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Posts posted by llesna

  1. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on the subject matter, I'm talking to you people that feel the need to cheat) with games like this being almost a living entity, with it's constant changing of coding and such, it makes it a lot more difficult for outside programmers to do things like that.


    Oh indeed! I'd never actually condone any player trying to alter a living multiplayer game like this for such purposes!


    All I meant to convey is that I miss the modding capability of single player Bioware games, due to the workarounds you could always put in place for same gender romances ^.^


    With single player / offline games, especially story-driven ones, I will quite openly admit that I often use editors and mods to enhance my gaming experience, but I have never and would never attempt anything in a multiplayer / online game.


    Just wanted to clarify that so that you didn't think me a malicious sort ^.^

  2. Another theory of mine is...I notice some companions already react favorably to courting items given by same gender, i.e. Kira so I am pretty much betting they are candidates.


    I'd like to hope that too.


    In terms of opening up existing companions for SGRAs, I can easily see a few characters where it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to have them as bisexual (with some reworking), namely:



    Consular - Tharan, Nadia

    Knight - Kira, Doc

    Smuggler - Corso, Risha

    Trooper - Aric, Elara


    Inquisitor - Ashara, Talos

    Warrior - Vette (at a push), Malavai, Jaesa (both light and dark)

    Agent - Kaliyo, Vector, Raina

    BH - Mako, Torian



    Personally I'd like to see as many SGR options as possible to really keep things interesting and vibrant, but I'm hopeful that the Bioware devs are taking a while on this to make sure it's done right.


    I'm really hoping that the devs don't go the way of creating new companions just for this, as a lot of players have their eye on existing companions. Were this a single player game, you just know that mods would already have been implemented to allow this ^_^

  3. It would certainly be nice to have the option. The music score for SWTOR is

    exceptional. Generates atmosphere very effectively. Hell, you can always

    turn it off if it gets too much.


    It's such a shame that we can turn it off, but can't select to keep it on.


    Hopefully this'll be amended in time.


    /shakes fist at the immortal enemy of time

  4. Let vanguards have the choice o using an assault cannon or rifle. This applies to commandos, hell even let bh's choose between pistols and rifles. Not like this is going to be a game changer. I personally don't even care about the slight damage boost, I just want the look.


    Isn't that akin to asking for Jedi Guardians or Sith Juggernauts to have access to double-bladed lightsabres and thereby be able to do more damage than they're supposed to?

  5. Dear devs,


    In the video that showed the upcoming features for the 1.2 patch, a system of colour unification was shown in which colours (or at least hues) could be changed to select the colour that gear would be unified to.


    This feature did not make it into 1.2.


    The colour unification system also currently does not apply for companions.


    I would like to kindly request that you consider companions a priority for getting such services and extend the existing options on this system as soon as developmentally possible.


    Companions should not be treated as second rate compared to players. Furthermore, customisation is a key part of online gaming for many players and not giving players a full range of options does really irk sometimes.


    In short, please consider:


    • Giving companions the colour unification system.

    • Extend the system so that you can choose the main colour (or hue) that you unify to.


    The points are naturally linked to other requests for customisation in-game, such as the hood toggle (for players and companions), the ability to hide companions' head slots and the ability to change your appearance in-game after creation.


    Kind regards


  6. I completely agree with the desire for hoodless versions of clothing.


    I think that the perfect ideal solution will be for the devs to implement the /hood toggle option that should have been in at launch.


    Only when we get toggles like the hood toggle (in addition to hide companion head slot and unify colours for companions) will the customisation in this game start to edge forward.

  7. Glad to hear that I'm not alone.

    It's small things like this that make a game successful and I personally feel it's a must for an MMO like this where the "Star Wars Experience" is very dependent on the music.


    I couldn't agree more there. Having the music appear so infrequently is the only reason that I find myself disabling the otherwise-awesome in-game music.

  8. I have seen that the devs have addressed that this is an issue, or at least that they are aware of it, but I am very much hoping to see this issue formally resolved as soon as possible.


    As far as I can tell, the issue seems to be with players using the medium (2) body size and certain robes.


    It's really not acceptable that this is still going on.

  9. You do know this is being done, don't you? Kindly show some consideration for others make room for other suggestions please.


    You do know that the devs haven't given a time table for this or even promised that it will be out any time this year, don't you?


    The only way that devs can see just how much an issue concerns players is by feedback. This forum provides a sensible way to do that.


    For many players, issues like this are a major grievance in the game.

  10. A very well-put-together thread there. I approve of the effort and thought that has gone into this and wish to sign my support.


    I would also like to point you in the direction of my own thread about upcoming legacy additions in 1.3, as the new legacy changes are proposed to be character-specific rather than legacy-wide, something which I vigourously oppose.

  11. Seems sensible to me.


    I think of a lot of the faction separation just dilutes the game. This dilution is fortunately gradually being undone as the devs realise their mistakes, such as with the forthcoming global GTN in 1.3, so hopefully cross-faction guilds will also become a reality.


    /signed and supported

  12. I am very much hoping that someone will see my thread and think about the silliness of character specific legacy unlocks.


    I'm sure you do not see this as a priority devs, but considering this is a feature promised for 1.3, I'd like to see this issue resolved as soon as possible before the update hits and before you cause a lot of player aggro.


    At present, most players simply do not realise that the upcoming unlocks are going to be character specific.

  13. There is a way this could work if bioware implements it correctly.


    If they want the unlocks to be character specific then make it based on a legacy level thereby removing the cost if you reach the legacy level


    In other words:


    If you reach a legacy level that specific item is unlocked without the cost




    If you don't want to wait for the legacy level then you can purchase it with credits


    but not both


    Either one or the other.


    And that is on all the unlocks not just specific ones


    I like the idea of either/or, rather than cash and legacy level.


    I still do wish that the devs would rethink the idea of any legacy-related specific character bonuses and make them legacy-wide, but I could live with linked characters being able to unlock options just by the legacy, though it wouldn't really be character specific any more.

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