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Posts posted by llesna

  1. i don't know why this is in the suggestion forum , they need to bring this into the light ASAP why doesn't the ingame music play all the time im questing on alderaan and all i hear is footsteps this thread should not leave the front page we mean business.


    Thanks for your support there :)

  2. Dear devs,


    I personally hold that this is a bug, but as I have been advised that the drop rate is "working as intended", I humbly request that you drastically increase the drop rate of the following item:


    Cademimu Sharpshooter's Gloves


    I have been able to get multiples of each of the other Sharpshooter's items, including two of the ugly helm, but have not seen head nor tail of any gloves.


    How many runs should one expect to make, killing every NPC, to get a drop?


    50? 100? 1000?


    Please consider that these are just a cosmetic item and have no legitimate reason for being ultra rare, especially considering that they bind on pickup.


    I ask that you ensure that such other items have their rarity made somewhat fairer and more appropriate.


    Kind regards


  3. Dear devs,


    Whilst I am sure that some players are happy to keep the plague aspect of the Rakghoul plague going, the official event is over and yet the plague has not been contained.


    Though I am sure some will inevitably complain, please inoculate / vaccinate everyone against the Rakghoul plague with the next patch so that the plague is finally wiped out until the next spread of the infection in a possible future.


    Kind regards


  4. Something like an i5 2600K (or i7 2600K if you want to do video rendering etc.) would be your best bet, along with a decentish Z77-based motherboard. Look for a Sandy Bridge CPU over an Ivy Bridge one as the Ivy Bridge chips aren't as good overclockers and run incredibly high temperatures unfortunately. Keep in mind that your options are limited on that current motherboard, as newer chips are Socket 1155 I think and Intel's chips next year (codenamed Haswell) will use a different socket too.


    Hope this helps.

  5. disagree. if you don't want pvp, don't buff a pvper, it's that simple. you can't expect to help a pvper by giving him an edge over his competition, but cry i don't want to be involved. next you'll be saying you should heal a pvper but not get pvp status.


    Erm, that's contrary to the whole spirit of helping other players out. Just because someone is flagged for PvP doesn't mean they're actually PvPing at the moment, especially on a PvE server. It probably means they also buffed someone and got themselves flagged without wanting it either.


    Your logic is just flawed. If someone wants to help someone in a normal context and not be flagged for PvP, it's a sensible suggestion. To imply that an extra buff (keeping the legacy benefits in mind) is going to break duelling PvP is just insane. And yes, if a PvP-flagged player were fighting NPCs, I would want to be able to target and help them rather than let them die without being flagged for PvP for it.


    It's called being nice to fellow players. You should try it sometime ^.^


    LOL just go for a PVE server mate


    This IS on PvE servers. In fact, it occurs even on RPPvE servers. Just because someone has duelled with someone and been flagged for PvP doesn't mean that they don't want to do normal content afterwards and me having to not help them on account of not wanting the PvP flag is just silly.


    If you want to be flagged for PvP, it should be because of a PvP area or a duel. You shouldn't get it for helping out a player in a non-PvP context (i.e., normal PvE game situation).

  6. /signed and supported


    I hate the limitation in place now, as it makes some barely-possible-to-solo-before quests (usually a bit under-level heroics or similar) that much harder.


    On a more sensible note, being suddenly attacked by another mob before healing can be a right pain sometimes if a wanderer gets you.


    There was no real need for this, only a perceived need.

  7. The follow issues need addressing ASAP:


    • irritating or game-breaking bugs (including the crashes, sound issues and schematic problems)

    • massive game-engine problems (stalls, low FPS, freezes, underutilised GPU), even on higher-end machines

    • lack of character slots per server (the ability to have 16 or more)

    • lack of proper talk over server merges and character transfers

    • lack of SGRA (same gender relationship arcs) -- including existing companions too -- and same gender flirt options

    • lack of a LFG tool (either server wide or optional cross-server)

    • lack of a unified zone chat (so that empty worlds end up seeming even emptier)

    • lack of hood toggle

    • lack of companion colour unify / hide head slot / hood toggle

    • lack of simple actions like being able to sit down in a chair

    • lack of character customisation beyond a certain point (so that you see lots of "clones" as people get higher levelled)

    • lack of timescale estimates for most new features (on account of the whining actions of a lot of players that 1.2 was "late")


    And so on.

  8. You can actually do this right now, but its not in the game menu. You have to go into the game files and modify some text, which whill increase this. I will do more research to find out how to do this. :wea_03:


    Unfortunately it only does so much, as you can't increase it beyond a certain point, even by editing the ini file.

  9. A Pentagon supercomputer built by NASA, equipped with Alien technology stolen by the FBI can´t play this game without lags, freezes and framerate issues.


    +1 interwebz to you, mon ami ^^




    No computer can play this game properly without framerate issues due to the poor game engine.


    You will minimise issues though with a fast processor (i5 2600K or i7 2600K Sandy Bridge, Socket 1155) and the fastest graphics card you can get (560ti 448, 570, 580, 680 especially on the Nvidia side) and loading the game from a fast SSD and having enough memory (12/16GiB) to comfortably create a RAMDRIVE from which to load SWTOR assets.


    Hope this helps.


    P.S. Keep in mind that the 560, 560ti and 560ti 448 are all different cards, with the 560ti 448 being the best.

  10. Whilst I'm still enjoying the game, a number of little or missing features are somewhat gradually restricting my enjoyment, such as:


    • irritating or game-breaking bugs (including the crashes, sound issues and schematic problems)

    • massive game-engine problems (stalls, low FPS, freezes, underutilised GPU), even on higher-end machines

    • lack of character slots per server (the ability to have 16 or more)

    • lack of proper talk over server merges and character transfers

    • lack of SGRA (same gender relationship arcs) -- including existing companions too -- and same gender flirt options

    • lack of a LFG tool (either server wide or optional cross-server)

    • lack of a unified zone chat (so that empty worlds end up seeming even emptier)

    • lack of hood toggle

    • lack of companion colour unify / hide head slot / hood toggle

    • lack of simple actions like being able to sit down in a chair

    • lack of character customisation beyond a certain point (so that you see lots of "clones" as people get higher levelled)

    • lack of timescale estimates for most new features (on account of the whining actions of a lot of players that 1.2 was "late")


    And so on.


    I'm a confessed alt-o-holic, so the lack of endgame activity doesn't faze me as much as it would others, but the lack of options for me to fully explore this on a single server (EU RPPvE, The Progenitor) does get to me. I've considered starting a new legacy on The Red Eclipse (EU PvE) for the extra population as well, but what I really want is to get the greatest benefit from my existing legacy rather than having to start over with a new one, especially given the lack of same gender flirting or SGRA.


    tl;dr -- I'm hoping that the pace of improvement accelerates, as otherwise I will end up probably getting bored within a month or two at most. Too many missing features gradually get one down.

  11. i play all missions ONLY with mouse and is soooooooo nice and smooth


    i love the way the space is in this game


    The missions are even nicer when using the movement keys. Give it a try sometime.


    All I'm asking for is that the spaceship controlling functionality that already exists in the game be extended to the strafe left/right keys in addition to the turn left/right keys.


    This won't affect you or anyone negatively in any way.

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