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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by llesna

  1. I completely agree, and quite frankly this is my biggest gripe with the game atm. :/

    Makes me think back of the SWG days.

    Yes, there were moments when no music was played, but most of the time there was.

    However, the abscence of music was never as drastic as TOR's.

    Music really adds to the immersion value, and I would love to see some change to this. :)


    Indeed. I often found that the music dropped out for whole sections of maps for the entire time I was there. It's like watching a Star Wars movie without any backing music!

  2. • bug fixes (especially fixing the memory leaks)

    • massive game engine overhaul to make the game run more efficiently and smoother

    • further customisation options for characters (especially at the end game)

    • further customisation for companions (head slot toggle, hood toggle, unify colours)

    • hood toggle

    • same gender relationship arcs (using existing characters in addition to new ones and same gender flirt options all over please)

    • LFG tool / "dungeon finder"

    • more character slots (up to at least 16)

    • server merges / character transfers

    • more legacy options (including removing the restrictions on how your characters connect to each other within your legacy)

  3. Come on devs. We've been asking for this since early access and I'd wager that some have wanted this since beta testing began.


    It cannot be that much of a technological hurdle to simply increase the number of slots per server. Most of us asking for this will happily pay you for it too!


    Just make it happen, please!


    16+ slots, thank you!

  4. If they make Kaliyo the SGLI for fem!IAs, without either making Watcher Two or Raina Temple available as well, they may as well not have SGRAs in the game as far as my main character is concerned... and as far as I'm concerned. (Wow, I didn't realize I felt that strongly about it... Ugh.)


    Completely agreed there! Watcher 2 and Raina both have a bisexual (or at least open-minded) feel about them.


    It reminds me of Torchwood in a way (the Doctor Who spin-off) with Captain Jack and Ianto Jones. Whilst Ianto had previously considered himself heterosexual, something about Jack -- and only Jack -- made him fall in love with him specifically. Considering that Jack is from a future where sexuality is more flexible and open, rather than hung up on labels, I'd like to think that SWTOR could manage this well too.


    I do very much hope that Bioware devs don't get too focussed on limiting the SGR arcs to just new characters and keep their minds open to such things.

  5. Dear devs,


    Whenever I play SWTOR, I like to have music on all the time. As such, I have to turn off the music in-game as it frequently drops out and stops for extended periods of time, leaving me only with music for a fraction of my game time.


    For players like myself, we want music to be playing at all times.


    The music can still fit to the situation, such as combat, exploring etc., but it shouldn't fade into nothingness.


    Please implement an option in-game to keep music on at all times, wherever you are.


    Kind regards


  6. What's wrong with SWTOR?


    A lot of things, but nothing that will make me watch a biased video based on someone else's interpretation of it. (I don't listen to podcasts either. Why watch and listen when you can read an argument quicker?)


    The issue of sub numbers arose on Kotaku the other day and I summed up my thoughts pretty much there:


  7. Given how underpopulated some of the servers are (according to torstatus), server merges are badly needed for a lot of servers.


    It really can't come soon enough for a lot of players.


    I was fortunate enough to roll on a decent (but not really high-enough) population server (RPPvE, The Progenitor) and given how much trouble I have with grouping sometimes, I shudder to think how it must be for other servers!

  8. I was just wondering when someone will get around to completing Ashara Zavros's model?

    Currently when you equip her in some armors those body parts equipped turn invisible.

    I have seen this post in other places but every time I see a patch or a fix I do not see this issue

    being given any notice.

    Companions are provided as an integral part of the game play experience, To leave one in this

    state since launch is disconcerting.


    Have you reported this in-game as a bug or sent an email to support@swtor.com?


    If not, please do and provide full details. The only way devs can get to fixing issues is if we report them.

  9. Unfortunately there are too few of us that are sensible on this forum. Take the 1.2 release date, they said "we hope to release it in early April ". On the 10th of April the forums lit up with posts about how BW lied, promised early April, and did not fulfill those promises. But when the patch came on the 12th (which was still Early April), did anyone post that they were sorry and that BW did meet the expatiation of Early April, no they did not.


    So yea the sensible of us would like a date, knowing that is it not cast in stone, and could change.

    The realistic of us know that we will not get it. Because of the others on this forum.


    It's sad that whiners and idiots stop the legitimately-interested consumers from being kept in the loop.


    Le sigh.

  10. Whilst I understand that an extension of this event would be nice for some players who've perhaps not been able to experience it, two weeks is pretty long enough and it would be nice to be able to go on the fleet without getting FPS stalls near the ship storage areas due to fifty or more players all crowding together to pass the infection along.


    The event has had its time. Let it pass and just ask for it back another day.

  11. The are NEVER, EVER going to give any kind of dates again (and are smart not to). Since even the slightest hint of a date is turned into "You Promised" and a flood of posts if the date is missed by even minuets.


    Go check Blizzard, and see just how many times they have announced a date for something way in advance. Just when is MoP coming out?


    If they take that line, then those sensible ones amongst us who accept that rough estimates are just rough estimates are going to keep on them for this attitude.


    About the only other organisation that I can think of which can get away without giving even approximate timescales is the Public sector. In normal business practice, it helps to treat your customers with some modicum of respect and keep them at least somewhat in the loop, rather than stringing them along with features that may or may not arrive for a protracted period of time.


    Bioware isn't Activision Blizzard (fortunately!) so I'd rather treat Bioware as a grown-up enough company to make its own decisions rather than just doing what others are doing.


    If people complain that you missed an estimated or rough date, that's their stupidity for not understanding the words estimates or rough, but it's unfair on the rest of the paying customers to be kept on the dark on features that were missing from the game at launch.

  12. I would very much like to see more customisation put into the game, hopefully alongside other things that help improve gameplay customisation such as:


    • Hood toggle.

    • Hide companion head slot. (Will also turn off companion hood.)

    • SGRA.

    • More character slots per server.







    /signed and supported

  13. Except the Devs HAVE addressed a number of the issues you've mentioned. How much more open can the devs be if they've already addressed, for example, the issue of Character Transfers but players refuse to read the information that's being released.


    Okay, please quote me where and when they've outlined PRECISELY or even ROUGHLY when these are going to be implemented.


    If you can show that you've actually understood the crux of this thread (i.e., that we're annoyed by the lack of even rough time estimates on these) and can show me where they've outlined a time (read: not a vague time like "this year" either), then I'll retract my comments.


    Otherwise please understand WHY we're so irritated with Bioware devs right now. It's an insult to paying customers when devs constantly avoid the questions being asked of them or give answers in vague terms, like "we're looking into it" or "sometime in a future patch".


    We pay to play the game and have a right to be kept informed rather than kept in the dark.

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