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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by llesna

  1. Cross-server? No.


    I'd prefer that the low-population servers be merged together so that there is no need for this.


    Server-wide? Yes please! I would LOVE to be able to group up easier for heroics and flashpoints (like how you can queue for warzones) without the hassle of having to do it manually.

  2. The problem of updates being planned for this year is that there are 8 months still left in 2012 for that "this year" deadline to still be met. I'm hoping we'll see something much sooner, as I'm aching to add some flair to some new characters. Hopefully I won't be forced to start a new legacy to go beyond my 8 characters though, so heavily hoping that SGRA will come alongside purchaseable extra character slots too.
  3. I'd very much like to hope that some existing companions will end up romanceable by both male and female characters, with subtle changes to the dialogue tree and voice acting to fit accordingly. Naturally not every companion character would fit into this idea, but some most definitely would.


    My main worry is that adding entirely new companions just for SGRA will take a considerable period of time and may only be available to players in the late-game, perhaps even post-50. Like many other gamers in support of SGRA, I want them done right, but I'd rather not have to wait until Winter or even 2013 to get them.


    In addition to more character slots per server (even if I have to pay for them to get to the 16 I'm after), this is one of the biggest things I feel is missing from the game. (If I could then get a hood toggle and the ability to hide the companion head slot, I'd be a very happy bunny!)

  4. I feel that a lot of the discontent by players, which adds to the irritation by ambigious commitments, is that SWTOR -- for all its splendour -- launched without a lot of the features that MMORPG gamers take for granted in the current gaming climate and is currently playing catch-up.


    For more casual gamers, this is less of an issue as such gamers have less time to play and aren't bothered about such issues or may even be aware that an issue is there. For the self-titled "pros", they want to be able to do in a guild in SWTOR what they were doing elsewhere and not being able to do that has pushed them often into leaving the game or crying out bitterly against it.


    Personally I'm enjoying the game overall, but then again I'm not a massive fan of PvP. That said, it does irk me the sheer number of bugs introduced by 1.2 and I really hope that a super patch is on the cards for Tuesday's maintenance to fix all the new ones they introduced or at least a sizeable proportion of them. Obviously big patches like 1.2 are going to contain a lot of bugs and need a lot of testing, but the number of little, irritating bugs that got through is quite unsettling.


    Outside of bug fixes, the game engine itself is in need a massive overhaul. In addition to the poor way that the game stops rendering whilst it's waiting to load data from your drive (be it HDD or SSD), causing mini-freezes and jerky rendering, the engine is highly inefficient in places, such as Balmorra. To further this problem, there are situations in the game where the game will actively stop using all your GPU and frames will drop massively. (Please note that this GPU issue might happen for some people due to overheating, but it will actually STILL happen for people whose graphics card is NEITHER overheating NOR experiencing a power issue.)


    Some players say to be patient, but I think it's quite right to ask where and when the game is going to get features that should be in a triple-A MMORPG in 2012. As paying customers, not just players, it's right of us to ask the devs such questions and to wish for a rough estimate at least. Heck, even a simple, "We're aiming for..." would often be better than nothing. I'm not after solid promises, just an approximation.


    The little things can add up too for many people, such as the lack of information on:


    • Server merges and character transfers.

    • More character slots.

    • SGRA (same gender romance arcs) with same-gender flirt options. Many wish for this to be opened up for existing companions, not just new ones that will be introduced months down the line.

    • More legacy connections (as the current limited relationships don't allow for much creativity).

    • Lack of some basic functions for RPing (such as sitting in a chair/seat).

    • Fixing crafting bugs (especially the ones causing crashes).

    • LFG tool.

    • Global chat (cross worlds).

    • Hood toggle.

    • Hide companion head slot.

    • Unify colours for companions.

    ... and so on.


    I can't comment on the PvP issues, so I won't. I can only say that I do very much enjoy this game, but that the devs need to understand how important all of the issues are to many paying customers and empathise with them that the current slippery language comes across as an insult to their intelligence.


    Kind regards


  5. If this is the worst downtime you've seen in an online game, you've not played many. I'm being serious. Anyone who's been round the gaming circuit for a while will have experienced firsthand or at least heard of awful downtime in online games over the last ten years. In comparison, SWTOR has managed amazingly.


    Personally I'm HAPPY when there's downtime to put new patches in, as hopefully it means bugfixes, especially for some of the issues introduced in 1.2.


    As for the progress of the game, you're right that the game needs more than has been done, but to suggest tha nothing noticeable has changed, "well, that's just like your opinion, man...".


    The game needs to keep up the update pace and possibly even quicken it, but complaining about maintenance? Seriously?

  6. Dear devs,


    The situation in game currently is that if you cast a buff on a passing player of the same faction who is currently flagged for PvP, you will also be flagged for PvP.


    Considering that many players do not wish to be flagged this way and the steps required to remove the flag (i.e., it's not just a simple turn off option), please would you make it so that casting a buff does not flag you for PvP.


    The fact is, players cast buffs on others to be friendly and to help keep them as strong as possible. Since I doubt that anyone wishes to be unintentionally flagged for PvP in this way, players who PvP may find themselves not being privy to the passing buff of strangers simply on account of this.


    If this could be rectified, I would be most grateful.


    Kind regards


  7. Dear devs,


    Please add an option to increase the draw distance of grass, trees and NPCs.


    The reason I ask is that this game noticeably suffers from "pop-up" effects, especially with grass growing out of the ground as you run and NPCs appearing out of nowhere.


    Perhaps draw things at lower detail beyond a certain range and apply the higher detail within closer range (i.e., adaptive level of detail relative to distance, like used in old games like Black & White).


    Kind regards


  8. i want to unify colors on my companions!


    Me too!


    I hope that -- in addition to the promised legacy unlocks coming in 1.3 -- that we can get some form of:


    • Hood toggle

    • Hide head slot for companions

    • Unify colours for companions

    • Server transfers and possibly more character slots per server

    • LFG tool of some kind (even if it's not cross server)


    In addition to those, anything that enhances quality of life and gets the game engine running smoother would make me happy.


    I know that we're not getting the extra character slots or SGRA (same gender romance arcs) any time soon, but I do hope we won't be kept waiting until the end of the year or later for those!!!

  9. Well, once the game has added a lot of the things that should have been in at launch, fixed the vast majority of bugs (as this will always be an on-going battle for any expanding game) and worked outs its core audience, the game will be ticking along fine for many years, with a growing but not WOW-killing playerbase.


    The introduction of dialogue wheels, player alignment, decisions in stories, SGRA (same gender romance arcs), the excellent stories and voice acting: these will all be the things that people remember.


    People will also remember the shaky start, followed by some bad patches and decisions, but I am confident that the devs will turn it around and keep producing content and updates at a mile a minute. Yes, 1.2 was half-baked, but at least it's here now. More stuff should have been in it, but c'est la vie.


    With each major content patch, this game will improve. Yes, the game should have launched with more, but it didn't. Let's be grateful for what it does have and how much fun it is (so long as you're not solely playing for PvP) and look forward to the incremental additions.


    Personally I'm waiting on a hood toggle, SGRA and more character slots per server, along with those additional legacy unlocks, along perhaps with merging some servers to keep population high, but so long as we keep getting major updates as quickly as possible, I'll be content.


    Kind thoughts


  10. So I currently run the game with a 4850x2 maxed out, and also with the radeonPro installed for the extra shiny textures :) I have been trying to help my friend who has an Ati 5850 achieve this simple thing. I have tried uninstallling all drivers, installing diffrent software but for some reason nothing works to give him this simple thing. Any ideas? Is ther alot of known problems with this game and the 5850 oir anything? Thanks in advance for your replies


    You might want to consider some basic steps to help your friend.


    1. Use Driver Sweeper (in safe mode) to clean out all AMD drivers.

    2. Install the latest AMD drivers. Catalyst 12.3 are the most recent official drivers at present.

    3. Run both the launcher and swtor.exe in Windows XP SP3 compatibility mode if you're using Vista or Windows 7.

    4. Ensure that anti aliasing is OFF in game. You can force it on in the latest drivers and achieve very good-looking results with >= 2xAA and morphological anti aliasing (MLAA).

    5. If still struggling, turn off advanced features like bloom and depth of field. At a push, remove shadows.


    Hope this helps somewhat.

  11. Originally Posted by llesna

    Double negative. Don't get nothing = you get something.


    Only in old English did multiple negatives reinforce the negative. In modern English, double negatives negate each other.


    Really? has it come to this nit picking ppls speling and gramer? loolz


    Yep. It has :)


    It's fun to gently educate and correct people. Just because it's the internet doesn't mean that correct spelling and grammar should be thrown out the window.


    Besides, when someone is making a silly point, it's sometimes better to ignore the irrelevance of their point altogether and attack ad hominem... or whatever the term is for attacking someone's abuse of the English language ;)

  12. at least they've acknowledged and provided free game time, in WOW u dont get nothing


    Double negative. Don't get nothing = you get something.


    Only in old English did multiple negatives reinforce the negative. In modern English, double negatives negate each other.

  13. But I wants mee tauna little thingy, no wait, a taun taun mount...No wait, a RAKGHOUL MOUNT!


    Can you mount a rakghoul?


    No, wait...don't answer that.


    I think you're invoking rule 34... or at least rule 35!

  14. BST is British Summer Time, so the UK time. I don't know why they don't use GMT like the rest of the world does. So basically its 5:14pm in the UK now and the servers won't be up for us until midnight. Meaning the whole of Friday evening is a no go for Brits and most of Europe. Great job guys, seriously!


    Say what u will about WoW, but we could always play in the evenings.


    BST = GMT+1


    Hence BW is correct in using BST rather than GMT.


    I know, it's odd that the actual time in Greenwich is GMT+1, but that's why it's preferable to use UTC over GMT to avoid that confusion.

  15. This is why you fail. Long live America!


    j/k you European :D


    I think of myself as British rather than European ^.^


    Tbh, if I could get the UK out of the EU and go back the original concept of a European trade community, I would jump at it.


    Being lumped in with the EU and being considered European is a real let-down sometimes. I've nothing against my European brothers and sisters, but we're not like them.

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