persuasion as a cloak ability. Later in the EU, Lumiya and Jacen use force camouflage quite extensively. Lumiya even goes so far as to follow Jacen into the Jedi Temple, and stand beside him while Luke converses with his nephew completely oblivious to the Sith Lady's presence.
  11. I believe he was mostly human. It's possible he might have had some sith blood, but those who know him state that if anyone knew his true identity, they would not follow his rule.
  12. Children of the Jedi is pretty hard to read. That said, the following books (Darksaber and Planet of Twilight) which continue the story are quite good. You can read Darksaber and it'll basically fill in the important details from CotJ
  13. During the republic Dark Ages which take place 1000 years after this game, the republic declines so much, that it can't even maintain the holonet outside of the core worlds. Either way, think of just about any fantasy out there, Even Lord of the Rings had ancient civilizations thousands of years in the past. Where is the advancement of technology over the centuries in that lore?
  14. I didn't play KoTOR, or Galaxies, so i Don't know what planets were featured in those, but these are some of the worlds I would like to see: Kashyyk: So much opportunity, I want to see the mile high trees, with the several layers of darkness below the canopy (similar to the description of the world outside of ep III) Dac: or Mon Calamar, or whatever it's being called these days. It would be neat to see the Mon Calamari side with the republic, and Quarren with the empire. Also, we need a water world. Mustafar: or Eol Sha or any volcanic world. Umbara: After seeing the recent Clone Wars arc, I must say this would be one of the coollest and most unique worlds out there. Bothuwai: We need Bothans. Dathomir: This is one of the most important planets in the EU. While Yoda won't crash a jedi ship there for another 3000 years, the clone wars have also established that there is true dathomiri race which has decended from humans and zabraks. It would be interesting to see the ancient ancestors of these discovering the planet and coming up with their own unique views of the force. ---------------------------------------- Planets I do not want to see: Any more Icy or snowy planets (although I would have really liked Arkania, especially given it's role in the old sith empire. Naboo: please, please don't add this. I don't even have any aversion to the Gungans, but there's already too many movie worlds (and yes, i understand that two of my requests are from the movies). Geonosis: for the same reasons. Dantooine. It's far too remote to make an effective demonstration
  15. I think the EU is great, and while some of the later arcs are stretched out quite long (Yuuzhan Vong War, Legacy of the Force, and Fate of the Jedi). There is a lot of really cool stuff that happens. As good as the Thrawn books are, however, I would have to say that my favorite series out of the entire lore, would be the Han Solo Trilogy by A.C. Crispen. Even if you don't necessarily like the EU, or aren't familiar with anything outside of the movies, you will love those books.
  16. Grievous was always a coward. "Time to make my escape". He does nothing in episode 3 except for try and run away,
  17. It sure is canon, it's a lower level of canon than the movies, but higher level of canon than the books.
  18. Purple lightsabers (and other colours) have been part of the lore since the 90's. Long before Episode II We also can see that lightsabers can have multiple colours emanate from them. An inner colour, with an outer glow. What's wrong with Black inner glow? As far as you know, it IS ultra-violet light, and you just can't see it because your eyes can't see that part of the spectrum. Maybe a different alien would see it as completely different. You guys can hate the EU as much as you want, but be aware that TOR is part of that Expanded Universe. You went to alderaan and killed Killiks? Guess what, Killiks were never part of the movies, or officially any lore up until 5 years ago. As far as Denova goes (I hadn't heard anything about this yet). Voss and Quesh were also created for TOR. There are millions of worlds in the SW galaxy, and no need for every single event in the canon to take place on Tattooine and Coruscant
  19. I do believe a lot of the hatred towards the show is based off of people's own bias. and hatred of anything prequal era. As I mentioned before, I myself was one of those people. I HATED the new Clone Wars cartoon, that is, until I actually watched it. Season 1 was pretty dull, but once you got past that, it quickly became one of the best things to happen to Star Wars in a long time. Half way through season 4, I just watched the Umbaran arc last night, and wow was I impressed. every time I watch this show, It makes me love The Old Republic even more (so many elements shared between the two). At one point, a Jedi Master mentions during a space battle "There haven't been battles like this since The Old Republic"
  20. for years i avoided the show. I felt that it was going to destroy the canon, and I never really cared for the prequal timeline or Anakin Skywalker. (i didn't like the movie that started it off either). I read with disgust as my blogs and news feeds spoke of characters appearing such as chewbacca and akbar, thinking to myself they were ruining existing story. Eventually, I decided to try it. I had heard some cool things happened in it, and I figured I would just watch it in the background to get through it. Most of season 1 was like this, until the end. Suddenly, I couldn't stop watching it. My roommate, friend and I watched it religiously from there. Season 2 was better than season 1, and while 3 was slow to start, by the end it was amazing. We're currently part way through season 4. Already, this show has created the definitive version of Anakin Skywalker. He is far cooler than I ever imagined he could be after seeing the prequals. Even his downfalll is more realistic, you can see how the horrors of war have begun to shape him, and push him towards the dark side. Darth Tyrannus even has more than demonstrated why he is a Dark Lord of the Sith. Even Ahsoka (who I hated in the movie) is now one of my favorite characters. There are small things that clash somewhat with existing lore, but many of these are minor, and could be easily explained or retconned. If anything though, I'd say the game does more for the Canon, helping bridge some gaps, and even including characters, locations and events from the EU.
  21. There was simply no grand Republic Army. There were however planetary defense forces, and individual fleets and militaries for individual sectors. problem was, many of these forces were made up of dreadnaughts, old capital ships that required crews of thousands. When war broke out on a massive scale, there weren't enough resources to deploy these ships on a massive scale.
  22. Han Solo trilogy will always be one of my favorites. even if you don't want to have anything to do with the EU, but you like Han Solo, you will love these books.
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