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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by llesna

  1. they always finish patching early so that there isn't an overload of people trying to patch later on.


    Ah. That makes sense and highlights my ignorance.


    Just started patching now and it showed about 900MB for me.


    Not sure why Bioware devs are confusing GB (gigabytes) with Gb (gigabits) though in their post. (I'll leave the difference between GB and GiB out of this of course!)

  2. Dear devs,


    I sent this in as a bug to CS, but they told me to post it here, so I am doing so now.


    The item "Mindful Guardian Elite Body Armor" has a problem in that it makes a male character look as though he has a very large... behind / rear end / derrière.


    Here are two comparison pictures to show just how much the behind is sticking out with this robe:


    With robe -- http://i39.tinypic.com/20jlmie.jpg

    Without robe -- http://i41.tinypic.com/2yphq85.jpg


    It would be nice if the robes didn't create this effect :)


    Kind regards


  3. I very much hope that Bioware gives us the ability to purchase more slots.


    As a realist, I don't expect the extra slots to come for free, so whilst it'd be nicer to not have to pay anything for 16 slots (or more), I'd be willing to accept this method as it would enable me to keep growing my legacy on the The Progenitor server rather than having to start a new legacy on another server.


    I very much hope that this isn't one of those things that keeps just getting pushed down the list of things to do, as this is quite important to a number of people. It's highly surprising that an online shop to buy such things wasn't available from launch, all considered.

  4. When will we be able to purchase account specific items (e.g., more character slots on servers, legacy name changes etc.)?


    I have used up all 8 character slots on one server and would like to be able to purchase more slots there to make more characters within the same legacy. I also wish to be able to change my legacy name ever-so-slightly so make it look better, which customer services have told me to wait for.


    Please can you provide a firm update on this?

  5. No, I can't support this.


    Let's imagine for a moment that someone got upset about the non-white humans in the game and asked for a toggle to turn them white. Conversely, what if a number of non-white gamers requested that all white humans be made black, on the basis that this was offensive to them? Can you imagine the fully-justified comments that would fly about this? It would be rightly deemed racism and would seemingly suggest that BW is okay with racism.


    Let's further imagine that some people got upset about seeing women in positions of power within the game and asked for a toggle to make them men. Would this be something that people should be able to demand, just because they have sexist viewpoints? No. A request of this nature would never be right. It would still be wrong if the reverse were requested for by female gamers requesting that no men should be in positions of power in the game.


    In the same way, giving players a way to opt-out of any LGBT conversations or parts of the game would give the impression that BW is okay with bigotry and prejudice on the part of its gamers. Some people may not see it that way, but when you discriminate against people on account of their lawful sexual or gender preferences, you are being hurtfully prejudiced and trying to segregate the community. Little history lesson: apartheid failed.


    SWTOR is just a game, but it is a game played by real people. From a player perspective, I do not want non-roleplay prejudice in this game from other players. If players wish to roleplay as someone with prejudices in a mature way (i.e., a pureblood sith hating aliens), that's something different, but catering this game to the desires of prejudiced gamers: no thank you!


    This is an opportunity to open up your eyes and reinvestigate your viewpoints. You cannot just "shut out" part of the world because you don't think it's right. What next? Would you ask for the Mass Effect games to have an option to turn this off too? What about Dragon Age? The problem is not with these games but with the fact that your views are heavily prejudiced and unwelcome.


    I respect that you have put this together in an elegant way, but my underlying disdain towards your proposal remains.


    May peace and enlightenment find you.


    Kind regards


  6. Hi all,


    I did search for this information first, but couldn't find the answers I was seeking, so thought I'd quickly ask here.



    (1) Are guilds faction-specific or open-ended (i.e., Imperial/Republic only or open to both)?

    (2) Do guilds prefer to recruit your individual character or you as a whole (i.e., just the one character or as many as you have)?


    Sorry for the newbishness of those questions.


    I really appreciate anyone who can answer those for me :)


    Kind regards


  7. Just wanted to post here to say that whilst I do agree with the general view of the OP, I do not believe it is reasonable to expect such innovation at launch or even shortly after launch. As the game improves and matures, I feel that such innovation outside the conventional grind will come, but until then, as horrible as it may feel to some, you will have to be patient.


    Ultimately, if you enjoy a game but get bored by a lack of content, take a break, play some other games and come back to it a few months down the line. I can't speak for everyone out there, but I have always got other games I could play or other enjoyable things I could be doing if there's not enough to keep me interested.

  8. You should really, really pay attention to the topic... and if nothing else, the yellow post right at the top of this page. This is NOT about Boot Camp, it's about Mac OS X.


    Sure, I'm going to read every single post in the thread *rolls eyes*.


    You should have taken the time to read my own post in detail. If you read through it, you'll see that I've written in some detail about how my major concern was that development time would be taken away from other areas to code for a native client, but that if the developers decide to go for it, then I'd be fully behind it.


    So, rather than raging, you really should re-read in full what I wrote and realise that I'm actually ON YOUR SIDE.


    I mentioned bootcamp because, without the prior knowledge that a Mac version is in the works -- and no, it's not realistic to keep up with every bit of Mac-related news when I'm neither a Mac user nor someone with all the time in the world to read hundreds of posts -- it was a sensible thing to mention.


    May peace and patience find you well.


    Kind regards




    P.S. If devs have indeed decided to go with a native OSX client, then that means they have the resources to make one without hindering the development of the game. As such, the condition for my support is fully met :)

  9. No, it's a waste of development time that could be better spent elsewhere.


    I agree with much of what you've written there. Splitting the game into Mac and PC would only further dillute precious dev resources for very little practical return.


    Now, I'm sure that others will disagree here and point out that WOW manages this fine, but this isn't WOW and, to point out the obvious, WOW was released two years before the initial release of Bootcamp and the concept of running Windows on an Apple computer was still very much abhorent to many users, not to mention impractical as it wasn't until 2006 that Apple made the transition to Intel x86 processors from the PowerPC architecture.


    These days, buying a "Mac" is about status, specific programs and the belief (justified or not) that it just works well, as well as conforming to a different aesthetic and customer service standard that many believe bog-standard PCs do not provide. The actual ins and outs of the device, however, do not justify making an OSX client... yet.


    Notice that I wrote "yet" there.


    In time, if SWTOR continues to grow in popularity and there is enough of a desire for an OSX client, it is possible that Bioware and EA might work out whether there are resources enough available for it and carry out a costs/benefits analysis. In practical terms, however, Mac users are still seen as being less gamers and more workers, whereas the idea of the Windows-using PC gamer is firmly engrained in developers' minds.


    An example of a company pushing themselves out to Mac gamers in a productive manner would be Valve, who have (I'm British, so I see companies as plural entities) expanded their game system to port many Source games to OSX and to allow such games to be bought once but downloaded and played interchangeably between your OSX and Windows computer.


    The problem is that I don't see porting the SWTOR client to OSX being an easy job, considering that it was designed for a Windows environment. If the game had been developed from the ground up to be system agnostic, then I can see it being less of an issue. Ultimately though, unless the developer did keep this in mind and created the game secretly with this in mind, I can see SWTOR remaining a Windows-only game for practical reasons.


    At the end of the day, in a time with ever-increasing computer specs and increasing levels of virtualisation and dual boot options, I must confess that I ultimately don't believe that developers will spend the time needed to bring about a native OSX client for the game, as they simply wouldn't gain much from it at this point in time.


    If you want it that badly, Mac gamers, you've got to prove to developers that you're worth developing for. This probably means that you've got to get Apple on your side too, so start thinking about how to get Tim Cook to push non-app gaming on Macs. When you create a gaming culture on Macs, developers will start to think in terms of parallel system development, just like with the best 360/PS3 games.


    Until then, bootcamp is your faithful friend. Just be glad that you can run the game at all on your Macs, as this wasn't always the way!


    Kind regards




    Edit: I feel I should end on a more positive note that I did there. I do ultimately feel that, whatever system we game on, that computer gamers should remain united. If it is practically possible for the developers to port the game to OSX without slowing down the game's development, then I would fully support my fellow gamers. Whilst I may not buy into the Apple cult, I would wish nothing but goodness on my gaming brethren across the world. In that sense, I'm system-agnostic :)

  10. George Lucas originally rallied against revisionism, in the sense that he was for the preservation of old movies before they degraded. Such a horrible shame that, after creating the concept of the dark side, he too fell to its lure.


    In the original Star Wars, Han shoots first. It doesn't matter that George Lucas has retrospectively decided that this was not so as the truth is that Han shot first: get over it George.


    This kind of aggressive revisionism, which is in itself a direct attack on the memories of fans, is the reason I refused to get the Star Wars blu rays. Fortunately there is a Star Wars preservation fan edit for each film (search for "despecialized edition") which tries to bring back the original film experience with the best quality picture available.


    Were I ever to get an audience with George Lucas, I would ask him in a calm and measured way about one of his earliest and fondest memories. I'd then proceed to tell him that his memory is flawed and the events didn't happen that way. I imagine he'd become quite angry that I was deeming to correct his own memories, before I equated what he was choosing to do to Star Wars with this. Leaving him to think on this, I would suggest again that he return to the favour of his fans and leave the destructive path to give the fans their memories back and stop retconning the Star Wars universe, since at least when comics get a retcon, you can still access the originals in good quality.


    But who am I kidding? George is too far along the dark path now. I want to believe he can change and will realise the harm he is doing to fans of his creations, but I'm not banking on ever seeing the original, unaltered Star Wars on blu ray. I will still hope against hope, but it will take a massive event or fan grouping to make this happen.


    Kind regards


  11. The community on this board is sickening. "Me, me, me, me, me..." ugh.. I might be wrong, but they confirmed same equipment color, dual spec, cross server pvp, medium/heavy armour for social vendor, guild capital ship, more uniqe/rare items + more "treasure hunting", more class quests/solo quests.


    Isn't that EXACTLY What people have been asking about?! Along with the obligatory "more end-game content" demand, which is also being answered. They also stated earlier that we'll get more space combat and I'd be surprised if we don't see space pvp combat when the first expansion hits.


    Instead people decides to neglect it all because the FPS issue wasn't mentioned ((and we all know that if it isn't mentioned BW doesn't acknowledge it, right?).


    The game is far from perfect, but by the look at things BW is at the very least listening to people.




    My thoughts exactly :)


    I read the answers from Bioware and was impressed by the amount that was disclosed as coming up in patch 1.2. Seeing dual spec confirmed by itself made me smile, so seeing all the other features being unveiled was really pleasant.


    I think that a lot of gamers just want this game to be "finished" now or rather several years old with the updates that come from that. I wish such players would put their views constructively and be patient. It's not as though Bioware is moving at a slow pace to improve the game, yet such players are constantly complaining and it gets tiring to see them being so impatient.


    So I give an honest "thank you" to Bioware for what they're doing.


    Bioware devs: please keep the good work in the knowledge that you are making many players happy with the updates and that there is a group of players whom you will never be able to please, no matter what you do, so please take their views with a pinch of salt.

  12. Looks like a well thought-out long-term plan there :)


    There's one small error (that I can see) in the text that you could correct:

    "Have neutral items that does not require" --> "Have neutral items that do not require".


    I definitely support the feeling of these suggestions though, especially the graphics ones. We know the customisable UI is coming, so that's just a matter of waiting now. For everything else, the suggestions seem plausible over an extended period of time.

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