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Everything posted by Inflicktion

  1. So basically you're mad because they aren't as unbelievably OP as they were prior to 1.2? LOL! Sorc/ Sage is still by far the easiest class to play for max return.
  2. The galaxy is getting a vast supply of Kolto from somewhere, and seeing as Manaan is the only planet where it's found naturally it has to be from there. So either way BW would have to go back and change something (or just elaborate further really) for an answer to make sense today.
  3. Based on their recent comments saying we'd see a new AC before an actual class; I'd be very surprised if we will ever be allowed to do this. And if we are I imagine the option to do so will come with those new ACs. So it won't be anytime soon if ever.
  4. You should probably just wait for Battlefront 3.
  5. Alternative to PVP in Gree? Ummm. . . what? Only 2 of the missions are even in the PVP area and neither one requires any actual PVP. You make it sound like this is a PVP-only event.
  6. No, you aren't just saying "So what?". On the previous page you ridiculed everyone asking for chairs by calling them armchair developers as if it was some outrageous demand. People have answered that "So what" question multiple times but nothing satisfies you because you don't think anything other than your mind is necessary. (Until BW actually adds them then I'm sure you'll rave about it in some form, if even just to tell all of us off.)
  7. Oh boy, I should probably let this one pass but. . . If you think this game has lost a decent part of its roleplaying crowd you don't RP here. It's as simple as that. We lost tons of RPers when the first server merges happened, especially from Lord Adraas. Go to swtor-rp and ask anyone and they'll tell you the same. The RP-scene used to be incredibly vibrant in this game, much more than the few hotspots there is now. There was actually an article on Massively, an MMO website, that talked about this exact thing and how the RP has faltered. As far as the second line goes, I'll pull a page from your book and ask, who are you to dictate how others play the game? Or in this case RP? There is definitely more than one style and there isn't a single one that's right. Going by what you're saying we should all just be sitting in our chairs roleplaying with ourselves.
  8. Well you or I might not see it as a game-breaker. but one of the main complaints from the RP-crowd has always been the lack of chairs and how atrocious the sit emote is. They've repeatedly shown they possess the ability to code chairs, so that is a moot point, but we've yet to see them in practical fashion. As it is I think the lack of chairs is a major contributing cause to the 'death by a thousand paper cuts' syndrome I've seen many RPers express. A couple QoL features like chairs and chat bubbles would go a long way in bringing back RPers and strengthening what we already have imo.
  9. Yet not quite impossible as the forum trolls would like to believe. LOL! I find it funny you guys are going after people asking for CHAIRS, which would NOT be harder to program than any other thing in this game. In fact, all they'd have to do is increase the timer on the 'Portable Relaxation Unit' and that would provide plenty of return.
  10. You can keep your grubby hands off our buff if you're going to slander Agents like that! On a more serious note, I don't see anything that would prevent you from doing this. I've leveled several agents and I can't think of a situation in which someone wouldn't be able to carry you through. I'm quite sure what you're asking is done fairly regularly, so you shouldn't run into any glaring issues.
  11. Is that really all it costs? And here I was going to unlock each datacube individually. If you don't want the armor set I'd recommend holding on to the cube awhile before selling. They'll increase in value whenever a new pack comes out. The old 4 already sell considerably higher than the current 4.
  12. QFE. That's about as far as this thread needs to go. Privacy should always (in most reasonable cases that is) trump convenience. Unless they're going to overhaul the Friend system so that you can't add without my permission I would hate to see this.
  13. Bumpin' this. It'd be such a simple fix to make these items invaluable for RP. I definitely think you'd see an influx of Cartel Pack purchases on RP servers. I'll even vow to pick up a hypercrate in support!
  14. As much as I would love to see it an update devoted to RPers would not go down well at all. Maybe if they marketed it as a social update or something. Otherwise I can't even begin to imagine the QQ. They almost certainly have to give us bits and pieces with other updates. Unfortunately, those bits and pieces haven't been very filling this far. They've done right by RPers as far as adding new outfits and other fluff, but yeah, there is more to be desired. BW actually hinted not too long ago that Chat Bubbles are still being worked on, and if I heard correctly there was actually a bit of RP going on at the last 'Cantina Tour' stop. So I don't think we've been forgotten about completely just yet.
  15. You can trade them. You just have to wait for the initial bind period to wear off. Also, I believe it's been in the collections from the beginning; it was just bugged and mislabeled when it first came out.
  16. 5/8 NA servers are currently 'Heavy'. Considering where we're at in the development cycle and what time of year it is that's not too bad.
  17. I don't have a problem with rare/ exclusive speeders. I do have a problem with them putting every single rare/ exclusive speeder behind a HM/ NiM OP though.
  18. Shhh let them keep undercutting each other until the new pack comes around I haven't bought any extra CC (GTN ftw!) for cartel packs personally, but I do appreciate what they do for the game. Not only are they an additional revenue source for real content; the packs provide us with a regular slew of fluff and stimulate the in-game economy greatly. The only complaint I have is I wish the sit & wait items would last a lot longer for RP purposes. I see how someone could be against these packs on principle, but BW has by far the best lockbox system I've seen. They're working great in actual effect imo.
  19. Someone suggested a 'vote' to change loot rules. I don't see how that couldn't work.
  20. Oh sweet, so looks like there will be some sort of baton. That would sync up with some info a dataminer recently posted. Variety is always nice! An RP character I had awhile back really could have used one of those. Good to know the option will be there in the future! On a slightly unrelated note; in the same 'data dump' in which the baton surfaced there's also code that possibly indicates varactyl mounts. I wouldn't put too much stock into their efforts, but it's something to talk (or hype unrealistically if that's your thing ) about I suppose.
  21. Awhile back they mentioned adventure type flashpoints that were presumably meant to be more puzzle-based and everything. Whatever happened to those though is anyone's guess.
  22. The fact that anyone would call this fun from a PVP-perspective speaks volumes to how bad the PVP in this game truly is. There are more competitive fights going on in General chat than the actual PVP area. I'd consider PVP to be my primary play style (right up there with RP anyways), but this has been a sorry excuse at best. It would be fun if people were actually doing small group free-for-all, but I've yet to see that across several servers. So far it has been the top 3/4 guilds joining up in middle and ganking everyone that gets close. The most fun to be had is when one side gets an op group together and camps the other side's elevator, and that's not saying much. You can't just put PVE objectives in a PVP zone and call it good.
  23. You realize we have teams of scientists around the world dedicated to tracking asteroids, right? The average person might not worry but there are those whose job it is to worry. This might not be a big deal for a casual player, but anyone that runs Operations and doesn't want to get ninja'd should speak up here.
  24. And? That money pays for regular content updates. If you aren't being forced to spend anything what's the big deal?
  25. Well you guys undoubtedly received a good number of ranked teams/ competitive players from the transfers. Personally I think it has improved a bit over on Ebon Hawk just because we no longer have the same 3 guilds grouping up and destroying everyone. Couldn't imagine playing with a PUG on Pot5 these days.
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