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Everything posted by HerrFett

  1. lol that has to be the biggest joke ever. So why do you advertise your game then with High Res textures on screenshots and videos Bioware?If i would have known that your textures would look that *********** ugly like they are now i would have skipped the game(Textures like this in a 2011 game lol ***) and waited for Guild Wars 2 which has AMAZING graphics and probably also the better gameplay.... Account is unsubscribed and stays unsubscribed.
  2. ^This. Fire these noobs or give them a job at your useless CS Bioware.The ruin the game.SWTOR is technically the worst MMO ever coded.Even Warhammer Online is better than this POS.Hell,most F2P MMO's run better than this AAA title.What a joke and Bioware should be ashamed.
  3. MMO developers seem to really love shooting themselfes in the foot.Bioware,if this is true are shooting themselfes with 105mm Howitzers. >.< I will laugh my *** off if this game fails because of such stupid decisions,really.
  4. -Warzone Lag/FPS issues -General FPS problems on planets ^Gamebreakers because you can't play the game how it's supposed to be played,smoothly.
  5. Either it's bought or the IGNorance is again strong with IGN.
  6. Wrong forum dude. And no,it's far from a masterpiece.
  7. That i can't change the size of it. What fisheye at bioware made the UI so big?
  8. Upgrading hardware for a game with a broken engine. Sense?
  9. Stop whining about whiners.You make yourself look like an idiot.
  10. QFT I thought some of the WoW gear looks really bad but this guy that designed these end game armors definetly takes it to another level. Let this guy create some low lvl armors but keep him away from End game gear!
  11. Skyrim is one of the most dirty console ports ever.It's pretty much a "ctrl c ctrl v" job.Nothing in this games vanilla version is optimised but it still runs 1000 times better than SWTOR.
  12. They spend all their cash on voice acting no one will give a crap about anymore in some months.
  13. Okay since i don't wanna start a new thread on this here are my suggestions for Graphics Options. -Waving gras on/off option -Tree Distance Slider -Particle Effects Slider -Drawing Distance Slider -Anisotropic Filtering Option -Grass Distance Slider (like in Skyrim) -Bloom shouldn't be tied to the Shadow settings,make it seperate -Show spell effects for Group/Raidgroup/warband only (helps getting better frames in mass PvP) -Show other players companions on/off option (i don't need to see every *********** companion on the fleet from the other players,just eats FPS) -World Texture Quality (Low,MiddleHigh) -A Bloom intensity slider That's about it.Since Bioware wanna make this game accessable for Players with lower end computers these graphics options NEED to come if they wanna hold the subscriptions if you ask me. A player that has a Laptop for example that is just barely over the minimum requirements will NEED those options to make the game playable on his PC. Everytime i look at the SWTOR graphics options i could sucker punch the guy who was so lazy to just give us 6-7 piss poor graphics options.
  14. Maybe 2 hours. I would play the **** out of it but oh well,they ignore the costumers with FPS problems.
  15. The other ones probably have ridiculous FPS issues. And i'am not trying to troll here,this might really be the case.
  16. They are so bought by EA/Bioware,lol. 9/10,yeah suuuuuuure,lol. The IGNorance is big.
  17. Hilarious isn't it? They have a pretty solid Beta client (performance wise) but manage to TOTALLY SCREW IT before release. Bioware is so full of fail atm.
  18. Are you hired by Bioware OP? Sounds like you are.
  19. 1/10 No,really. Voidstar and Alderaan not playable due to heavy lag. Open PvP is the biggest garbage ever in this game.
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